Stupid little things that bug you

Neighbours who have 2 vans and refuse to use their driveway; instead they park one in front of your house and one in front of theirs so when you pull out of your driveway you can’t see a bastard thing! And then when you try to resolve the problem peacefully they just say “well I pay my road tax so I will park where I like”.
Absolute c**ts both of them!
Neighbours who have 2 vans and refuse to use their driveway; instead they park one in front of your house and one in front of theirs so when you pull out of your driveway you can’t see a bastard thing! And then when you try to resolve the problem peacefully they just say “well I pay my road tax so I will park where I like”.
Absolute c**ts both of them!
Let his tyres down, quietly and at 11pm. 3 times in a week he might get the message.
Distance measurement is a bit of a weird thing in the UK. Sports measurements are all metric (5k runs, 25m swimming pools etc), but road signs and railway mileposts are imperial.
I learnt metric measurements in school, as have all school kids since, so why are imperial distance measurements still the norm?
People, snow & cocks all imperial measurements!
Neighbours who have 2 vans and refuse to use their driveway; instead they park one in front of your house and one in front of theirs so when you pull out of your driveway you can’t see a bastard thing! And then when you try to resolve the problem peacefully they just say “well I pay my road tax so I will park where I like”.
Absolute c**ts both of them!
Unfortunately its true, they can park anywhere, still annoying as fuck though.
I use to have a neighbour do that in front of our house, my drive could take five cars and I did shift work at the time and my wife was at home looking after the kids. As soon as I came home from work I`d park the car in front of my house and told the wife any time she could to park her car there. After a month I managed to completely stop him from doing it. then we lived happily ever after.
and I could park both our cars on our drive 8-)

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