Stupid little things that bug you

Self service screens at burger king. A few days away so for a quick dinner we order a whopper meal. Going fine order whopper meal, than asks 'do you want lettuce, tomatoes etc' I thought that as I had ordered a whopper these were extras so I just ordered a plain whopper.

When I get it its just a dry burger in a bun. No lettuce, tomatoes etc.

I go back to the desk and complain they say I ordered a plain whopper. Yes i ordered a whopper without any extras this is just a burger not a whopper.
No when you click plain that's just a burger. No I clicked a plain whopper without what I thought were extras, so now when I press whopper, it isn't a whopper until I say I want all the filling that goes into a whopper even though I ordered a whopper !

I guess if you ordered a cheese burger you have to click to say you want cheese on your cheese burger.

You have to click what you want in your whopper I thought you only clicked it if you didn't want a normal whopper
I've heard some stories but...
That's just a massive whopper..
Went into Morrisons yesterday and there were a whole bunch of people playing ukeleles in the lobby like demented George Formby impersonators.

A crime against humanity. I could not quite take it in, but it got right on my tits.
You should've told them to pluck off.
The noise coming from an event of sorts on the seafront , speakers blaring out with music and someone shouting , the kids will be having fun but i want it to fucking stop now ! One of the reasons i hate summer
Also in the summer, people playing loud music in their back gardens. I don’t want to listen to their s**t music. Turn it right down or wear headphones, you selfish people.

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