Tevez to retire

how much of this move was down to Kia Joorabchian?

Conspiracy theorist's are getting involved now. WELCOME TO MANCHESTER MUCKER.

He came because cough cough he was caugh caugh interested in the cough cough project. cough cough
Regardless of whether this article is true or not he is probably my most hated City player ever(and I don't hate many btw).He only came to City as a last resort because nobody else was willing to pay the stupid money we have ended up paying for him.He was desperate to sign for the rags ahead of us and anyone who denies that is only kidding themselves.How did he ever get hmself into the whole Kia situation and end up at West ham in the first palce?At a guess I would say because he was happy to just chase the money.All that bollocks of saying sorry to West Ham fans when he scored against them was pass the sick bucket stuff.I'm not saying he has to celebrate or rub their noses in it but the way he carried on you would think he was Bobby Moore not someone who'd been on loan a few months.The love in he had with the utd fans as he tried to get his move to utd was also cringeworthy.Then after finally signing for us he was still saying he had this bond with rag fans that could never be broken.Er get a grip you thick twat you've just signed for City,you've just broke it.

If I actually rated him as a player being the fickle football fan that most of us are,although some more than others,I could probably forgive most of the above.The fact I think he is very average and he seemingly has a devine right to start currently to the detriment of the team makes him even more annoying.If we wree shit like we used to be and didn't have topclass players either playing out of position or sat on the bench to accommodate Dickov the 2nd I wouldn't wish a bad injury on him either.
City did take a chance on this purchase. Ever since Teves arrived on our shores,Media Sports Investments (M.S.I.) an international fund of investors and registered as a company in London,have been behind every move this player and others they own. It makes one wonder how a playe rcan really give loyal commitment, when basically they are being hired.
The Article States in one particular section.
“We were criticised a lot, sometimes rightly so, but to have people say we didn't play well because of the money or we don't love the (Argentina) shirt, don't sing the national anthem, there’s a lot of ill will”
I would paraphrase.
“I have been criticised a lot, rightly so, but to have people say I didn’t play well because of the money or I don’t love the City shirt ,and don’t hear or rate Blue Moon. There’s a lot of ill will.
Tongue in cheek of course, but I sincerely hope Teves, pays his dues to City fans. I am sure we will all be watching closely, now he has let these negative feelings out of the bag. Cant help feeling though, this may be another media Anti- nouveau-riche City dig .Its up to Teves to convince us, he’s with us, in the next few games, IMO.
Who's arsed!!
The publicity of the poster itself has payed for him.
Will he be missed ?
Wiil he make a future legends thread or a pub quiz question ?
Didsbury Dave said:
If he does at least we'll stop picking him and ruining the team shape

Yeah would do for me.I mean we might look a bit daft but he'd look dafter,and money wise I think we would just about survive! I actually wish it was true and he'd go through with it.Unfortunately though I think he's just an insecure little media whore.
I'm quite sure this article is bull but if he wants to retire fair enough give us our 30mill back. Seriously though if he wants to retire he should have to repay alot of his transfer fee. I can't believe football players moan about their damn job. Run around a football pitch every weekend and kick a ball oh the pain, oh the humanity. It must be tough to get paid 100k plus a week to do something that alot of fans would do for 100 times less if they could.
Ireland is a player that loves City and loves football maybe Tevez should look at how stevie acts and take note.
Im quite sure this article either is a load of crap or is him announcing he wants to reitre just from international though.

Also he's been shite so far and is fast turning into the white version of benjani.
A red bus was found on Mars with lord Lucan driving it and Shergar sat in the back.

Tevez, good player low on confidence, isn't going to be retireing anytime soon. lol

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