Stupid little things that bug you

New door hardware, ffs stop trying to reinvent the wheel. The electrician broke the key off in the lock because he’s an idiot, I told him to call the locksmith and just make up a new key. I get here and the locksmith has the whole unit torn apart, I’m losing my shit very rapidly here
Talk about doing things the hardest way possible!!!
People telling you how they are when you ask them how they are.

Just been given the full medical history of some weirdo in the lift at work after making the fatal error of politely saying… Morning, you alright?
People telling you how they are when you ask them how they are.

Just been given the full medical history of some weirdo in the lift at work after making the fatal error of politely saying… Morning, you alright?
I get that for some reason...the other day ' Interesting Dan ' stopped me for a chat, I knew I shouldn't as I got, without asking, his full medical history. I ended up driving off leaving him talking to the now quickly dissappearing back doors of my van.
I get that for some reason...the other day ' Interesting Dan ' stopped me for a chat, I knew I shouldn't as I got, without asking, his full medical history. I ended up driving off leaving him talking to the now quickly dissappearing back doors of my van.

People at work asking you how your time away was, when it's just done to laugh at you and then talk the same about you to their partner's backs when they get home.
groups of young blokes, yeah i know at 43 im an foc but why are they so angry, just watched a group of em at work angrily agree with each for about 30 mins
FFS give you a second chance not to be gay, I know love is supposed to be unconditional but I wouldn't be as kind as you mate.

FWIW most people don't have views like that, hope you find some peace of mind in the shit situation you find yourself in through no fault of your own.
Yep, all my friends were so supportive as well. My parents even said I ruined Christmas for them, it was only them with the chips on their shoulders.

Like with my partner's parents they too were refusing to cut the apron strings. It would still be the same if I never broke contact, or in this case disowned me although I would have broken it soon later if they didn't get in there first by disowning.
Maybe a major thing, but my partner's parents just don't know how to cut the strings. They still keep telling him to come to them first before he does anything and he's 43.

He recently got a credit card out so we can spread our fuel charges out over six months for a tour of the country we are going on in April, visiting 15 different settlements, only to get nothing but shit from his parents who live a minute walk down the road from him (we live together) to get rid of it, and then told how he stresses his parents out. Instead his parents are going to lend the money and won't stop going on at him, saying how he likes to "rebel" against them.

He's a grown man, he should be allowed to make his own decisions and stand by his mistakes, not have his parents always dictating to him what is right or wrong, while needing their approval for every choice he makes. They also blame me thinking I am a bad influence on him and they don't like me, when it was his idea to get the card. I personally thought it was a good idea. He told them TEN times it's not a joint account and still they won't listen.

They also tell him what clothes he should not be wearing and his father was a terrible passenger in his car with him, always giving criticism deflating his confidence. They both also seem to think that they deserve respect just because they are related to him, when it goes much more deeper than that, it's earned, not served automatically like an inherited Nobel title. His parents overreacted big time to the credit card, giving themselves stress when they said it's him doing it and just now, his father texted him going on about it again, while watching the game.

My parents were the same, when I moved out at the age of 30, they would not stop phoning me, then when I came out gay in late 2022, that was it...... I haven't heard from them since and they blocked my phone number.

Just what is it with parents who cannot move on from the "I don't want you doing that!" stage of parenting?!.
My partner has now cancelled the card and refused the money his apron string loving parents were going to lend him. His uncle is going to lend the money interest free, he's always seen his uncle and aunt as people closer to him than his own parents, ever since the refusal to let go and not move onto the next stage of parenting started (when he moved out).

His parents even asked to see evidence it was cancelled and even asked the guy on the phone at Capital One to send an email to confirm it, so he could forward it to them........

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