Tevez to return (Merged)

Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

SWP's back said:
hilts said:
SWP's back said:
Why would backing the manager if he feels ok about allowing Tevez back make us one and the same as the rags?

Too many precious self-righteous people getting their knickers in a twist.

Allowing Tevez to play is nothing like the behaviour of the rags this season, let alone post-Munich.

what makes you think mancini wants him back? fans saying they dont care how much someone shits on their club as long as we win something is pretty pathetic in my opnion which im entitled to.

It wouldnt even be a good football decision long term anyhow but thats up to the manager.
Well no.1 his comments and No.2 and I am saying I will back his decision.

Pathetic is cutting off ones nose to spite ones face.

And yes, you are entitles to your opinion, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one.

So you are taking his comments literally then eh? you actually believe he would like tevez back? you dont think he has to be a bit diplomatic over this?

your not usually this stupid

pray tell me how bringing back a overweight, unfit, spoilt brat of a footballer is going to help us win the title

you also conveniently ignored the point about letting players do whatever the fuck they want and how this will help us win things in the future
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

SWP's back said:
Fully agree, but I suppose that thinking with head as opposed to heart will now make me less of a fan.
There is the opposite implication also. Let's not allow it to become a who's the real fan issue either way.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Skashion said:
SWP's back said:
And yes, you are entitles to your opinion, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one.
I disagree, opinions are like nipples, everybody has one. Some have firm points, others are barely discernible through layers, and some are displayed at every opportunity regardless of whether the audience has stated "I am interested in your nipples" or not.
Made me smile<br /><br />-- Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:13 pm --<br /><br />
OB1 said:
welsh_andy said:
OB1 said:
I've been a season ticket / card holder since 1972, I can hold my head-up and if Tevez comes back and helps us win the league, I'll be walking taller than ever.
so how would you feel if he comes back and we come 2nd due to disharmony in team, you like others fans think tevez is our savior after he took advantage and slagged off club. when we win league without fuckface, let me hear you say come back tevez then as there will be a lot of fans with egg on their faces

Think you are missing the point: I don't want Tevez back but if Mancini and the players are prepared to have him back, I'll support them and it won't have involved me selling my soul.

I think that fairly nails it.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

remember this from bobby in sept:
Asked if he will ever pick Tevez again, he replied: "No. If we want to improve like a team, like a squad, Carlos cannot play with us. With me, no – it is finished.

which all managers/pundits aliked backed him, dont he look daft now welcoming him back, because of the slight wobble his bobbys tone has mellowed, saying if he says sorry etc etc,

im sorry but i cant accept that from bobby, im my eyes makes him look weak and we all know hes far from weak
but im a blue so have to get on with it if it happens
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

hilts said:
SWP's back said:
hilts said:
what makes you think mancini wants him back? fans saying they dont care how much someone shits on their club as long as we win something is pretty pathetic in my opnion which im entitled to.

It wouldnt even be a good football decision long term anyhow but thats up to the manager.
Well no.1 his comments and No.2 and I am saying I will back his decision.

Pathetic is cutting off ones nose to spite ones face.

And yes, you are entitles to your opinion, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one.

So you are taking his comments literally then eh? you actually believe he would like tevez back? you dont think he has to be a bit diplomatic over this?

your not usually this stupid

pray tell me how bringing back a overweight, unfit, spoilt brat of a footballer is going to help us win the title

you also conveniently ignored the point about letting players do whatever the fuck they want and how this will help us win things in the future

We haven't let the player do what the fuck he wants. We have witheld £9.3 Million quid from him and now he is having to come back with his tail between his legs and will be made to apologise before being allowed anywhere near the squad.

As for Mancini's comments and my stupidity. I have been bridging that Mancini's comments are the first step in briefing the divide between player and club. I am sure you will see how it unfolds in the next week and then judge again if I am still stupid eh. I am sure I am not the only person that will have heard similar. Tolm?
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

SWP's back said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
SWP's back said:
I agree with Tolm, there is a somewhat arrogant sense of reactionary moralising going on here. Tevez is a player the club chose not to sell on or loan out in January. He is still registered to our club. I can't stand him personally but if he helps us win the league then that's all I care about this season. As Billy says, the first title is the hardest and we not have broken any rules or cheated anyone if the manager chooses to play him.

Exactly. Have you seen anyone on here, mate, who has actually defended Tevez or his actions?

