Stupid little things that bug you

The Olympics is here again, and while I love all the sport, I absolutely fucking hate hearing about "Team G.B."
We hear about the Americans, Australians, France, China, etc, etc but the media fucking love talking about Team G fucking B!!!
Fuck off!
I've been saying this, since this bollocks started around the time of London 2012. It's almost like the media wankers are scared of calling us Great Britain, as it's upsetting for some
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Selling something on Ebay where the listing says 2-3 days estimated delivery slot. The customer buys on Saturday night then complains they haven't received the item Tuesday night. Obviously no courier service on Sundays
I'm convinced that my new postman has got an issue with me. Lived in this flat for 15 years and never had an issue with next day delivery before, not once. He started last month and BOOM! Four weeks ago I get a "You weren't in" message (when I was in all day and he doesn't even need me to be in, he can just put it in the letter boxes downstairs) Then again today I get another "You weren't in" message.

No problems in 15 years and then twice in just under a month smells fishy to me. Can't confront the cvnt either or else he'll probably start doing more childish shit with my mail.

To reiterate my first post, CVNTS!
Athletics pundits
I've just watched 3 of them, feeling sorry for a former world champion who finished 4th in her heat, will have to go into a repechage heat tomorrow morning at 9am, when her body will still be suffering from acid levels.
Why didn't they say she should've run faster, so should've qualified automatically
I live in a fairly rural area and at this time of year I see plenty of farm vehicles on the road travelling from field to field, they are working, so I am prepared to be patient when stuck in a queue.
However, the Highway Code does state that when a long queue builds up the vehicle should pull over when safe to do so.
I followed a tractor for around 6 miles up quite a steep hill, double white lines all the way up. There were probably 7 or 8 cars in front of me and even more behind. The tractor drive made no attempt to pull over despite there being several opportunities to do so, including a short parking lay-by.
I just got back from what should have been a 3hr 20 min drive only to be stuck behind some complete fucking idiot on a tractor doing about 15km in an 80 zone.
Cars backed up as far as the eye could see and this old **** wouldn't pull over.
Just got in. Four fucking hours later.
I'm convinced that my new postman has got an issue with me. Lived in this flat for 15 years and never had an issue with next day delivery before, not once. He started last month and BOOM! Four weeks ago I get a "You weren't in" message (when I was in all day and he doesn't even need me to be in, he can just put it in the letter boxes downstairs) Then again today I get another "You weren't in" message.

No problems in 15 years and then twice in just under a month smells fishy to me. Can't confront the cvnt either or else he'll probably start doing more childish shit with my mail.

To reiterate my first post, CVNTS!
I like my postie. Blonde, 25, shorts, nice legs. She doesn’t deliver anything but who cares?
I like my postie. Blonde, 25, shorts, nice legs. She doesn’t deliver anything but who cares?
Sounds like the one I used to have, always wearing shorts no matter what the weather and looked like a Swedish athlete/model, now I've got one who looks like a 5'4" Kobie Mainoo.

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