the aftermath

bizzbo said:
christ almighty, mancini stays so they're back on getting cook replaced with la kenyon. this little campaign has been running for 18 months now. I don't know whether to admire the ... ahem.... stick-to-it-ivness, or cry at the soul-crushing predictability.

Sorry mate, but you've got this one wrong.

The position of Cook as CEO transcends mere trivialities like whether you're a Mancini Inner or a Mancini Outer!

The one thing that unifies both camps is the belief that Cook needs replacing!

Didsbury Dave said:
bizzbo said:
christ almighty, mancini stays so they're back on getting cook replaced with la kenyon. this little campaign has been running for 18 months now. I don't know whether to admire the ... ahem.... stick-to-it-ivness, or cry at the soul-crushing predictability.

This is a good thread with sensible contributions from all.

I'd say the one thing everyone agrees on is that there has been a communication problem regarding the manager since the day Hughes was sacked.

This does need addressing in my opinon.
I'd argue! "before" Hughes was sacked, exactly the same last season with rumours he was about to be sacked last April, numerous threads on here and different posters all saying we were in for JM. The club PR needs a serious overhaul, smoke and mirrors doesn't really work in football. It undermines the manager and the players leaving them in suspense......... Maybe it's just a learning curve for Cook. :)
fbloke said:
Apologies to all concerned if any of this has already been said.

Particular apologies to TH and DD as I know they post in good faith and dont deserve any abuse from the green eyed ones and the doubters.

Think back to my April 1st post where I told you all that City had dropped their interest in Mourinho. It was then that other plans were put in play which will have a far reaching impact on all aspects of the club.

I cannot tell you what is going to happen from here as I don't know, but TH alluded to us being out of the dumps soon, and I would take that on board and enjoy a rather spectacular ride before the first ball is kicked at the world cup.

'Spectacular'....and within a five week time frame (first ball is kicked on 11th June!) - must have been a hell of a lot going on behind the scenes for 'spectacular' to happen. Maybe the senior echelons, Garry Cook et al aren't quite as incompetent as some would like us to believe?

I'm salivating at the thought! Yes last night was devastating, but whereas in the past we would be looking forward to another season of struggles, if what is being said on this thread is half true then pick yourselves up, dust yourselves off, and let's go again!

Last night I was down. This morning, on reflection, I felt a little perkier, but after this post from fbloke I can feel tiny bubbles of excitement rising...CTID!!
Thanks to all the genuine ITK's who post in good faith. This thread is getting me excited again but just so we are clear am I broadly correct in thinking:

Hughes goes
Mancini comes in on a try before we buy deal whilst negotiations are still happening with Jose's crew (with or without Mancini's knowledge)
At some point the Jose deal dies (perhaps with advancement in CL or the Madrid job becoming vacant)
Decision is made to stick with Mancini which then gets whispered to some senior/vocal players
Mancini staying is communicated to entire squad
Summer is still going to be crazy

Gotta love being blue!

In any event since the Hughes sacking there seems to have been a lack in leadership from the top down. Mancini seems to be more bullish recently suggesting that he's feeling secure and working with a clearer mandate now. I feel he's possibly been underestimated by some as he's sought to steady the ship.

What I think is needed is a clear and unequivocal backing and a clear vision for the future of Manchester City and our playing style to be made obvious this summer. With the stadium, manager, north stand, squad issues all seemingly in a state of flux the club need to be really clear about communicating what is happening and when otherwise many of the same issues will re-occur next season.

It would also be interesting to know who's sources are playing staff or board members although that may compromise to many people
Soulboy said:
bizzbo said:
christ almighty, mancini stays so they're back on getting cook replaced with la kenyon. this little campaign has been running for 18 months now. I don't know whether to admire the ... ahem.... stick-to-it-ivness, or cry at the soul-crushing predictability.

Sorry mate, but you've got this one wrong.

The position of Cook as CEO transcends mere trivialities like whether you're a Mancini Inner or a Mancini Outer!

The one thing that unifies both camps is the belief that Cook needs replacing!


sorry, I shouldn't have said 'they'. I don't know how young you've been banging on the cook out drum, much less your stance on mancheenee.

I was referring to Deadly Dave, who has been jumping on every rumour about Cook for as long as I can remember. and there have been so many rumours. all of which have come to approximately, nay, exactly, nothing. except he's been told to keep out of the press. how many times has he been for the chop? I lose count. I beg of you, change the record. or at least, for gods sakes man, come up with a different name, because it ought to be pretty clear now that kenyon is not coming... for one thing, and I don't know if you've been following his career, he's still a non-exec at Chelsea, represents and negotiates for them. seems to me he's still Roman's man, but they have him at arms length and that suits all parties. For another he's still got the Ashley Cole stuff hanging over him. For another, and this is my favourite.....this is the man who insisted to Roman that they hire Phil Scholari.

I'll just add that our profile, brand awareness, and the 'quality' of the off the pitch stuff is light years ahead of Chelsea, they've never cracked it. That's Cook's job IMO.

I happen to share some doubts about the structure at city, but it seems to come from Khaldoon, the only one who wields real power in the name of HRH, being such a distant figure. Shame, because he's sharp as a tack.