The only moral dilemma which I can see, are those posters who back the manager and the owners, but their own set of personal principles can't be set aside.

Those quotes from Mancini don't appear to have left much behind in translation.

It is also pertinent to point out it is the Sunday papers which have this story, meaning they appear to have been briefed separately, off the record, after the regular Thursday presser.

The dailies get the one you see on the website.
Fully agree, but I suppose that thinking with head as opposed to heart will now make me less of a fan.

oh dear what a numpty
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

tolmie's hairdoo said:
Mate, would you not consider it extremely arrogant to pass comment on my supposed state of mind, or any other poster for that matter?

Just a friendly comment regarding the tone of your recent posts over the last month or so. You seem to have become very single minded on numerous issues whereas you used to look at things from a larger perspective. As I say, just a friendly comment not designed to offend.

It makes me no less of a fan to admit I want us to become one of the biggest clubs in the world and win everything in sight.

I support City because I want to win, otherwise what is the point? I'm sure the owners and players aren't in it for some moral crusade.

I don't support City because I want to win. In fact, I'm pretty sure that you don't support City because you want to win. Logically, if you followed a football club because you wanted to win, you'd be a United fan. But you aren't a United fan. Why is that? Why didn't you just change?

I would hazard a guess that it's because you recognise the difference between the clubs, off of the pitch.

Either that or because morally, you see that changing football clubs for the purpose of gaining success is wrong. We call these people gloryhunters and they are probably the least likeable people in the spectrum of football supporters.

I suppose my question is this; if we understand that changing the football club that you support for the reason of success is morally wrong, why should we accept that changing the ethos of the current football club for success is morally correct?

This is under the presumption that we care about morals in football more than success, otherwise we'd all be rags.

I've forgotten nothing. If anything, I remember everything, and that's why it hard for other Blues to accept this club wants and will move closer to what United have become.

Those last words seem to sum this up though. We need to move closer to what United have become, but the manner in which we do this is incredibly important to us as individuals and fans.

I have no problem with the globalisation of our fanbase, and I actively encourage this. This will not only financially support the club but we get to share our passion with a million more people. I can't see any scenario in which we can see that that is a bad thing. I'm not arsed about getting tickets "stolen" by holidayers because I've got a shitload of loyalty points and it isn't an issue.

The manner in which we reach the globalisation is the issue that we seem to be arguing over. Tevez is just a player, no different from thousands of others in our 115 year history. However, we have made the Tevez issue a big deal. We have made it a line in the sand that is bigger than football, and I think that Tevez putting on a blue shirt again makes us hypocrites, makes us weak and more importantly, disregards our moral stance for the sake of success.
And lets be fair, Tevez when he can't be arsed is shit. At the beginning of this year he was donkey balls and I would guess that he will be when he comes back. Even if he was Messi in disguise, I still don't want him.
It might cost Mancini his job, but it doesn't matter. City have to be bigger than this. There's always next season to win the league; we have all the time in the world. There won't be another Tevez situation (or at least we pray there won't be!)

Globalisation and driving for success doesn't automatically mean becoming lying hypocritical cunts. Barcelona as an example, have the ability to succeed without this. Mes que un club. They don't always live up to this of course, but in a long term vision I think you'd be hard pressed to argue with their singular vision of Catalonia's club; the club of the rebels. They have managed to become one of the world's biggest clubs and kept their identity whilst doing so.

Part of my problem with United is that they are essentially a nomadic club. You can pick up Old Trafford and plonk it anywhere in the country and it wouldn't make any difference to the club or its fanbase. I don't personally feel that the same is true of City. I think we have tried to brand ourselves as "Manchester's club" and we do have links to the local community and councils that we are strengthening. But I digress.

This is the first time that City has really taken a stand on something that gains us worldwide acclaim and respect. It is building our image and is starting to build our ethos on a larger scale. Gary Cook once said that we would become the biggest club in the world but that we had the financial resources and the mindset to do it in an entirely different way from what United did, where it alienated its fanbase. Bringing Tevez back in would be the first brick in that wall.

And I wouldn't swap that for 10 Premier Leagues. I think that once the title race is over and the pressure of that has died down, many will look at this issue in a completely different way.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

hilts said:
SWP's back said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Exactly. Have you seen anyone on here, mate, who has actually defended Tevez or his actions?

