State Pension Increases

My income is from full state pension (Old) plus SERPS plus small private pension.
The SERPS element is reduced by £40 due to contracted out deduction (COD). I understand what COD is, but I have no idea how DWP calculate the amount. Also, as my small private pension is non-incremental, I question whether COD should increase with every basic pension increase.
The rent increase for social housing has been capped at 5%, when the guidance gave CPI +1.

The state would pay the majority. For pensions they could do the same, come up with a cap, give three figures, then go with the middle one.
No problem. At one time it was one of the best pension schemes out there, a fact reiterated by some members who had independent financial advisors look at it. Members leaving and a lot retiring early and claiming it through Ill health decimated it.

Fucking Walter, pretending to have a blue lid :)

I believe so. The thing is they make out the state pension is some kind of free handout, like they're giving us something for nothing, when the majority of us paid into it our whole working lives.
The thing is that it doesn't actually work like a normal pension because the money you paid in was immediately spent at the time. What should happen is that you should pay in national insurance contributions and they shouldn't be allowed to touch them until you retire. The problem is that we're stuck in this never ending cycle where your contributions paid for your grandparents pensions, and ours will pay for yours, which creates tension between the generations (especially when younger people are struggling, and older people have their incomes guaranteed - not that even that is much help nowadays with energy prices).

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