Stephen Ireland Unhappy With Contract Progression.

Re: Stephen Ireland Unhappy About Contract Delay?

journolud said:
The InvisiBLUE Man said:
I hope this is just more rag see you next tuesday journalism...

if not, the club better get it sorted as soon as bloody possible. to be honest, if wayne bridge was earning more than me, i'd be pretty p155ed off too!

Erm, so you earn more than Wayne Bridge ? Are you an MP ?
Ha ha.

But your point does inadvertantly show how disgusting footballers wages have become. We're all up in arms about MP's wages/expenses at the moment, but even the biggest thieving bastards amongst them are still only pocketing 1/50th of what Wayne Bridge is.
bluemoon32 said:
These sorts of problems will continue to occur whilst we don't have a proper wage structure at the club.
The players on contracts that were signed before the takeover will be mightily pissed off to see the likes of Bridge & Bellamy on huge salaries compared to them.
Players look at Robinho & don't moan so much about his salary as they know he's a big name but when average players are on silly money then you have to wonder how that will effect the players on lower wages.
I know the lower paid players are still on big money but put yourself in their shoes, how would you handle being on less money than your workmates in your place of work ? In my case i'm fine with it if they deserve it but i'd be upset if people joined the company i'm employed by & then i found out they were on double/triple my salary for doing the same job & in some cases not doing the job half as well as me.
It's very easy to go from loving a job with a specific company to hating it overnight, especially if you feel hard done by or let down.

Yes yes yes!! It was madness to give Bridge a contract worth (according to the Guardian) 93k a week, especially when you can safely say that he wouldn't have been on anywhere near that amount at Chelsea. And when you take into account how few games he managed over a four and half year period (around 100 starts) it all amounts to a very foolish piece of business. Not to mention one which will, like the reasons you have mentioned, cause any number of problems, both now and further down the track.
Dubai Blue said:
1894 said:
Ireland is spot-on in saying "10th in the league is a failure". Why can't everyone else see that ?
I can.

Yep, i think its good he feels this way, hope others do instead of the "blessing in disguise not to qaulify for europe" crap. Nice to have honesty from him
Re: Stephen Ireland Unhappy About Contract Delay?

bugsyblue said:
The worrying thing is that this is in the guardian, one of the few papers I take seriously and I very much doubt they'd misquote a player? Hopefully I'm wrong.
They do. Daily.

The Guardian's football coverage is uttershite. That's why they put it in a separate section, so you can chuck it away more easily.
All I can say is the press must be way off with, what we have offered him. I presume, it will have realistically been around 60 a week like Elano and Petrov. if we offered him 80 or 90 I think he would snap our hand off. Not many clubs can offer him that at the moment.

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