Talksport now (continued)

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chris85mcfc said:
Pigeonho said:
chris85mcfc said:
Yea he came across well mate, unlike all the other ex rags he seems to have a bit of class about him when talking about football.

Don't know if you noticed his reaction when asked for a score for tonight, he can of 'huffed' as if to say 'id be surprised if united get anything'

To be fair to him i think he had to edge on their side regarding the result but i don't believe for a minute that he thinks it will happen
Over on Sky News this AM, old Holmes was a bit more scathing. He said there is little chance of a win whilst Moyes is in charge, that City are clear favourites and that he won't be watching it! lol.

Tbf Pige he knows f*ck all about football hes just like piers morgan with arsenal

Absolute no nowt that runs his mouth when everything is rosy but spits his dummy out like a fat little kid when their struggling
To be honest that could be a fair few on here and most likely every forum throughout the land.
He's been like this all season too, old fat boy. Really down in the dumps about Moyes.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
FantasyIreland said:
Other than his prediction......Phelan,as he always does,presented himself very well.For a Rag,i like him.
Best player on the park in the 5-1. England class.

Close 2nd to Russell Beardsmore.....

Dim Cock is a right **** by the way.
Pigeonho said:
bluethrunthru said:
Nearly choked on my toast when Brazil said he was a Celtic fan and not a Rag !!!!!!!!!!!
You do know though that he is a Celtic fan, don't you? He may have an affection for United or whatever you want to call it, but it's pretty clear based on what he has said time and time again that he is a Celtic fan the same way you and I are City fans.

I think you're missing the point Pige. Brazil is one of those media scrotes, like Gough and Cork, who support more than one team. If the rags were playing Celtic he'd support Celtic. If the rags were playing Ipswich he'd support Ipswich. But if the rags were playing any other team he'd support the rags. Ergo he's a rag.
laserblue said:
Pigeonho said:
bluethrunthru said:
Nearly choked on my toast when Brazil said he was a Celtic fan and not a Rag !!!!!!!!!!!
You do know though that he is a Celtic fan, don't you? He may have an affection for United or whatever you want to call it, but it's pretty clear based on what he has said time and time again that he is a Celtic fan the same way you and I are City fans.

I think you're missing the point Pige. Brazil is one of those media scrotes, like Gough and Cork, who support more than one team. If the rags were playing Celtic he'd support Celtic. If the rags were playing Ipswich he'd support Ipswich. But if the rags were playing any other team he'd support the rags. Ergo he's a rag.
Brazil just said summat,dint quite catch what he said.... Cork said "Do you honestly think,city are going to win"?......OFF.
Pigeonho said:
chris85mcfc said:
Pigeonho said:
Over on Sky News this AM, old Holmes was a bit more scathing. He said there is little chance of a win whilst Moyes is in charge, that City are clear favourites and that he won't be watching it! lol.

Tbf Pige he knows f*ck all about football hes just like piers morgan with arsenal

Absolute no nowt that runs his mouth when everything is rosy but spits his dummy out like a fat little kid when their struggling
To be honest that could be a fair few on here and most likely every forum throughout the land.
He's been like this all season too, old fat boy. Really down in the dumps about Moyes.

Haha yea your right, Holmes is a fan boy. You can imagine him posting on ragcafe in the Moyes threads.

Wonder if hes a barm or a muffin? Both the fat tw*t
strongbowholic said:
FantasyIreland said:
Other than his prediction......Phelan,as he always does,presented himself very well.For a Rag,i like him.
I don't like Phelan at all - he's one of their lot after all :)) however he did come across very well.

Cork's been embarrassing with his continual chiming of "come on u*****"

Think it is time he went the same way as RIIAC. Let's get him Blues.
He def went ott today mate utd this and utd that,it was even worse than anything Irani did & he never hid the fact he was rag
All came out this morning regarding who corks team is.
chris85mcfc said:
Pigeonho said:
chris85mcfc said:
Tbf Pige he knows f*ck all about football hes just like piers morgan with arsenal

Absolute no nowt that runs his mouth when everything is rosy but spits his dummy out like a fat little kid when their struggling
To be honest that could be a fair few on here and most likely every forum throughout the land.
He's been like this all season too, old fat boy. Really down in the dumps about Moyes.

Haha yea your right, Holmes is a fan boy. You can imagine him posting on ragcafe in the Moyes threads.

Wonder if hes a barm or a muffin? Both the fat tw*t
He's an entire fucking bakery that ****!
wattle said:
Believe me cork is a rag. I know him (know not like!) quite well from my junior Staffordshire cricket days. Used to play with him at under 19 level and he was ALWAYS a rag. So I don't know where all this 'im a stokie' has come from. Stoke fans in the team used to slaughter him for being a glory hunter. Even used to make him cry. Despite being the best player, he was hugely unpopular and was an annoying little shit to be honest. I obviously didn't get on with him being a blue, and he used to try and take the piss out of me because city were shit. He even ran me out on purpose once and said afterwards 'know your place city boy'. Nasty little twat in those days. Mellowed a bit nowerdays but I must admit I try to avoid him if I ever see him. Makes me cringe! So there you go. 100‰ rag, but probably only when they're winning.

Yep, it's common knowledge in the cricketing world that he's a twat and has always been unpopular with the other players.
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