Thats it I've 'ad enough

I'm fucking sick of the mass hysteria generated after results like this. The result was a bitter disappointment, agreed, but all this Mancini out bollocks is pathetic. Seriously this run sounds a LOT worse than it is. Arsenal loss 3-0, we played 85 minutes with 10 men and for the most of it fought toe to toe with the gunners. They are a top four team and more to the point a top four team with an excellent passing game. They passed us off the park and not many teams (if any at all) could live with them when they are playing to the top of their game especially when down a man. Fair enough Wolves was a disgrace, but for the last two seasons or so only Chelsea can claim to have avoided the odd embarrassing defeat. Remember the vermin got beat by Burnley, turned over by Fulham (not that embarrassing until you find it was 3-0) and the Arse had an off day just recently against the baggies. Now onto tonight, a draw would have been just about the fair result and until that unbeleivable peice of jammy fortune it was headed that way, add to that the kind of stike that wins goal of the season awards but in truth 99 times out of 100 flies harmless over the bar. Talk about knee's jerking. If this is what our fans have become, then I am ashamed.
shootmeifipost10k said:
can you all get a fuckin grip that was our second string strated by a long way.

The whole back 4 plus given

No Ndg
No Yaya
No Marios
No Carlos
Silva didnt start

Thats our first ten right there.

You're all sounding like fuckin dads army with the panicing

Well will qualify from the group and we will finish top 4

You always hear people say it takes a new squad time to play together and everyone agrees with that so what ever we do this season we will better by far next.

Is there anyone on here doesnt think we would have beat them with our full squad ?

Alot of people on here are looking like those sad United fans with the fergie out banner all those years ago.

We've been changing managers every other year for the past 30 years


If ANY player doesn't want to play for Mancini then they have to go not the other way round.

wouldnt bother fella, there's some right numpties on here
jarvo8 said:
Sorry but the guy is fucking clueless and so far up his own arse it's untrue. There is running it like you wnat to run it but for me there is a lot of Personal stuff going on with Mancini & it is going to come back and Haunt him.
This stems from pre season please tell me how the fuck do you keep the likes of Vierra on £140k a week (job for the boys) who can't fucking run , Richards who is a defender who can't defend if Arsenal bid £1 get RID, Bridge Fuckin USELESS, Barry treads WATER,
Then get shut of Bellamy who we are MISSING BIG TIME i don't give a fuck what anyone says & Onuha who CAN defend but they have got a voice that Mancini can handle.
Then he plays shite sytems is far to DEFENSIVE this is the ENGLISH PREMIER league not Siera "A
or whatever it's called ITS LIKE WATCHING FUCKING PAINT DRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you disagree with that ask your self with that Squad of players would you see the same SHITE if Arsene Wenger was CITY manager I will tell you the answer NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Have to agree quite simply he has to go - lost all faith - the manner in the way we have played for the last 5 games is just appaling - we are too slow no committment too defensive -

When Kompany went on i though decent move Viera off Kompany on - but what the fook Milner off ? - Viera and Zab lost the midfield.

Its poor and the fault lies squarly at the feet of Mancini - the contract could be seen when Poznam attacked they did so in number and di so quick - when we attacked we did no slowly and even then only had Ade in the box.

Mancini is turning us into a joke - lose on Sunday and dont get anything out of the Rags game - would boot the fooker out the following morning - its bad and getting worse

He aint got a clue and it fookin shows.
i got one thing from tonight. vieira and zab is very much not our best centre midfield partnership!

that, and when your luck's out, it's out.
Neil McNab said:
We've not played well all season as far as I'm concerned, the two impressive wins against Chelski and the dippers were ground out boring affairs. Out of the rest of the wins we've had, some were very lucky and others were down to poor opposition. The club is a bloody shambles and this clown needs sacking pronto tonto!

Now, is there a "Half the players are crap" thread going.
3 nil against Liverpool, you class that as a "ground out boring affair" ?

Are you for real.
Once again Mancini's clueless team selection and tactics cost us big time.

Vierra and Zab holding midfielder's. Predictably got over-run time and time again. WTF?!

Subbing Milner for Kompany then moving Zab to the wing. WTF?!

Wright Phillips and Johnson on the wrong wings most of the time. Meaning they kept cutting in to a packed defense? WTF?!

Slow, laborious build up time and again giving Poznan plenty of time to get bodies back? WTF?!

Totally inept, clueless!!!!
I dont want to see Bobby sacked yet but he is running out of time. Unlrss he finds his best team balance he is going to keep changing and swapping like Raffa did at Liverpool and look where they are now
i have a question to everyone who wants mancini out who the fuck r we gonna replace him with<br /><br />-- Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:32 pm --<br /><br />i have a question to everyone who wants mancini out who the fuck r we gonna replace him with
simon23 said:
I dont want the manager sacked for the simple reason that it would cause a huge amount of upheaval and would set us back again another 12-18 months

however it is becoming increasingly frustrating watching the poor tactics that RM is employing...

Firstly...playing zabba and viera together in the obvious that these two were going to get over run.....and they did

Secondly.....the substitution...bringing kompany on in midfield was the correct thing to do...but replacing milner and then putting zabba out on the right?!?!?!?!?!?!.....awful move

the same individual players will incorrectly get the blame on here (Ade, bridge lescott etc etc etc)...but people are failing to realise and notice that the bigger picutre and problems are being caused by the managers inability to get the balance of the team correct.....

people will use the bad luck goal as an excuse (and it was unlucky)...but the bigger picture is that again we were very average at very best

will he ever get it right......Im not sure he will

Have you sent in your CV though, thats what we all want to know.

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