Terrible attendance tonight.....

Wasn't the OP on here the other day saying how he hadn't been to an away game in years and was really looking forward to Birmingham away.

By his logic surely this makes him a piss poor fan and a part timer?

Actually no it doesn't people can go to whatever games they like. Where's the need to the bigger blue cock-measuring contest?
kiko said:
I think it was a good turnout last night...after all 21,000 thousand for a club who hasn't won anything in 3 decades...not bad

call me a WUM or RAG but I don't care.....biggest chequebook...maybe?


come on big time MODS post this forum or are you too ashmed to see the truth?

There you go sugarwray, now f**king do one. Your one and only post as kiko now get back to lessons.
To be fair as I've said before no harm was intended by this I just think because of the atmosphere against Wolves I was half hearted expecting last night to be pretty good, I think cause of the piss poor atmosphere (on our half) it kind of got to me a bit I know its no-ones fault but I guess I just can't expect every fan to entertain me with a good atmosphere. I shouldn't really post on Bluemoon when pissed off with something.

Fuck it I say can't be arsed with the arguing anymore......... CITY IS OUR NAME, CITY IS OUR NAME, 21 THOUSAND FANS AT HOME, CITY IS OUR NAME!!!

As for the rag hiding under different names fuck of bitter twat and go cry on ya own shite forum about how the Glazers pull ya pants down and dry fuck your arse by making you pay for cup games you probably don't wanna go to either.

Tick Tock Rag
kiko said:
I think it was a good turnout last night...after all 21,000 thousand for a club who hasn't won anything in 3 decades...not bad

call me a WUM or RAG but I don't care.....biggest chequebook...maybe?


come on big time MODS post this forum or are you too ashmed to see the truth?

Sad twat
kiko said:
I think it was a good turnout last night...after all 21,000 thousand for a club who hasn't won anything in 3 decades...not bad

call me a WUM or RAG but I don't care.....biggest chequebook...maybe?


come on big time MODS post this forum or are you too ashmed to see the truth?

21,000 thousand? That's a decent turn out for a Tuesday night against lower league opposition.

You should listen more to your teachers, thick shit.
I'm a life long City fan but I live in Stafford, I have no money and yesterday my dog had an upset stomach. I'm also a bit frightened of the dark.

Blah, blah f*cking blah.

True fans don't miss games. Its a simple as that.
Dr Mick said:
I'm a life long City fan but I live in Stafford, I have no money and yesterday my dog had an upset stomach. I'm also a bit frightened of the dark.

Blah, blah f*cking blah.

True fans don't miss games. Its a simple as that.
True fans aren't cunts to other fans though.
To be honest I was supprised when they said 27k as it looked fairly decent turn out over in the CB L1 and 2, ok the L3 was maybe 1000 if you were lucky, I was in 210 and there seemed to be be a good crowd on the lower level.
There has been a lot of games recently, selling out all the away games as well to give a good backing on the roads, school night etc, I came over from Yorkshire but to be honest some just can't afford 2/3 games a week.
All I say is if you can afford it, go if you can't, it dosn't make you any worse a fan in my eyes.
Joycee Banercheck said:
Dr Mick said:
I'm a life long City fan but I live in Stafford, I have no money and yesterday my dog had an upset stomach. I'm also a bit frightened of the dark.

Blah, blah f*cking blah.

True fans don't miss games. Its a simple as that.
True fans aren't cunts to other fans though.

Correction True fans aren't c*nts to other TRUE fans. True fans however don't generally have a lot of time for the part timers - especially those who will be clogging up these pages over the next week whinging coz they can't get a ticket for the swamp.

You need to understand how the loyalty point system works you bunch of numpties and then get off your lazy arses and attend some games (like FA cup third round replays) once in a while.
piss poor 21,000 (6000)( leicester )for a cup tie,guess money can't buy support,if this was united there'd be treble that amount and even then they would think that a poor crowd.!!!!!!!! so much for manchester being blue?

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