Stupid little things that bug you

Thankyou Stephen. I asked the question as a FOC who has asked about someone's heritage before because I am interested but in this day and age I worry about offending people more and more.
It's best not to say anything to anyone, ever.
Me too, especially when they then go to turn right Immediately after and hold every other fucker up .

It’s always Nissan Micra’s with me, I never ever let them in in front of me, my girlfriend thought I was weird as fuck when she went to let one in and I shouted ‘NOOOOOOOOO’ !
Yes I also hate Micra's, also pretty much every Honda - especially the Jazz FFS, but also Hyundai Ioniq's just as bad as Prius - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I very recently discovered that my headlight (dipped) angle is, shall we say, antisocial. I have been wondering why I got the odd person gesticulating at me (I don't drive much at night) and slowly worked out that I have been a massive wanker as it looks as though I am on high beam.

Thankfully I have sorted it now but I only realised after dark going to Cornwall so I had to drive for about four hours in the dark and really pissing everyone off.

This is my apology to the world.
Accepted! :)
I know it’s very “little Englander” like, but it bugs the shit out of me too, the list of stories are endless but the other week, I had to put a cone and my bin out to stop people parking so my girlfriend could park outside my house and bring her luggage in, she phoned me to say she’s round the corner so I can move them, which I do, walk back in the house, look out of the window, and next doors son just pulls up and parks there, wouldn’t mind but they have space for two outside their house, one of which was free !
I presume she took the free spot then.

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