Tevez to return (Merged)

Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Skashion said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Unknowingly divorced you from them, only because I read the posts, not the poster, the length of thread.

You are entitled to your stance, as are others.

But winning is now everything for me when it comes to City. Would you take a fraudulent penalty with the final kick of the season, to attain the title?

35 years of seeing nothing does that to a man. This club does enough wonderful things off it, to perfectly balance the scale for me against Tevez.

There are scores of clubs who take the moral high ground for no other reason than they know deep down, they have no chance of being relevant in the grander scheme of things.

City fans, including myself, made an art form of this for three decades.

Back the manager and owners, that's all we need to do.
Strange thing to do. I like getting to know people around here. Still, each to their own.

As we all are.

If I've got robotic control of a player I'd make sure they didn't dive to win it, yes. Bad refereeing decision wouldn't bother me, as that's just luck evening itself out.

I grew up in the worst of the shite. I expect and want for nothing which means I can appreciate more when it does come. I prefer being me. Some people here are tragically as miserable and on edge as they ever were. Sad.

Not us. We can shape our own destiny like perhaps no other club in history. We're in full control. Let's be more positive.

Not me. I never felt sorry for myself as a City fan. I always wore out shirt proudly and I felt then as I do now that we're better than rags. This is not the feeling of years of pent up frustration at them being better. I genuinely would not swap places with them. The most important thing for me has always been being a City fan. Having that sense of identity, dare I say soul. It's formed me as a person. I am more resilient having had to stick it as a minority (being from outside Manchester). I am unafraid to take a minority position and hold my head up. I consider it to have formed my impish sense of humour as well. As fans that is our identity. We are loyal and we make the best of things. Try to keep a sense of humour. That to me, is worth a thousand times more than "MCFC 2011/12 WINNERS".

Fortunately, I can do as they do not seem to me to be some sort of schism with the past. I think the management and owners appreciate what we are. We are different, we are not like them, we don't need to be, and I don't think most of us want to be. We're blues.

It's perhaps a different argument, for a different day.

But I would strongly disagree that you coming from outside Manchester gives you a greater sense of resilience.

Living on the doorstep and watching United win everything in sight, that's purgatory, seven days a week?

The gallows humour which made up part of your love, is precisely because we had nothing else to talk about.

Look at what Everton's own narrative is these days!

Seriously, I admire the sentiment, but City is not the club we first fell in love with.

I'm glad I did, although I had little choice in the matter, regardless, the manager and the owners are seemingly now more pragmatic than your preference to keep a sense of humour, at the expense of seeing our name written large on this season's Premier League trophy.

I genuinely do admire your idealism, but from my own take on life, love alone does not heat the house or put food on the table.
Re: Absolute Disgrace

I agree he's a wanker but he might be the deifference in winning the PL.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Marvin said:
1) He has to return
2) He has to train hard
3) He would inevitably have to settle for a place on the bench at first

Go through that and he'd make a start on rehabilitating himself. And we'd be a stronger squad.

Best he can hope for is a start in Europe, and a few sub appearances as it would take 6 weeks to get back to full fitness

But Kia would never let Tevez do this, and that's why I don't think it would ever work.

There is no room in Kia's world for a player that sits quietly on the bench. Kia needs clubs to rely on Tevez, because that gives him the power to negotiate. That's why Tevez kicked up a fuss when he was rotated at United, and what happened in Munich happened the way it did.

Kia's media merry-go-round feeds off this garbage: "Carlos is a top player, Carlos helps clubs win titles, Carlos has special bond with the fans ...blah, blah..."

Joorbachian knows it's harder try to manipulate clubs when Tevez just plays a bit-part role. So even if we bring Tevez back, it will only take Aguero to be selected ahead of him for one or two key games, and all the nonsense will start all over again:

"Carlos doesn't believe he should be left out ... Carlos was the top scorer last season ... Carlos is the man responsible for where City are now ... Carlos is upset by Mancini's treatment of him..." And then we're back where we started: Unhappy player, dressing room disharmony, questions over Mancini's man-management, advantage United.

I'd swallow almost any shit to win the league, but I just don't think it would ever work.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Having thought this through over the last few hours, I would be willing to take him back on the following conditions...

1) He and Mancini bury there feud, agreeing to work together until the summer

2) The players are willing to accept him back into the fold and he apologises to them

3) He is moved on in the summer allowing him no power to start demanding this, that and the other over the next few months.

He's an awesome talent, the greatest player I've ever seen in a City shirt but he's also one of the most awkward trouble making ones at the same time. I believe his ability and goals will see us over the line in May and that is the main reason I'd take him back.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Problem for me would be the lack of trust.

Level in a crucial game, 2 mins to go, Carlos through one on one with the keeper and he hits it straight at him for an easy save.

Everyone would think he missed on purpose.

