Tevez to retire

All these stories always come out on internation breaks. Same with all this Robbie shit. I just hope it's bollocks in both instances.
He's not actually gonna retire though is he? He's not very bright our Carlos. Stupid things to say but he's still a quality player
Tevez is a quality player and for some people to say that united fans were not bothered whether he stayed or not is crap. anyone remember the home made "please stay" signs at o.t, and "fergie, fergie sign him up" chants?
he's not hit his stride yet for us agreed, but it will come. when he first went to west ham he was garbage for the first month or two and was on the bench, then look what happened. for tevez to be classed in the same breath as dickov makes me laugh.
Wouldn't bother me in the slightest if he walked away from the game.....he won't though.
The Fixer said:
You have to ask the question how happy is he here? not seen him crack a smile yet, did he really wanna come? how much of this move was down to Kia Joorabchian? I think he's feeling a bit sorry for himself perhaps regretting moving to us feck knows but hope he don't retire.

Why in the name of God should he be unhappy with City. We gave him the opportunity to play 1st team football at the highest level - exactly what he wanted! He is on a massive salary, happy with Manchester. I'm not sure what the reference is to 'too much football'

If he really is serious about the alleged remarks then I am dumbstruck. He's only played 9 matches for us so far FFS. Am I in the middle of a nightmare dream?

Check your sheds, check your sheds, I think I've lost my mind!
Surely we should be looking to support and encourage the player, helping him through a difficult period in his professional career.

Its clearly not much fun playing for the Argentine national team at the moment, with that fat coked-up waster 'managing' a group of extremely talented, patriotic players into a total shambles who only just scraped into next year's World Cup (amazing considering the talent available to them - Messi, Aguero, Tevez, Higuain, Cambiasso, Mascherano, Milito, Lopez to name but a few), coupled with the fans getting on their back due to the mess of a team they have become. Carols is a patriotic bloke who clearly finds this very hard, and is operating way short on confidence at the moment.

One thing's for sure, if us City fans get on his back as only we can, screaming abuse at him every time he touches the ball and generally sapping what little confidence he has left, we as a Club and the game in general will likely lose a very good player unnecessarily. If, however, we can find it in ourselves to actually recognise his difficulties and encourage him through them, we'll have a fantastic little player on our hands who will feel a bond to the Club and the City fans for supporting him through the tough times.

Just an idea
DTeacher said:
Guys, Guys, calm down FFS!

Before you continue with the character assassination, consider the following for a moment:

Tevez wears his heart on his sleeve - he is a bit down currently ?

WTF??? Perhaps he should lose some pissing weight and get his head down.
Let's play him like fergie did, tired of playing regular footy so use him as a last twenty min sub. I thought it was only Brazilians who were do touchy and tempermental

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