Tevez to return (Merged)

Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

tolmie's hairdoo said:
BlueAnorak said:
In Booby I trust.
I'll boo the Cnut before the game and I will try to be completely silent while the cnut is in possession. Sadly anger will get the better of me and I will probably boo him on the pitch. too. The fact is, he is a cnut of the highest order and deserves to be booed.

And your actions would make you equally culpable as Tevez, in terms of having a detrimental effect on the team and performaces.
Granted, you are in the stands, not on the bench, but you can perhaps see my point?
You support City, not any individual.

Which is why I would try and keep quiet when Tevez is playing on the pitch.
Sadly the guy is a complete knob and deserves a good slap let alone silence while he's on the pitch. This guy has done everything possible to feck MCFC - as a result he deserves NOTHING and will get NOTHING from me.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

tolmie's hairdoo said:
Skashion said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Unknowingly divorced you from them, only because I read the posts, not the poster, the length of thread.

You are entitled to your stance, as are others.

But winning is now everything for me when it comes to City. Would you take a fraudulent penalty with the final kick of the season, to attain the title?

35 years of seeing nothing does that to a man. This club does enough wonderful things off it, to perfectly balance the scale for me against Tevez.

There are scores of clubs who take the moral high ground for no other reason than they know deep down, they have no chance of being relevant in the grander scheme of things.

City fans, including myself, made an art form of this for three decades.

Back the manager and owners, that's all we need to do.
Strange thing to do. I like getting to know people around here. Still, each to their own.

As we all are.

If I've got robotic control of a player I'd make sure they didn't dive to win it, yes. Bad refereeing decision wouldn't bother me, as that's just luck evening itself out.

I grew up in the worst of the shite. I expect and want for nothing which means I can appreciate more when it does come. I prefer being me. Some people here are tragically as miserable and on edge as they ever were. Sad.

Not us. We can shape our own destiny like perhaps no other club in history. We're in full control. Let's be more positive.

Not me. I never felt sorry for myself as a City fan. I always wore out shirt proudly and I felt then as I do now that we're better than rags. This is not the feeling of years of pent up frustration at them being better. I genuinely would not swap places with them. The most important thing for me has always been being a City fan. Having that sense of identity, dare I say soul. It's formed me as a person. I am more resilient having had to stick it as a minority (being from outside Manchester). I am unafraid to take a minority position and hold my head up. I consider it to have formed my impish sense of humour as well. As fans that is our identity. We are loyal and we make the best of things. Try to keep a sense of humour. That to me, is worth a thousand times more than "MCFC 2011/12 WINNERS".

Fortunately, I can do as they do not seem to me to be some sort of schism with the past. I think the management and owners appreciate what we are. We are different, we are not like them, we don't need to be, and I don't think most of us want to be. We're blues.

It's perhaps a different argument, for a different day.

But I would strongly disagree that you coming from outside Manchester gives you a greater sense of resilience.

Living on the doorstep and watching United win everything in sight, that's purgatory, seven days a week?

The gallows humour which made up part of your love, is precisely because we had nothing else to talk about.

Look at what Everton's own narrative is these days!

Seriously, I admire the sentiment, but City is not the club we first fell in love with.

I'm glad I did, although I had little choice in the matter, regardless, the manager and the owners are seemingly now more pragmatic than your preference to keep a sense of humour, at the expense of seeing our name written large on this season's Premier League trophy.

I genuinely do admire your idealism, but from my own take on life, love alone does not heat the house or put food on the table.

So what you're saying, is that you'd be happy to become that thing that we've prided ourselves on being different from for the last thirty years?

You've lost your head recently Tolm.

City as a club are bigger than trophies, Sheiks and players. I think you've forgotten that.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Firstly Tevez has behaved shamefully but and it's a big but - what can City get out of this?
Psychologically, the very thought of Tevez being back near our squad will send shivers through baconface- he would find that threat a real problem - he knows the refs are after us for red cards so we have some liability but to have an extra player - who can change games of course - would make him apoplectic - I can see his red face getting redder at the thought -
That is well worth it- just for that
Two is we can be a shop window - give the guy a couple of games , score a few and the price goes up.
We win the title -send a message out - see baconface crumble in a heap on 28/04-cannot wait
Three sell him on in the summer - get a replacement
smiles all round - get innnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

If he scored the title decider against QPR, would I celebrate? Dead right I would.

If he was the 1st to pick up the trophy, would I celebrate? I'm afraid not.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

tolmie's hairdoo said:
It's perhaps a different argument, for a different day.

But I would strongly disagree that you coming from outside Manchester gives you a greater sense of resilience.

Living on the doorstep and watching United win everything in sight, that's purgatory, seven days a week?

The gallows humour which made up part of your love, is precisely because we had nothing else to talk about.

Look at what Everton's own narrative is these days!

Seriously, I admire the sentiment, but City is not the club we first fell in love with.

