Thats it I've 'ad enough

bluemoonmatt said:
DD said:
I can put up with losing. I can put up with bad runs. I can even put up with the fact that we have spent £350 million and are still shit but it's the football. It's utterly turgid. There's no pace, no tempo, no pressure put on the opponents. It's pure, straight down the line negative bollocks.

I could even cope with the negative football if I felt we were going to win things doing it and we were playing to our strengths, but we're not.

Whoever puts the shirts on, we're either scraping home against poor opposition or going down without creating hardly a clear chance.

I really just don't know the answer but all as I do know is, there has hardly been an enjoyable footballing performance in the whole of 2010. Considering the amount of 'talent' at our disposal, that is criminal.

I've been supporting City for 31 years and we have had some dross but when it comes to under-achievement, this manager and this team tops the bill.

The question is, is everyone going to wait till we are halfway down the table and out of the Europa League before someone has the guts to do anything about it, because believe me, the position we are in in the league will not be the case for long. We've got up there only by blatant luck against shit teams.

All the press specualtion isn't wrong you know. This place is in a fucking mess and a win in next week's derby won't change that for me.

If we stick with Mancini, his shocking man-management skills, his negative tactics and his dire one-paced football, then this club is going to end up the biggest laughing stock in footballing history. The man is destroying us!:(
Yeah cos Frank Clarke's band of invincibles was pure fucking footballing poetry. Seriously pal, have a think before you write such drivel.

Frank Clark's team was full of shit players. I am talking about under-achievement. How can you under-achieve with the likes of Eddie McGoldrick, Darren Wassell, Michael Brown and Rae fucking Ingram as regulars.

Read what I am actually saying for Christ's sake.
Nils said:
I'd had enough by the end of last season but fair's fair, give the man a chance to get in his own players and shape them to his way of playing. Well it's November now and nothing i've seen has changed my mind that he's not the man to take us forward. We've spent a fortune and if anything we're getting worse. Our reliance on one man, Tevez, is criminal considering the time and money Mancini has enjoyed. Don't talk to me about his tactical acumen, his titles in italy or even not being a real fan for criticising him. His failings are out on the pitch time and again for all to see. Who would i get in ? There are loads out there who would do a better job. The one requirement i would have though is that they can string a sentence together in english without the words important or mentality.

Loads out there.

ok, just name two who are available
Oh for fuck's sake, why don't you people get a grip of yourselves. All Mancini was guilty of tonight was trusting a teenage academy boy who clearly isn't up to the job yet. Who do you want? Long ball O'Neill? Social pariah and global failure Rijkard? Give your heads a wobble and accept we're having a couple of weeks when nothing is going our way. Some of you should hang your heads in shame. Changing manager every nine months has really worked for us in the past, hasn't it?
gooney said:
FantasyIreland said:
I don't think we have a strong enough squad to compete in all competitions,tonight proved our second string are simply not up to the task,as much as i want us to succeed in this competition,i think the only way that will happen is if we play our best 11,that,i feel,will leave us wanting in the league, as the fixtures will take their toll,unfortunately i reckon the manager needs to concentrate on the league this season and forget Europe,we simply have to qualify for the Champs league,on current evidence,that won't happen with the distraction of this competition.

I still believe our first choice 11,which hasn't been on show as yet,will secure a top 4 place,but,as said,that will be jeopardized if resources are stretched.
you gotta be kidding me

Ah, the vulture's back on picking at the bones again...

Are you after an invite to the Bluemoon Xmas do or summat?

If you do, please come as the Grim Reaper so I can recognise you...

Oh, and I thought you only came on here 'cos you were bored at work?

Doing nights now down at KFC?
DD said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Yeah cos Frank Clarke's band of invincibles was pure fucking footballing poetry. Seriously pal, have a think before you write such drivel.

Frank Clark's team was full of shit players. I am talking about under-achievement. How can you under-achieve with the likes of Eddie McGoldrick, Darren Wassell, Michael Brown and Rae fucking Ingram as regulars.

Read what I am actually saying for Christ's sake.

I re read it and changed it. It doesnt however detract from the fact that most of your'e post is reactionary bollocks.
LongsightM13 said:
Oh for fuck's sake, why don't you people get a grip of yourselves. All Mancini was guilty of tonight was trusting a teenage academy boy who clearly isn't up to the job yet. Who do you want? Long ball O'Neill? Social pariah and global failure Rijkard? Give your heads a wobble and accept we're having a couple of weeks when nothing is going our way. Some of you should hang your heads in shame. Changing manager every nine months has really worked for us in the past, hasn't it?

An oasis of sense in a desert of bullshit..
hilts said:
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Once again Mancini's clueless team selection and tactics cost us big time.

Vierra and Zab holding midfielder's. Predictably got over-run time and time again. WTF?!

Subbing Milner for Kompany then moving Zab to the wing. WTF?!

Wright Phillips and Johnson on the wrong wings most of the time. Meaning they kept cutting in to a packed defense? WTF?!

Slow, laborious build up time and again giving Poznan plenty of time to get bodies back? WTF?!

Totally inept, clueless!!!!

in fairness swp can perform badly on either wing and johnson is much better on the right than the left, but he had a poor game, mancini took a gamble because we have two prem games in the next six days, anyone who cant see this needs to think things through a bit more rather than get hysterical

tonights game was the least important one of the weeks fixtures

agree with tolmie

plus...every game is important. Slur Alex can put out a second string and still get a win.....RM just at present is tactically wonrg...we have no pace anywhere in the midfield our build up is agonisingly slow and predictable and he isnt gett ign the best out of the players he has by any stretch of the imagination....
LongsightM13 said:
Oh for fuck's sake, why don't you people get a grip of yourselves. All Mancini was guilty of tonight was trusting a teenage academy boy who clearly isn't up to the job yet. Who do you want? Long ball O'Neill? Social pariah and global failure Rijkard? Give your heads a wobble and accept we're having a couple of weeks when nothing is going our way. Some of you should hang your heads in shame. Changing manager every nine months has really worked for us in the past, hasn't it?

He picks the team - he dictates the tactics he dictates who plays where and he dictates the subs - make whatever excuse you want he is failing - the team is poor no work rate - no attacking flair - no passion and from what i can see no respect to the fans

Sorry but fook him off - who do we get in - i dont know but sooner go down trying to play attacking football than watching this shit.

Hew needs to go and quick
simon23 said:
hilts said:
in fairness swp can perform badly on either wing and johnson is much better on the right than the left, but he had a poor game, mancini took a gamble because we have two prem games in the next six days, anyone who cant see this needs to think things through a bit more rather than get hysterical

tonights game was the least important one of the weeks fixtures

agree with tolmie

plus...every game is important. Slur Alex can put out a second string and still get a win.....RM just at present is tactically wonrg...we have no pace anywhere in the midfield our build up is agonisingly slow and predictable and he isnt gett ign the best out of the players he has by any stretch of the imagination....

Thats decided then Simon, you and Jim = Dreamteam

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