Thats it I've 'ad enough

We play at a snails pace which allows the opposition defenders to stroll back into their defensive positions. We also can't string more than two or three passes together, clear the ball more than ten yards from our own area and have a big lazy donkey up front who will not put himself about.

By the time we lose to the Scum it will be five defeats on the trot that is simply not good enough for a team with our supposed ambitions.

Good old City we will never change!
DD said:
The question is, is everyone going to wait till we are halfway down the table and out of the Europa League before someone has the guts to do anything about it, because believe me, the position we are in in the league will not be the case for long.
You know thi, how exactly ???
DD said:
We've got up there only by blatant luck against shit teams.
Like Chelsea ???

DD said:
All the press specualtion isn't wrong you know. This place is in a fucking mess
Again, you know this , how exactly ???
DD said:
and a win in next week's derby won't change that for me.
I beg to differ

DD said:
If we stick with Mancini, his shocking man-management skills, his negative tactics and his dire one-paced football, then this club is going to end up the biggest laughing stock in footballing history. The man is destroying us!:(
Bringing Kompany on was a strange thing to in my opinion.

If Silva scores that sitter its 2-2 and everything is ok(ish). They scored 2 screamers and a fluke so its hardly a disaster

What does worry me is, like my thread earlier is we are too slow, too predictable and those that aren't(swp and richards) can't keep the ball. Also Milner 24mil, why??? And AJ is not as good as a lot of fans like to think he is

In short we've spent a lot of money on players that aren't worth it and we won't challenge for the league but we aren't shit either, we are somewhere in the middle so give the manager time
shootmeifipost10k said:
can you all get a fuckin grip that was our second string strated by a long way.

The whole back 4 plus given

No Ndg
No Yaya
No Marios
No Carlos
Silva didnt start

Thats our first ten right there.

You're all sounding like fuckin dads army with the panicing

Well will qualify from the group and we will finish top 4

You always hear people say it takes a new squad time to play together and everyone agrees with that so what ever we do this season we will better by far next.

Is there anyone on here doesnt think we would have beat them with our full squad ?

Alot of people on here are looking like those sad United fans with the fergie out banner all those years ago.

We've been changing managers every other year for the past 30 years


If ANY player doesn't want to play for Mancini then they have to go not the other way round.

I agree with most of what you are saying but the simple fact as well (on the other side of the coin so to speak) is that RM isnt getting it right with his tactics or team selections....Even in the games we have won we havent played particularly well and that is not down to indicviduals...that is down to the manager and the way he is setting the team up and telling the players how he wants them to play
should we sack manicini?? No

is the pressure on him as of tonight??probably

lose the next 2 and hell be sweating it and rightly so imo.hope he manages to get results for us in the next 2
ThreeTeamSupporter said:
Oh fuck off the lot of you.

And what the fuck is this comment? "the own goal says enough". Oh yeah a freak incident that wouldn't happen 99 times out of 100 certainly tells a story doesn't it? Jesus Christ that's such a dumb thing to say.
the thing about that second goal was the boyata cleared the ball into the centre box /not a gud thing to do in yer own half for fuck sake am sorry but the lad is to young for the job at the moment / he should have cleared it to the right of him he knew that it had a chance of falling to the opposite side which it did so in a way he caused the goal with is poor lack of judgement as with the poor tackle against arsenal / we have good defenders on the bench and hes out of is depth
anymore than 2sheiks said:
When Mancini sends the team out,he doesn't expect Viera to give possesion away with almost every pass,or SWP to get caught on the ball all the time,or Bridge,Richards and Lescott to constantly give away stupid fouls with reckless tackles.He's being badly let down by players who should know much,much better.Adebayor,again reverted to type by playing with his half-assed attitude and I don't care what they say in public,but the Toure brothers are trouble brewing aswell.

I agree with you but that shows how little he knows his players or how little knows what they think of him. We could be mid table mdioctraty soon if we arent carefull and then you will see player meltdown
FantasyIreland said:
I don't think we have a strong enough squad to compete in all competitions,tonight proved our second string are simply not up to the task,as much as i want us to succeed in this competition,i think the only way that will happen is if we play our best 11,that,i feel,will leave us wanting in the league, as the fixtures will take their toll,unfortunately i reckon the manager needs to concentrate on the league this season and forget Europe,we simply have to qualify for the Champs league,on current evidence,that won't happen with the distraction of this competition.

I still believe our first choice 11,which hasn't been on show as yet,will secure a top 4 place,but,as said,that will be jeopardized if resources are stretched.
you gotta be kidding me
mcfcliam said:
Mancini in....but losing confidence

Yes I agree, never a great fan of his negative tactics but dont want to sack him because it never worked in the past and the options are limited.
IMO two more games to get a win and we all know what second one is

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