I don't want him back.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

waspish said:
de niro said:
i want that title no matter what.

I'm Shame to say it but I'm with you ;-/

Count me in too. Hate that ugly fuck Tevez but want the PL even more.
Re: Absolute Disgrace

Northern3 said:
Never been the most prolific poster on here but I feel that strongly about the latest Tevez saga,that I feel I have to respond to the media news that he may yet get another chance at City.In my view it's a absolute disgrace to even consider bringing him back to the club.He has totally disrespected the club the players and the fans.I really think that bringing him back could send team moral to rock bottom,and to be honest I don't think we need him anyway.
Can't imagine the affect it could have on Balotelli and Dzeko if he was prefered to them in attack.If the media and the club are correct they tried to accomadate him the best they could and all he has done is thrown it back in there face.And I will never accept any reason for him to be in a City shirt again.

He will need 3 or 4 weeks of training just to get up to fitness - we need to punt him in the summer and get a decent price - the FFFP rules are starting to kick in as can be seen by the low spend in the last January transfer window - and we need to get decent money so we can bring in decent players

Aint happy about it but have to trust the manager and if he can deal with it i would expect all fans to do the same and i cant stand Herman

Simple fact is that the rags are starting to play decent football and looking much much stonger our away form is pretty shite recently - someone with Hermans ability would be a decent asset -

Still no think he will get a game barring injuries
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Skashion said:
1. There are things more important than winning. Maintaining pride in the club is one of them. I want to be morally superior to the rags. I don't want to cheat, or let refereeing decisions (ha, if only) win us the title, and I don't want this douchebag to either.
2. Too many assumptions that he's going to help anyway. Remember Rodney Marsh, good player but upset our system and cost us the title. Mid season disruption to a successful team is not good. The team is now focussed on the team and not one man as it was when Tevez was leading the line and we're better for it. Not to mention the disruptive effect he'll have on team togetherness. As much chance as costing us the title as helping us win it in my view.
I couldn't disagree with you more strongly mate.

I just want us to beat them fair and square and we are doing that. Tevez will not change the moral fibre of the club and I have no idea why our fans keep banging on this drum.

I have every faith that the manager will make the right call and I'll go with whatever he says.<br /><br />-- Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:10 pm --<br /><br />
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Time to stop letting my heart rule my head.

The record books show United won the title last season, despite their fans issuing death threats to their best player, who questioned the ambition of the club.

If Mancini and the owners want to create a way back, and they think it could be the difference between the title and not, we HAVE TO BACK THEM.

Mancini has the overriding support of City fans, so it would be hypocritical to question his judgement on playing Tevez again.

Mancini is a proud man, but he's not stupid. It's his neck on the line this season and much as nobody likes what has gone before, deep down, for me, it would be exciting to have such a game changer back in the fold, especially in away games.

Nobody outside of City wants us to succeed this season, or in the future.

Mancini has been clear for months that he was prepared to forgive Tevez, and he knows you don't leave a 4x4 in the garage if there's a sign of snow.
Well said Tolm. I don't think there is much more I could add to that.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

ANY1aBLUE said:
de niro said:
i want that title no matter what.

its called 'selling your soul to the devil'..............................how can you criticise ANY other club's players after this? where's the PRIDE in battle?
I have to say, you have a hard on for our 13 year old fauz Latin motto.

I also don't understand you point about we wouldn't be able to criticise any other ever forever more. City have stood firm, fined the fucker £9m, not let go anywhere he likes. How have we sold our sold?
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

It was always going to be the case that if we didn't grant him a move in January, Roberto would be faced with the tough decision about what to do with him. Personally I think it is an extremely risky move trying to reintegrate such a volatile and unpredictable character into the squad at such a crucial juncture in the season, but if the manager feels he can do it then so be it.

I'm not sure I'm anything other than ambivalent when it comes to the perceived morality or lack of it in supporting a team with Carlos in it. What's best for the club is what gives the club the best chance of winning. If the club as a whole feel that having Carlos playing for us will give us a better chance of the league title this season then I don't think anything else comes into consideration for me.

The first title will be the biggest, and the one which changes a lot of things for City. Much like after Mou's first title at Chelsea, all the talk of money stops when you're champions. No more sneering about players joining for the wrong reasons. No more questions about having a winning mentality. Not for the players themselves, nor from outside the club. The FA Cup was a giant step forward in terms of ridding ourselves of the monkey which was previously on our back about having not collected a trophy in thirty odd years. Nobody mentions Tevez when they talk about that trophy. Nobody talks about his transfer requests. The league will be the same and then some. If we bring him back and win it, his coming back will be nothing more than a footnote in our history as he'll still be gone in the summer.

Of course it all hinges on us winning the title. Bring him back and stutter and questions will no doubt get asked about whether bringing him back had an adverse effect. Not an easy situation for Roberto all in all, but one I'm in no doubt he can handle...

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