Stupid little things that bug you

Christmas fucking music. Yes I know it's December but we get the same shite year after year. Either get some new Christmas jingles or just play stuff released in December.
Cliffucking Richards - shite.
I'm Dreaming of a Blue Wembley but with the wrong words - shite
I saw mommy (it's mummy not mommy) kissing Santa Claus - shite, it wasn't Santa Claus it was the window cleaner in a red dressing gown.
And others too numerous to mention.
1. Cyclists who run red lights then moan when they are run over.
2. People who drive the wrong way in a car park despite huge arrows / signs telling them which is the correct way. They then tell you to fuck off when you point out their error to them.
3. People who ignore signs such as no right turn then proceed to do so and block the road up
4. Clickbait journalists
5. Nagga fucking Manchetty
6. Tradespeople who tell you they will be with you first thing then turn up at 11.00 without any explanation
7. People who you know that spend all day with their phones glued to their ears but take two days to respond to your text by which time it's too late
8. The dustbin men who leave your bin half way down the road but will leave it unemptied if the lid is 1mm open
9. Half and half scarves
10. Dippers, rags, dirty lids fans, Millwall plus a few more
11. The criminal justice system that seems to support the criminals more than the victims
People who press the button at a pedestrian crossing when there's nothing coming and immediately walk straight across the road. Then when they're half way down the opposite pavement the lights change and drivers have to stop when there's nobody waiting to cross.
I actually do this on purpose in my hometown to slow the traffic down. Town centres should be designed around pedestrians, not lazy fuckers making pointless short car journeys.

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