Stoke V City Post Match Discussion Thread [Merged]

Re: Stoke V City Post Match Discussion Thread

Blue Haze said:
1) Thank fuck we got a draw
2) I'm done with Dzonkey, that game was important and he did fuck all. Out.
3) Where is the fucking passion for the first 45 minutes? We're in a title race
the same can be said about Balo - but I did not see balo chase back and get the ball back like Dzecko did - I did not see Balo win a headed ball.
I am not saying he had a good game but ffs what service did he get??
mansour's tow ropes said:
Sky Blue said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
are our players lazy?

I'm starting to think they are. no desire to win this game. no chasing the ball, working hard.

how often do we see city players looking out of breath and physically fucked??? very rarely. i want to see the players hurting at times like these. i want to see blood sweat and tears while they are wearing the blue of manchester city.

Stop over-reacting you clown.....You obviously didn't see the Toure brothers after the game being interviewed...
thats only cos big kolo got his diet pills confiscated!

I'll be laughing all night now....
Though until the goal Yaya was anonymous. Doesnt do enough for me when playing deep especially when we have less possession away from home.
Chuckie007 said:
Cheesy said:
Chuckie007 said:
Your main problem is Mancini believe it or not, not players, he managed somehow to screw every player form with his rotations. I think you should get rid of him in first place.

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Blue126 said:
Dzeko I feel for him, our league is really built for him in all honesty..but for some reason his confidence has been shattered..and I think its because of Balotelli,
who really has done sod all..just a big time Charlie!

Balottelli I am sorry has to go...he is are week link for sure!!

Go back to Redcafe you punk.
could you imagine 2 months ago that Silva would be replaced when trailing in consecutive matches?

Easily the most worrying about any of our performers as Dzeko, AJ, Balo etc are easily replaceable.
Re: Stoke V City Post Match Discussion Thread

dobobobo said:
quiet_riot said:
dobobobo said:
Had nothing to do with luck, he took his chance and it payed off.

Holy contradictions Batman.

I'll say it again, it had fuck all to do with luck. His header to the other Stoke player and back again was luck. But to tap it and then turn those long stork legs with your back to goal from x amount of yards out, took skill and a little bit of help from no fucker marking him.

You ommitted to mention he conveniently pushed Barry who was marking him. A trick he no doubt picked up by watching Louiz on Wednesday night.
Jumanji said:
Silvex said:
FFS Macini! What's wrong with your line up!?
Clichy while Dzeko is starting? Silva with injury instead of Milner?
Balo and Dzeko doesn't work, should've made Dzeko lone striker.
Kolorav and Pizzaro should've started.
Against teams that park the bus, Pizzaro to through the ball to Kolorav
Kolorav to cross that shit in
Dkezo to head the thing home.

--Pablo--K Toure--Richards--Kolorav
Like he did when he fucked up the best chance of the game?

I agree with Jumanji. Keep playing the same lethargic shit through the middle. Give the opposition 5 minutes to gather the team in the box, that is the average time it takes for us to the the ball into the opposition 3rd is it not?
Its exactly what we thought would happen. It happens to us year after year at the Brittania what did we expect, play them off the park and win 4 or 5 nil. You think we would have learnt how to play them by now, some things never change.

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