I'm glad I did, although I had little choice in the matter, regardless, the manager and the owners are seemingly now more pragmatic than your preference to keep a sense of humour, at the expense of seeing our name written large on this season's Premier League trophy.

I genuinely do admire your idealism, but from my own take on life, love alone does not heat the house or put food on the table.
I think it's directly relevant and the perfect time to have the debate. Don't think any minds will be changed though.

Outside of Manchester so no blues in my corner, but plenty of plastic rags rubbing it in. Purgatory on my own without the support system. I had to go it alone. Literally the only blue in my school. I'd catch it from all the Blackburn fans too. Only the Burnley fans were any relief. Not the same as being backed up by blues though.

Indeed, but now we have it, let's keep it. So far there's been no issue.

It is to me.

There's no issue with the fans. I see no issue at matches. It's been a great season as a fan. There's an issue with whether the club will stoop to the level that drives the rags to throw the Munich victim's families out of their houses and have the anniversary sponsored by AIG or whether we go the Barcelona route and invest in youth and the community and be the good guys. We seem to be taking the latter approach and having some moral convictions. Tevez so far has been given short shrift as have other disruptive cunts been shown the door.

and we return to your straw man once more... We do not have to be the rags to be successful. Other clubs generate their success in more agreeable ways.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

SWP's back said:
I couldn't disagree with you more strongly mate.

I just want us to beat them fair and square and we are doing that. Tevez will not change the moral fibre of the club and I have no idea why our fans keep banging on this drum.

I have every faith that the manager will make the right call and I'll go with whatever he says.

Tevez will change the moral fibre of the club, for me anyway. Assuming this is a football decision.

The player turned his back on us, he refused to play/warm up. A relatively small gesture but he threw the club colours to the floor at Wembley on our proudest day in 30 years. For me, you turn your back on our club, you do so forever. I had hoped we as a club had more self respect than to allow him to play because it now suits him.

That said, I am a Mancini man and if he thinks it's the right thing to do then I'll just have to live with that, but I won't pretend to anyone that I like it.

I still think (and hope) this is more a political decision rather than a footballing one.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Wondering where he would fit into the set up, up top in place of Dzeko/Balo with Sergio playing just off him?

I feel a deal will be struck, if he comes back and gives 100% he can go in the summer with our blessing - no legal proceedings against him.

It will be a bitter pill to swallow if he does play in blue again and I'm really not sure what kind of impact the lad can have after not kicking a ball in anger for 6 months, guess we'll have to wait and see.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Damocles said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Skashion said:
Strange thing to do. I like getting to know people around here. Still, each to their own.

As we all are.

If I've got robotic control of a player I'd make sure they didn't dive to win it, yes. Bad refereeing decision wouldn't bother me, as that's just luck evening itself out.

I grew up in the worst of the shite. I expect and want for nothing which means I can appreciate more when it does come. I prefer being me. Some people here are tragically as miserable and on edge as they ever were. Sad.

Not us. We can shape our own destiny like perhaps no other club in history. We're in full control. Let's be more positive.

Not me. I never felt sorry for myself as a City fan. I always wore out shirt proudly and I felt then as I do now that we're better than rags. This is not the feeling of years of pent up frustration at them being better. I genuinely would not swap places with them. The most important thing for me has always been being a City fan. Having that sense of identity, dare I say soul. It's formed me as a person. I am more resilient having had to stick it as a minority (being from outside Manchester). I am unafraid to take a minority position and hold my head up. I consider it to have formed my impish sense of humour as well. As fans that is our identity. We are loyal and we make the best of things. Try to keep a sense of humour. That to me, is worth a thousand times more than "MCFC 2011/12 WINNERS".

Fortunately, I can do as they do not seem to me to be some sort of schism with the past. I think the management and owners appreciate what we are. We are different, we are not like them, we don't need to be, and I don't think most of us want to be. We're blues.

It's perhaps a different argument, for a different day.

But I would strongly disagree that you coming from outside Manchester gives you a greater sense of resilience.

Living on the doorstep and watching United win everything in sight, that's purgatory, seven days a week?

The gallows humour which made up part of your love, is precisely because we had nothing else to talk about.

Look at what Everton's own narrative is these days!

Seriously, I admire the sentiment, but City is not the club we first fell in love with.

I'm glad I did, although I had little choice in the matter, regardless, the manager and the owners are seemingly now more pragmatic than your preference to keep a sense of humour, at the expense of seeing our name written large on this season's Premier League trophy.

I genuinely do admire your idealism, but from my own take on life, love alone does not heat the house or put food on the table.

So what you're saying, is that you'd be happy to become that thing that we've prided ourselves on being different from for the last thirty years?

You've lost your head recently Tolm.

City as a club are bigger than trophies, Sheiks and players. I think you've forgotten that.

unfortunately a lot of fans on here have which is a shame really, there desperation saddens me because i thought we were better, bluemoon is becoming hard work nowadays
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

I've been a season ticket / card holder since 1972, I can hold my head-up and if Tevez comes back and helps us win the league, I'll be walking taller than ever.

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