Tevez to return (Merged)

Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

I don't see how Tevez apologising and being allowed back would be classed as moral corruption from the club.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

SWP's back said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
SWP's back said:
I agree with Tolm, there is a somewhat arrogant sense of reactionary moralising going on here. Tevez is a player the club chose not to sell on or loan out in January. He is still registered to our club. I can't stand him personally but if he helps us win the league then that's all I care about this season. As Billy says, the first title is the hardest and we not have broken any rules or cheated anyone if the manager chooses to play him.

Exactly. Have you seen anyone on here, mate, who has actually defended Tevez or his actions?

The only moral dilemma which I can see, are those posters who back the manager and the owners, but their own set of personal principles can't be set aside.

Those quotes from Mancini don't appear to have left much behind in translation.

It is also pertinent to point out it is the Sunday papers which have this story, meaning they appear to have been briefed separately, off the record, after the regular Thursday presser.

The dailies get the one you see on the website.
Fully agree, but I suppose that thinking with head as opposed to heart will now make me less of a fan.

I have previously described Tevez and his snake as a cancer in our club, someone who leaked every cough and splutter to serve their own agenda.

Who has shit on this club time and again. But I still remember most blues praying Tevez would be fit for the FA Cup final, despite two transfer requests, insulting Manchester, Cook etc.

I also recall and sensed the uncertainty at the Reebok Stadium at the start of the season when he was about to come on, the decision from our fans to support him and clap.

Munich was the last straw, he's a thick cnut, but if the owners are insisting, or the manager wants to utilise him, then we should back them to the hilt, including Tevez.

It's a divisive decision, should he play again, but everybody would need to leave their personal shit at home, or stay home.

Because our club can only win this league if we are pulling in the same direction.

Tevez is plenty of things, but he proved in his final season at United, coming off the subs bench in the title run-in proved the difference over Chelsea.

And that was despite him and Ferguson at odds.

I suppose a simpler question would be, would a United fan consider City even more of a threat with Tevez back in the fold?
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

SWP's back said:
I don't see how Tevez apologising and being allowed back would be classed as moral corruption from the club.

At this stage if tevez apologized what do you think his motivation behind this would be?
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

SWP's back said:
I don't see how Tevez apologising and being allowed back would be classed as moral corruption from the club.

I think I've already explained this.

Because City made it a bigger issue. They said that he would never play again, that we wouldn't put up with childish players who had no interest in the project at City or the fans that go with it.

We turned it from "player goes AWOL" into "City take a stand against prima-donna players". Abandoning that stance now because we're close to a title is hypocritical.

Tevez should never be allowed to play for City again. I say this not because I'm particularly annoyed by Tevez, but because we made it "a thing" and would look like ultra nervous plebs whose words have no substance. I don't think this is the message that I want to build us upon.

Don't forget, due to the takeover we're currently in that phase where everything that we do is magnified a thousand times over and will be remembered long past where it should be
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Damocles said:
SWP's back said:
I don't see how Tevez apologising and being allowed back would be classed as moral corruption from the club.

I think I've already explained this.

Because City made it a bigger issue. They said that he would never play again, that we wouldn't put up with childish players who had no interest in the project at City or the fans that go with it.

We turned it from "player goes AWOL" into "City take a stand against prima-donna players". Abandoning that stance now because we're close to a title is hypocritical.

Tevez should never be allowed to play for City again. I say this not because I'm particularly annoyed by Tevez, but because we made it "a thing" and would look like ultra nervous plebs whose words have no substance. I don't think this is the message that I want to build us upon.

Don't forget, due to the takeover we're currently in that phase where everything that we do is magnified a thousand times over and will be remembered long past where it should be

Pride comes before a fall but to forgive is divine.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Concilliation means both parties must give way on their previous stances.

The old saying to err is human to forgive is divine.

From the clubs perspective can we win the prem without him IMO yes our biggest loss has been the absence of Yaya and Kolo to some extent.

Who wants this war between club / manager and player, IMO no one.
Can it be resolved IMO again yes
Will it make our squad better Yes it will
We have EL to deal with we need four strikers to enable proper rotation.

If we resolve this, will it be seen as backing down or being hypocritical, IMO No.

If he doesn't play 10% of the games he is allowed to go on a free anyway, having said that if he chooses not to return to the club in breach of his contract I have no doubt this clause will mean anything.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

Ive said this time and time again, I couldnt give a shit how this sitaution makes our club look. Recent events have shown no one cares about us so fuck them, let them think what they want and if we win the title come may we will celebrate it ourselves.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

welsh_andy said:
remember this from bobby in sept:
Asked if he will ever pick Tevez again, he replied: "No. If we want to improve like a team, like a squad, Carlos cannot play with us. With me, no – it is finished.

which all managers/pundits aliked backed him, dont he look daft now welcoming him back, because of the slight wobble his bobbys tone has mellowed, saying if he says sorry etc etc,

im sorry but i cant accept that from bobby, im my eyes makes him look weak and we all know hes far from weak
but im a blue so have to get on with it if it happens
But you're forgetting the olive branch that Mancini offered him THREE WEEKS after Munich. It's not just because of the sticky patch we're currently experiencing why Mancini has changed his tune.

What would make Mancini look weak was if he dug his heels in to the detriment of our pursuit of the title. In my mind Mancini looks incredibly strong for putting his obvious dislike for Tevez to one side for the greater cause of the club. Digging in your heels in a situation like this when Tevez could make the difference between success or failure, now that's what I call weak and childish.
Re: City and Tevez nearing a compromise for his return (Mirror)

As far as I'm aware the club have never taken an official line on Tevez playing for us again or not so I'm not entirely sure how the accusations of hypocrisy would stack up. In November Mancini made it clear that if Carlos apologised he could come back. Khaldoun reiterated the stance a few weeks back that if he wasn't sold in January he had a contract at City and would have to fulfil it. Mancini is again now saying that it's possible Carlos will play for us again. The only time that it was suggested by any club official that he would never play for us again was when Mancini said it directly after the Bayern game. However as I say, that was very quickly diluted into "if he apologizes everything is fine".

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