The Derby Post Match Thread

Marvin said:
Eccles Blue said:
blue underpants said:
I'v got to go to Vodafone in the Trafford Centre later, I very rarely wear a City shirt but Today I will make an exception

I will wear mine with pride as well. We are City & we are just having a bad patch.
We've been in Div 3 so we can handle 5th

And we've always been there for the lads, we don't just come out of the woodwork when we win.
flb said:
Paul_Powers_Tash said:
super_city_si said:
I agree with this. We need a fresh injection of top class talent evry year. Not loads, but one or two top players to keep the hunger and put other players on their toes.
With the recent handicap we bought second level who won't push for starting places

We can blame FFP but the lessons of today don't really back that up. Yes it is important to have a talented squad and I think we already have that; its essential, not important, that we use that talent effectively.

Nine of the eleven United team that took us to the cleaners for 60 minutes today played under David Moyes. The only two additions were Daily Blind who for me is nothing more than a good solid pro and Anders Herrera who is a poor mans Fabregas. Did these two players really make the difference? I doubt it. I think it's clear to anyone who understands that game that it was the managers work throughout the season on the training ground that made the difference. The fitness, the tactical understanding, the desire and hunger, the awareness of our weaknesses and how to expose them etc etc

Bottom line is spend all the money that you like but without the right manager you're wasting your time. FFP isn't the problem.

As for our squad getting old, its a line that was started by Gary Neville and everyone has swallowed it. Chelsea won the Champions League because their team had EXPERIENCE!!! How gullible are we FFS!!!

Perfectly summed up, some on here think we will walk the league if we spend £150 million on the squad, until we have players coming through the ranks that actually give a Shit about the club then it's just a case of rinse and repeat every 2-3 seasons , spend, dismantle, spend, dismantle.

We've been found out.

Yes the bottom line is our defense which includes the GK which is our last line of defense. Has he been good enough or do we need a fresh injection of top class talent in our GKs' corp.
Have to laugh at all the rag loving papers today with words in headlines like thrash, humiliate. Um, they beat us, we were dogshit but a 2 goal margin is not a humiliation. They were due to win one against us sooner or later and that's what you get with a 250+ million team.
We had as many attempts at them, missed a lot of chances (story of our season), they scored 2 goals which were offside and they have the most expensive ever team and squad in PL history (I guess they did not do a cost comparison on the 2 sides on TV).
So yes, we were shit, we have been in 2015 so a great time to play us, but it wasn't an humiliation.
I don't quite know what needs to happen at city. The problems lie deeper than just the manager. We need a fair few new world class players too. Can we get them with the FFP rules? I feel we should do everything within our power to get pep guardiola now. He'd bring the right players in and a whole new attitude and hunger. I'd be very excited if we got pep
I'm still seething at the lack of effort and pride throughout the whole team. It's plain to see Yaya doesn't want to be there, others have a lethargic attitude.
I just hope we can keep Kun & a couple of others if we don't stay in top 4.
Theengelbert said:
I don't quite know what needs to happen at city. The problems lie deeper than just the manager. We need a fair few new world class players too. Can we get them with the FFP rules? I feel we should do everything within our power to get pep guardiola now. He'd bring the right players in and a whole new attitude and hunger. I'd be very excited if we got pep
There's more chance of me being the manager at the Etihad than Pep, if anything he will be at the Stretford mango swamp in 2 years time, he plans his moves years ahead and we have to face reality he is one of those glory seeking managers who wants to manage the 'elite' clubs and whether we like it or not he regards the rags as more 'elite' than us that's a fact of life so forget all this Pep mania
It will be Ancelotti, Koeman or an outsider we have barely heard of, so long as it's not Sabella that will be a sideways step
The one biggest contrast of yesterday is the first 20 minutes and then the performance from after they equalized, it was one of a bunch with absolutely no idea what to do because it felt like we were going to hammer them and then we just imploded. There is something seriously going wrong with confidence or just something that is making the players lose their heads. I have never seen a recent City team go 1-0 ahead and then concede, concede and carry on conceding in such dramatic fashion. It was just absolute madness and I really do believe it is an attitude problem combined with a kind of acceptance of what was happening because we are a losing club now. At 1-1 it needed someone to take charge, you need your world class players to step up and really I only ever saw anything from Sergio, Navas and Silva that showed we wanted to do just something about it.

Yaya I thought was pathetic and that view isn't down to his supposed laziness, it was down to his completely useless and carefree attempt at dealing with Fellaini, he just didn't give a shit and you had one player all over the pitch throwing his weight around and the other a complete shadow of him. Yaya needed to track him constantly or someone needed to but as usual no-one took charge of the most obvious and dangerous threat in the match. Whether that is down to lack of instruction I don't know but we all knew he was their most in form player, why ignore him???? It says it all when he ghosts in at the back post against a 5ft 9 Clichy, ridiculous.

Our defence for a couple of goals I can't really fault because they are all trying to play offside and did so successfully but unfortunately we didn't get the luck we needed, you could argue it should of stayed at 2-2 with the marginal offsides. Still I ask for the first two goals, why is a player under no pressure crossing to someone who is completely unmarked? I cannot blame Mangala for Smalling's goal, yes it was his fault but he hasn't played, how is he meant to play well in such a complex teamwork based system focused around the offside trap when he never plays.

Anyway, many on here amaze me that they are willing to accept 5th and rebuild?? 5th?? If we finish 5th we can say goodbye to half our best players like Aguero who will surely cash in to goto Madrid, he isn't exactly getting any younger and our progress here is going backwards. Also, do you really think Europe's top players will come here to play in the Europa League unless it is for money? We can't afford to buy those sort of players the same United did in the summer. We might afford £100M but not £250M or more due to us being in the Europa League.

Right now forget United, we need to concentrate on staying in the Champions League because losing 4th will be absolutely devastating for this club. I agree we need to rebuild but we don't need a complete renovation, we have some absolutely fantastic players but we aren't taking advantage of it. I don't want to blame the manager but the management of this team falls to him and we are falling badly behind now. Mancini lost his job finishing 2nd and he even got us to an FA Cup final where the same players played in a similar manner. I just don't feel Pellegrini can manage a team when the going gets tough, it is completely evidenced by the fact he just cannot turn our fortunes around and yesterday was the biggest example of it.

For me still, the answer is not chucking in more money and giving Pellegrini more players, I just don't think it is that simple now. Yes the man did great things last year but that is history, should we accept 4th or 5th because of it? We need someone with grit and experience to say this as a whole isn't good enough and change it. The idea of Ancelotti coming here has really grown on me, he has won plenty of things and turned Madrid last year into the exact sort of team we want to be. Very organized defensively yet still devastating on the counter and going forward. I think that is the kind of team you need to be in the Premier League today. So far we are choking going forward and all of our defensive problems are there for all to see and absolutely no-one is doing anything about it.

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