Tevez to return (Merged)

hgblue said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Interesting that at Liverpool we've seen a manager mis-handle a delicate situation and get told to put it right by his club's owners and we've all applauded the owners for doing the right thing.

Yet at Manchester City the same thing happens and people call it a sign of weakness.
I'm guessing those that see it as a weakness don't hold the view that he has mis-handled the situation. Moreover I know a number of dippers that are outragued at their ownership for getting involved in what went on at the weekend.

Mancini has either handled the situation well and having Tevez back now is a sign of weakness on his behalf, or he has handled the situation badly and has been put in his place by the club's owners. One or the other, not both.
It is not one or the other at all.

Since when are they the only options?

What about Mancini handled it well, so well that Tevez is having to come back and apologise having failed to hold the club over a barrell. Mancini has won whichever way you look at it.
Bit mixed about this. If he comes back, behaves and scores well then fair kop, however the initial signs are he won't, (behave).
I just remember the Asprilla effect on Newcastle's title challenge. Yes I know Tevez is already our player, but the squad and first team in particular are settled and driven. Tevez could ruin that or he could indeed score 6 to help us win it. As I say, i'm a bit mixed on it.
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
Jumanji said:
Yep, but it doesn't matter. He's returning and will play for us again.
You can keep saying it but it doesn't make it true.
The situation has always been the same with Mancini: Carlos apologises, and he's welcome.

Tevez and Kia both said yesterday that he will be apologising. Thus, he will return to the squad.

Now if he decides today or whenever that he travelled all this way to not apologise (knowing full well this requirement), then he really is thick as fuck.
SWP's back said:
hgblue said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
I'm guessing those that see it as a weakness don't hold the view that he has mis-handled the situation. Moreover I know a number of dippers that are outragued at their ownership for getting involved in what went on at the weekend.

Mancini has either handled the situation well and having Tevez back now is a sign of weakness on his behalf, or he has handled the situation badly and has been put in his place by the club's owners. One or the other, not both.
It is not one or the other at all.

Since when are they the only options?

What about Mancini handled it well, so well that Tevez is having to come back and apologise having failed to hold the club over a barrell. Mancini has won whichever way you look at it.
tazmancblue said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
r.soleofsalford said:
i`ll always support my club, i just think to play him would probably cause more harm than good

We are just going to have to trust Mancini to make the right decision

And the right decision was for him to be on the sub's bench against Bayern as he had showed no interest at the beginning of the season. Our best performances last season as a team were without him, and this has continued this season. Mancini's right decision would be not to play him as he is likely to derail our title bid as opposed to assist with it as suggested by some people recently in this thread.
If Tevez plays, we will not win the title; not making him a scapegoat, we are better without him and he no longer suits our style of play.

Your not Mancini, just because you think he shouldn't play doesn't mean Mancini wont play him. Mancini wants to win if he believes tevez will help this that is his choice. Just because we don't like tevez doesn't enter in to Mancini's head,
Jumanji said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
Jumanji said:
Yep, but it doesn't matter. He's returning and will play for us again.
You can keep saying it but it doesn't make it true.
The situation has always been the same with Mancini: Carlos apologises, and he's welcome.

Tevez and Kia both said yesterday that he will be apologising. Thus, he will return to the squad.

Now if he decides today or whenever that he travelled all this way to not apologise (knowing full well this requirement), then he really is thick as fuck.
Jumanji said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
Jumanji said:
Yep, but it doesn't matter. He's returning and will play for us again.
You can keep saying it but it doesn't make it true.
The situation has always been the same with Mancini: Carlos apologises, and he's welcome.

Tevez and Kia both said yesterday that he will be apologising. Thus, he will return to the squad.

Now if he decides today or whenever that he travelled all this way to not apologise (knowing full well this requirement), then he really is thick as fuck.
So the interview yesterday was all part of buttering up Mancini for his apology. The man is a fucking tool!

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