You can’t challenge racism on ideological grounds. It’s elusive and it knows the usual tricks. The system we put in place to take care of such behaviour isn’t just incapable of dealing with it either - it both indirectly and directly plays a role in how it thrives.I hate racism. I also hate a society which does not allow people to express their views even if it is hateful. I think the ideal way of us dealing with racism and views like it are for people to challenge this ideology instead of running to the Police and papers every time it happens. Ultimately it is the authorities who send people to war and much of modern racism in Britain is now centred on Islamophobia which was generated by the wars in the Middle East. We are getting into a very authoritarian society where everyone wants to censor everything. That is no way to gain freedom. What happens is that gradually the centre ground shifts and alien views of any description are outlawed.
People think that racism has disappeared from football. It hasn't. Just racists keep quiet most of the time. Would I rather they voice their opinion next to me, no? But driving it underground is no answer either.
Great to see Raheem having the confidence to express his views. He will get a lot of support.
This idea that you can simply debate racism away by being reasonable and intelligent has been exposed as liberal folly. We tried debating Donald Trump, Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage but they all rose to prominence. Two of them command huge sway in the British media and the other rules the Western world. The system is ill-equipped to deal with such types. The only viable alternative is to starve them of airtime by any means necessary.