Star Wars VII

I think they should've dedicated the whole 3rd prequel film to Vader causing mayhem throughout the galaxy, not as the third installment of a vehicle created for him to go "noooooooo"! in the most pantomime way possible.

he did.
Jedi were far more powerful than the Sith until he came along.

I liked the pod racing...
Jedi can be many, Sith are only a master and apprentice. Nefariously one (the master) is the emperor of the universe with designs on destroying it, but still...
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I think they should've dedicated the whole 3rd prequel film to Vader causing mayhem throughout the galaxy, not as the third installment of a vehicle created for him to go "noooooooo"! in the most pantomime way possible.

I like Episode III. It is closer to the origial trilogy than it is to Episode I and II. It did a good job in showing Anakin's gradual corruption to the dark side. I thought Mace Windu's attempted execution of Palpatine was a brilliant catalyst.
Ani wears black throughout the prequels. Should have seen it coming a mile off! (Not to mention we know already Anakin turns into Vader)

Episode 3 is, above return of the jedi and the empire strikes back, my favourite star wars film. It gives the old ones meaning.
That's the only thing that saves them! Pod racers, jango fett, jar jar fucking binks, Natalie fit portman, all resolved by the creation of darth vader.

"You were the chosen one Anakin. You were supposed to bring balance to the force. "

I think you're being harsh on the scene as it's one of my favourite fights scenes too! That fight was important because it comes close to what every Star Wars fan dreams of when the sabres come out! Besides the CGI battle, the others where cut too short or not realised in their potential.

Anyway, Lucas needed to get to creation of Vader, so how else was the director supposed to achieve that??!

The battle was everything wrong with the movies.

It was a CGI piece of crap with no actual emotion behind any of the wildly unrealistic gymnastic based lightsaber crap. It was the pinnacle of style over substance. They had no idea how to make the scene feel epic in terms of the narrative so instead decided to make it look visually impressive so it would trick the less attentive into thinking they'd watched something special. It's the film version of those rubbish reality shows using crap editing and musical cues to force feed emotion during the moments that they want.

It was also a masturbatory effort for George Lucas and his over reliance and over use of cold and lifeless visual effects.

In reality the simple lightsaber battle in A New Hope between the two characters ultimately had much more going on and was a much more powerful scene than the absolutely patronizing flashy crap in Ep III.
Jedi can be many, Sith are only a master and apprentice. Nefariously one (the master) is the emperor of the universe with designs on destroying it, but still...

The Sith are only two since the Rule of Two was introduced by Darth Bane, previously to this there were many hundreds of them like the Jedi.
The Sith are only two since the Rule of Two was introduced by Darth Bane, previously to this there were many hundreds of them like the Jedi.
It's since the rule of two we're talking about. In the 6 films there has only ever been two sith. The Emporer, aka darth sidious, aka chancellor palpatine, darth vader, darth maul, count dooku, general grievous. That's it.

Ed; I haven't read the comics.
The battle was everything wrong with the movies.

It was a CGI piece of crap with no actual emotion behind any of the wildly unrealistic gymnastic based lightsaber crap. It was the pinnacle of style over substance. They had no idea how to make the scene feel epic in terms of the narrative so instead decided to make it look visually impressive so it would trick the less attentive into thinking they'd watched something special. It's the film version of those rubbish reality shows using crap editing and musical cues to force feed emotion during the moments that they want.

It was also a masturbatory effort for George Lucas and his over reliance and over use of cold and lifeless visual effects.

In reality the simple lightsaber battle in A New Hope between the two characters ultimately had much more going on and was a much more powerful scene than the absolutely patronizing flashy crap in Ep III.
Couldn't disagree with this more. Episode 3 is the making of everything that follows. Without it there is no Luke, no Leia, no Vader, no "Ben", no backstory. Maybe it's my age but Episode III will remain my favourite Star Wars film.
Couldn't disagree with this more. Episode 3 is the making of everything that follows. Without it there is no Luke, no Leia, no Vader, no "Ben", no backstory. Maybe it's my age but Episode III will remain my favourite Star Wars film.

Whilst its the best of the prequels, no way does episode III surpass episodes IV or V.

I agree there should have been more of Vader bad assing around the galaxy slaughtering Jedi in the prequels, rather than there being a 20 odd year break between the films.

The trailers to this film have been very good, really looking forward to this, more than a 41 year old probably should be.

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