Tevez to return (Merged)

incredibly difficult situation all around
sheikh mansour
tevez himself
all will watch this with utmost interest
papers wont be more than six inches away from tevez from now til may thats for sure
isee it in a few different ways and i am very open minded
maybe tevez does want a last chance to shine.....doubt it tho tbh
maybe he just wants to be in the shop window for the summer sales....very likely
city are protecting themselves legally and morally should things go that way
everyone (maybe not tevez lol) wanting city to win epl so a deal could well be done and tevez get his chance to "help" us out
its a fascinating conundrum

two months ago i wouldn't have wanted him anywhere near city again given the choice
hearing his side of the story tho in last few days....i think if that was the truth then i too would have reacted very badly to being spoken to and treated in that manner

we will probably never know the whole truth

lastly.....and i know the sheikh doesn't need to count his pennies.... but if i was paying anybody £200k a week i would expect and want more than to watch them training with the kids
they would work for that money thats for sure.....just on principle

and really lastly if you gave me the choice of winning epl with tevez "help" or finishing second without it i bloody well know what my choice would be

ctid<br /><br />-- Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:13 pm --<br /><br />
binns said:
bring him on!
He'll only play if fit & pragmatism will overrule principles.
I bet every player in the squad will be happy to see him back if he helps us to win the Title.
None of us have to like him,respect him or even wish him well.
It suits our purpose (and his).
Come on City!

spot on mate
city and winning are what count first
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
johnny crossan said:
just been listening to the Tevez paid lackey McCarthy on TS. He seems to want to play up the Carlos apology theme, maybe our little friend has gone off message and it's costing the sanake.
Surely you of all forumites should be exercising the spirit of forgiveness, johnny?
You're right Nijinsky, I will try harder.
first and foremost he's a world class player, really fucking good.

now he's obviously only returning for himself, but he needs to play well for himself to get a move.

this next few months will decide his career and he and kia know that, he has to play well and show commitment.

so basically what i'm saying is, it's win win for city. i don't care what he's thinking as long as he's bagging goals.
ban-mcfc said:
now he's obviously only returning for himself, but he needs to play well for himself to get a move.

He doesn't need to play well to get a move though does he? In fact, the worse he performs the less of a fee he'll command therefore opening up more opportunites for him. Would you put it past him to be thinking like this? I know I wouldn't. No matter how he plays (or even if he plays at all) some club out there will be only too happy to take him in the Summer.
I am pretty sure that the club are just making the right noises to stay ahead in the legal game that's going on.

If however Tevez were to come on the pitch how do people think that someone with his monumental ego is going to react when some fans walk out, some boo him, some give him the silent treatment (as it is clear many will) ? He's already slagged off the fans for not backing him, remember that on Planet Tevez it's never his fault, always everybody else's.

I honestly think that anyone who thinks he is going to be our knight in shining armour that it's simply going to happen. I personally wouldn't trust anywhere near a big game
Cheesy said:
ban-mcfc said:
now he's obviously only returning for himself, but he needs to play well for himself to get a move.

He doesn't need to play well to get a move though does he? In fact, the worse he performs the less of a fee he'll command therefore opening up more opportunites for him. Would you put it past him to be thinking like this? I know I wouldn't. No matter how he plays (or even if he plays at all) some club out there will be only too happy to take him in the Summer.

Too deep cheesy lad,way tooooooooooooo deep,come on think positive for a while....please all of you !!!!
OK, my two penneth (for what its worth), and i'm sorry if I go over previous posts, I don't have time to read 176 pages.

I believe the club honesty expected Tevez to be gone in the Jan transfer window. They expected one of the teams to put up a deal that was acceptable. We now find ourselves in a situation that we have to have him back to avoid a constructive dismissal charge.
This is Mancini's least preferred scenario. But, he has tried to do the best of the situation, and offered an olive branch with a mandate of "Come back, train hard, get fit, and you can play" (im sure a non disclosed requirement behind closed doors is an apology to him and the players. This to try and make it easier for Tevez to do and save some face to the press and media. All parties want to publically retain as much moral high ground as they can muster)

Its very much a bravado issue, akin to a parent and petulent child where the child is scorned for misbehaviour and the child knows they are wrong but wants to try and keep as much resiliance to the dispargement so they always try and have the last word. This affects the hierachy element of the situation where the parent has to demonstrate fairness is being adhered to across all their children. What does that parent do? Continue to scorn every last piece of backchat to prove their status as master, or move on for the greater good but risk mutiny from the other children who may see it as others getting special treatment. Outsiders generally will condone the action of scorn the rebellious disrespectful behaviour from a mere minor and continue with punishment until that child stops "giving lip"

Its a very difficult position to be in, and i'm sure most on here can relate to being in this position and being forced by others to "let it go".

So what now for Mancini? He has held out the olive branch and he is faced with yet another piece of petulent backchat. Does he leave it upto the team to decide how Tevez is treated? How does he look Balotelli in the eye and rebuke him for his ways, yet to be seen to let off another who is acting even worse. This is why its so destablising for the dressing room where 99% now know the boundries of which Mancini allows you to play within. I'm sure they all thought the naughty child has been expelled for good, only to see the child return screaming and shouting spitting venem in direction to the master because no other school will take him.

I guess the owners had words with Mancini before this latest outburst and advised him to "let it go", "we have plans for Mr Tevez".

But what now with this latest development? What do the Owners / Board do to help Mancini maintain the respect of the rest of the squad, the Fans, the outside world but most of all, his own self respect as a man and a manager of men?

Shoot the fooker!!!!!!
Cheesy said:
ban-mcfc said:
now he's obviously only returning for himself, but he needs to play well for himself to get a move.

He doesn't need to play well to get a move though does he? In fact, the worse he performs the less of a fee he'll command therefore opening up more opportunites for him. Would you put it past him to be thinking like this? I know I wouldn't. No matter how he plays (or even if he plays at all) some club out there will be only too happy to take him in the Summer.

I think he has realised the club wont just let him go on the cheap because he run away and now he has no choice but to prove he is worth the money they asking so he can get his move

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