Star Wars VII

Ha no, I liked the cartoons as a kid but find the modern films cringeworthy. Godfather 2 was excellent. The first Star Wars was too, not 100% Lucas was going to carry on with it. There is nothing you can suggest that'll make me change my mind on revenge of the sith. It's brilliant.

Fine, I just think your taste in movies if you prefer Revenge of the Sith to Empire Strikes Back ranks next to somebody preferring Steps over The Beatles. Your whole argument is essentially the same thing that my son seems to like. Bright colours and lots of movement is more important than any form of story, emotion or logic.
I enjoy the Star Wars films, but as an adult now I do laugh a bit at some parts. Surely can't be the only one who cringes at how terrible some of the acting and dialogue is in hindsight? Don't get me started on the fraggle rock-esque opening to Return of the Jedi too. All those shit puppets in Jabba's lair. And the ewoks (horrible, cynical characters equally as nauseating as Jar Jar, designed purely to be cute and sell stuff) and the scenes involving them attacking the imperials on Endor. Comically shit.

As I said, I find them relatively entertaining, but i dont think they've aged *that* well. I think I just hate return of the jedi.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

That last battle was not pointless! Anakin's focus was gone and his tactile thinking had gone and was replaced by brute rage!

It was a fine attempt to take Skywalker over the line to the Vader legend!

The l;ast battle was pointless because it was essentially an admission that Lucas didn't know how to get from point B to C. There's absolutely no reason at ll for it to go on for that long, no reason for the ridiculous theatrics and set pieces and nothing behind it.

The difference between the prequels and the original trilogy is that in the OT lightsaber duels weren't about lightsabers, they were a necessary part of the story which happened to manifest itself as a duel because it helped tell the tale the scene was supposed to tell. In the prequel trilogy lightsaber duels are acrobatic CGI messes that fanboys can masturbate over and have literally no bearing on the story and aren't necessary.

This is a lightsaber duel that has a meaning behind every action, the first meeting of father and son as he tests him out both in skill and in determination

This is just fucking shite because there's nothing that is necessary to be said and the fight doesn't have an ultimate point but to get Anakin into the Vader suit:

So your comment that this film is shit, was a load of rubbish as it hasnt been released yet, but you thought you'd come on to a thread, make a false statement as you cant have seen the film yet, and then insult a few people by calling them sad. That is trolling.
Hello fellow film fans, can i just ask are there spoilers of any sort above this post ?
I mean anything regarding the plot etc as i am trying to avoid it all but want to join in with the thread.
Hello fellow film fans, can i just ask are there spoilers of any sort above this post ?
I mean anything regarding the plot etc as i am trying to avoid it all but want to join in with the thread.

No spoilers
Fine, I just think your taste in movies if you prefer Revenge of the Sith to Empire Strikes Back ranks next to somebody preferring Steps over The Beatles. Your whole argument is essentially the same thing that my son seems to like. Bright colours and lots of movement is more important than any form of story, emotion or logic.
Actually I'm a big fan of the Beatles. Sang "Help!" at a talent contest when I was ten years old. Regards to revenge of the sith, it paves the way for the rest of the films. Of course there is a story. You could easily go to the original and say when Luke meets Yoda there is no story.
Actually I'm a big fan of the Beatles. Sang "Help!" at a talent contest when I was ten years old. Regards to revenge of the sith, it paves the way for the rest of the films. Of course there is a story. You could easily go to the original and say when Luke meets Yoda there is no story.

It doesn't pave the way for anything because it's a prequel. The way is already paved. The film HAD to get to that point no matter what or it would have failed as the ending of a trilogy and even Lucas in his incredible poorness isn't that poor.

You could say that between Luke and Yoda but it would be the wrongest idea in the history of wrong. You couldn't a picked a more narrative filled scene in the entire trilogy.

And I didn't say it didn't have a story, I said which you have just confirmed that you must value fancy visuals over any legitimate thread of a story.

The entire prequel trilogy was scripted like it was written by a 5 year old and is literally the worst written big budget films that I think I've ever seen.
The Phantom Menace I'll happily agree with. That was shite. Attack of the clones and revenge of the sith were both excellent. Both better than return of the jedi and empire strikes back. My opinion.

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