I suppose the one good thing to come out of the last month is that mancini and that lot ^ at the top have learnt an awful lot about the loyalties and mindset of the individual players who they are paying X million a year. I imagine they have a pretty good idea of who came for the money and who is committed to helping this club do something special.

Summer will be very interesting.
bizzbo said:
Soulboy said:
Sorry mate, but you've got this one wrong.

The position of Cook as CEO transcends mere trivialities like whether you're a Mancini Inner or a Mancini Outer!

The one thing that unifies both camps is the belief that Cook needs replacing!


sorry, I shouldn't have said 'they'. I don't know how young you've been banging on the cook out drum, much less your stance on mancheenee.

I was referring to Deadly Dave, who has been jumping on every rumour about Cook for as long as I can remember. and there have been so many rumours. all of which have come to approximately, nay, exactly, nothing. except he's been told to keep out of the press. how many times has he been for the chop? I lose count. I beg of you, change the record. or at least, for gods sakes man, come up with a different name, because it ought to be pretty clear now that kenyon is not coming... for one thing, and I don't know if you've been following his career, he's still a non-exec at Chelsea, represents and negotiates for them. seems to me he's still Roman's man, but they have him at arms length and that suits all parties. For another he's still got the Ashley Cole stuff hanging over him. and this is my favourite.....this is the man who insisted to Roman that they hire Phil Scholari.

I happen to share some doubts about the structure at city, but it seems to come from Khaldoon, the only one who wields real power in the name of HRH, being such a distant figure. Shame, because he's sharp as a tack.

Well don't you look a numpty now, because I don't believe I commented on Cook or Kenyon at all in this thread. PMSL.
Didsbury Dave said:
Soulboy said:
You make a very good point about the "men at the top" having questions asked about them.

I couldn't agree more. There have been way too many major errors of judgement and communications at the very top of the club over the past two years and I fear we will never fully achieve our potential with the current overly large and competing management structure in place at the present time.

Far too many fingers in pies, lack of clarity in directiuon and strategy, too many competing interests trying to maintain their empires.

We all believed that when the owners took over we would wipe away the confusion and inflexibility of the previous City regimes, where relatively small shareholdings ultimately resulted in a lack of clear objectives and everyone "pulling together"

I believed that a single owner, such as we have, would bring the impetus to forge ahead in a modern management structure... whereas in reality we have too many "managers" reporting to an owner that is possible innocent in the ways of running a football club.

We have too many inexperienced members of the board, and the opportunities for a "fast talking salesman" to convince them that his way is the best way is palpable. The problem doeesn't lie on the footballing side, it lies with a CEO who is out of his depth.

He appointed a Football Administrator (whatever that means...) and a Technical Director, all of whom have a say in transfer targets. Is this the best approach? I remain to be convinced.

The most successful football clubs have the minimum amount of people making the big decisions... are we doiung it that way or are we overburdened with the "voices in ears" style of management?

I could list Cook's faux pas', but we all already know them. But this latest episode only confirms my view that to make significant progress as a world class football organisation we need to employ the right person at that level for the job.

And I don't believe that is Garry Cook.

Absolutely A-men to that.

There is stll much wrong in the hieracrchy at City. Your post deserves it's own thread, Soulboy.

Nice to meet you last night.


ahh, twas the billy who mentioned cook. yep, jumped the gun on that one. tell me you weren't thinking about him tho ;)
bizzbo said:
Soulboy said:
Sorry mate, but you've got this one wrong.

The position of Cook as CEO transcends mere trivialities like whether you're a Mancini Inner or a Mancini Outer!

The one thing that unifies both camps is the belief that Cook needs replacing!


sorry, I shouldn't have said 'they'. I don't know how young you've been banging on the cook out drum, much less your stance on mancheenee.

I was referring to Deadly Dave, who has been jumping on every rumour about Cook for as long as I can remember. and there have been so many rumours. all of which have come to approximately, nay, exactly, nothing. except he's been told to keep out of the press. how many times has he been for the chop? I lose count. I beg of you, change the record. or at least, for gods sakes man, come up with a different name, because it ought to be pretty clear now that kenyon is not coming... for one thing, and I don't know if you've been following his career, he's still a non-exec at Chelsea, represents and negotiates for them. seems to me he's still Roman's man, but they have him at arms length and that suits all parties. For another he's still got the Ashley Cole stuff hanging over him. and this is my favourite.....this is the man who insisted to Roman that they hire Phil Scholari.

I happen to share some doubts about the structure at city, but it seems to come from Khaldoon, the only one who wields real power in the name of HRH, being such a distant figure. Shame, because he's sharp as a tack.

Very good post mate.

I'm actually a hardened Mancini Inner (combined with a Mourinho was NEVER coming aspect), but my views of Cook have been consistent since the Kaka deal. I genuinely feel he adds no value and merely antagonises those he deeals with.

He's clearly inexperienced at this level and in this area, but maybe he'll grow into the job over time... But how long do we wait?

Regrading Kenyon... I did actually state that I thought he was still involved with Chelsea, and so that may limit our chances, but I also mentioned David Dein being out of a job at the moment.

This isn't some campaign to remove Cook, it's merely a City-watcher commenting on what I think is a serious managerial deficiency at the club... we need a top class communicator, yet Cook has shown himself to be limited in this attribute. This does actually impinge upon the playing side of the club, so I think Cook is fair game for comment...

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