Terrible attendance tonight.....

de niro said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
yeah, but he's scotty so he'll be here tomorrow regardless.

well if thats the last of his rants then you are possibly right.
the lad is skint as so i think we can cut him some slack dont you?

yes I do, and I would feel a bit more sympathy if he had not called me (amongst other things) a ****, a prick, a turd, a twat and from memory something to do with arses - these kind of words do not generally bring out my generous side
Before I even opened the thread I started to wonder why the high and mighty come on bluemoon after a match and preach to the non-attenders.

You're not going to change much by coming on and expressing your disgust mate. If people choose not to attend a weeknight, televised, FA cup replay against leicester then so be it. I am one of the guilty party and didn't go because the expense outweighed the benefit of going.

Sorry but the truth isn't nice sometimes.
C1TY4LIFE said:
moomba said:
7 years ago we played Leicester in the cup.

Attendance 30,617.

Jesus and that was before clubs gave 1/4 of the stadium to the oppose fans so looking at what? 26/27,000 City fans and we had no chance of even looking likely to win it. fast forward 7 years later a team miles better and were going backwards in support.

The rule where you have to give 15% (or whatever it is) to away teams in the FA Cup has been around for ages hasn't it? You also have to take into account that the FA Cup seems to be perceived as less important to many people (and clubs) with every passing year. It is bound to be more difficult to persuade supporters to be bothered when frankly there are quite a few club managers who don't seem to give a shit about it.
blueinsa said:
Scottyboi said:
Apologise for what? having my loyalty questioned? And I'm far from a celebrity poster believe me. Be warned more times than Hitler when Chamberlain let him run riot.

If i have to point out what it is you should apologise for then im wasting my time.

Think about it fella.

tbh he does not need to apologise to me, I give it out enough so I have to be able to take it, and do - don't agree with him but he has a right to say it
jrb said:
squirtyflower said:
i'd agree with that
and because they have our records for the last seven years it would be incredibly easy to administer
the seasoncard holders near me never go to cup games so why should they have first priority over those that always go to cup games

I'm sure if City introduced this next season, cup attendances would leap by at least a 3rd, if not more.

I was saying this on the bus on the way home. Were you sat infront of me???? But then I got thinking that it wouldn't work. If we got average cup attendances of 40k then we only got 25k tickets for FA Cup Final how would it work? It wouldn't!

You'd have to have tickets for finals going to those who have attended all home cup ties AND then apportion it to loyalty points.

Next dibs on tickets goes to those who have attended all but one home cup ties AND have the most loyalty points and so on....
Ok, seeing as nobody has had a go at me or my suggestion, it's on it's way to Danny Wilson and the board. Let's see if City shake up the old and tired loyalty points scheme.

I went and couldn't care less who else did.

It is no-one else's business whether someone decides that they can afford to go or not.

Football shits on people all year round and anyone giving anyone any grief for not paying out for a match needs to get a grip.

(Yeah, yeah, I know, £15 is not much. But £15 on top of hundreds and hundreds that they expect you to pay each year is)

Save your ire for the ****s who set the prices at cynical levels and the ****s who we are told buy season tickets and only go to the big games, thus justifying the silly prices that we are all charged.

Not the long serving blues who decide that they can't afford to shell out yet more cash on a football match.
jrb said:
I'm sure if City introduced this next season, cup attendances would leap by at least a 3rd, if not more.

I was saying this on the bus on the way home. Were you sat infront of me???? But then I got thinking that it wouldn't work. If we got average cup attendances of 40k then we only got 25k tickets for FA Cup Final how would it work? It wouldn't!

You'd have to have tickets for finals going to those who have attended all home cup ties AND then apportion it to loyalty points.

Next dibs on tickets goes to those who have attended all but one home cup ties AND have the most loyalty points and so on....
about 22000 city fans there tonight, so even if they continued going to all the games there would still be three thousand left over

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