The only moral dilemma which I can see, are those posters who back the manager and the owners, but their own set of personal principles can't be set aside.

Those quotes from Mancini don't appear to have left much behind in translation.

It is also pertinent to point out it is the Sunday papers which have this story, meaning they appear to have been briefed separately, off the record, after the regular Thursday presser.

The dailies get the one you see on the website.
Fully agree, but I suppose that thinking with head as opposed to heart will now make me less of a fan.

oh dear what a numpty
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

coulsonblue said:
I think the papers have used plenty of artistic licence to spin Mancini giving the correct legal and diplomatic answer to the Tevez situation into a story claiming he will play again.

Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Damocles said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Mate, would you not consider it extremely arrogant to pass comment on my supposed state of mind, or any other poster for that matter?

Just a friendly comment regarding the tone of your recent posts over the last month or so. You seem to have become very single minded on numerous issues whereas you used to look at things from a larger perspective. As I say, just a friendly comment not designed to offend.

It makes me no less of a fan to admit I want us to become one of the biggest clubs in the world and win everything in sight.

I support City because I want to win, otherwise what is the point? I'm sure the owners and players aren't in it for some moral crusade.

I don't support City because I want to win. In fact, I'm pretty sure that you don't support City because you want to win. Logically, if you followed a football club because you wanted to win, you'd be a United fan. But you aren't a United fan. Why is that? Why didn't you just change?

I would hazard a guess that it's because you recognise the difference between the clubs, off of the pitch.

Either that or because morally, you see that changing football clubs for the purpose of gaining success is wrong. We call these people gloryhunters and they are probably the least likeable people in the spectrum of football supporters.

I suppose my question is this; if we understand that changing the football club that you support for the reason of success is morally wrong, why should we accept that changing the ethos of the current football club for success is morally correct?

This is under the presumption that we care about morals in football more than success, otherwise we'd all be rags.

I've forgotten nothing. If anything, I remember everything, and that's why it hard for other Blues to accept this club wants and will move closer to what United have become.

Those last words seem to sum this up though. We need to move closer to what United have become, but the manner in which we do this is incredibly important to us as individuals and fans.

I have no problem with the globalisation of our fanbase, and I actively encourage this. This will not only financially support the club but we get to share our passion with a million more people. I can't see any scenario in which we can see that that is a bad thing. I'm not arsed about getting tickets "stolen" by holidayers because I've got a shitload of loyalty points and it isn't an issue.

The manner in which we reach the globalisation is the issue that we seem to be arguing over. Tevez is just a player, no different from thousands of others in our 115 year history. However, we have made the Tevez issue a big deal. We have made it a line in the sand that is bigger than football, and I think that Tevez putting on a blue shirt again makes us hypocrites, makes us weak and more importantly, disregards our moral stance for the sake of success.
And lets be fair, Tevez when he can't be arsed is shit. At the beginning of this year he was donkey balls and I would guess that he will be when he comes back. Even if he was Messi in disguise, I still don't want him.
It might cost Mancini his job, but it doesn't matter. City have to be bigger than this. There's always next season to win the league; we have all the time in the world. There won't be another Tevez situation (or at least we pray there won't be!)

Globalisation and driving for success doesn't automatically mean becoming lying hypocritical cunts. Barcelona as an example, have the ability to succeed without this. Mes que un club. They don't always live up to this of course, but in a long term vision I think you'd be hard pressed to argue with their singular vision of Catalonia's club; the club of the rebels. They have managed to become one of the world's biggest clubs and kept their identity whilst doing so.

Part of my problem with United is that they are essentially a nomadic club. You can pick up Old Trafford and plonk it anywhere in the country and it wouldn't make any difference to the club or its fanbase. I don't personally feel that the same is true of City. I think we have tried to brand ourselves as "Manchester's club" and we do have links to the local community and councils that we are strengthening. But I digress.

This is the first time that City has really taken a stand on something that gains us worldwide acclaim and respect. It is building our image and is starting to build our ethos on a larger scale. Gary Cook once said that we would become the biggest club in the world but that we had the financial resources and the mindset to do it in an entirely different way from what United did, where it alienated its fanbase. Bringing Tevez back in would be the first brick in that wall.

And I wouldn't swap that for 10 Premier Leagues. I think that once the title race is over and the pressure of that has died down, many will look at this issue in a completely different way.

wish i had put it like this

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