The Derby Post Match Thread

Fucking hell they were giddy in work today. Way, way over the top. Can't wait for next season, them cunts are getting it by the bucket load.
Bluecoll said:
Danielmanc said:
FFP didn't make us lose to Burnley, Palace or even United - it really didn't

Actually, indirectly it did.

The whole game is based around money. When the new regime came in there weren't the restrictions that are in place now and we were able to spend what we wanted when we wanted to. As a result we assembled the nucleus of the 2012 Championship winning team with the likes of Hart, Zabaletta, Kompany, Toure, Silve and Aguero, all of them arguably world class. Last close season, with the FFP restrictions in place, we weren't able to spend the same sort of money (whereas the likes of united could) and didn't appreciably improve the squad. Which leads us to where we are today with an aging team who look tired and complacent.

A good model is to bring in one or two top class players every year as well as blood one or two youngsters. That way they integrate into the team and you have continuity and players hungry for success. The players we bought in the close season and since are not top players, we bought quantity over quality. Magala must have looked good on paper but hasn't cut it. God knows what happened to make us buy Fernando. Is Bony world class? And when was the last time we saw a player from a very successful youth set up break into the first team for a run of games?

Looking to the future we have to come up with a workable strategy of getting the best players available and also stay within FFP rules. For instance we need to replace Yaya, not just because of his performances but because his massive wage bill is causing us FFP problems.

The root of our problems now are due to not being able to use money we have but can't spend, and a woeful set of choices when we have spent. This squad is the fifth oldest in Europe and we're going to have to invest heavily over the next couple of years to get us back on track. If we can under FFP regulations. Not getting Champions League status next season will not only make it harder to attract top quality players but will also impact on our ability to spend to get the right men for the job.

Like it or not, FFP has a massive bearing over how City and playing now and how we'll do over the next few seasons.
FFP is'nt to blame for us spending big amounts of money on average players though is it ? Thats the clubs fault for poor transfers and not spending wisely. Take jovetic as an example 22 million for what how has he improved us other than keeping the subs bench warm. i'm getting a bit tired of this FFP excuse it needs to stop i hate the idea of FFP but we've created are own problems.
This is-------The Derby Post Match Thread.................but I am so surprised that Dzeko hasn't been criticised yet.............................

after all............he was on the bench - Lol
Bluep*ss said:
This is-------The Derby Post Match Thread.................but I am so surprised that Dzeko hasn't been criticised yet.............................

after all............he was on the bench - Lol
One of them tried to goad me at work today, just replied: 'If you are happy to have won one of the lst five derbies then I am pleased for you, it's nice sometimes for the underdog to get a decent result, much like when Wigan beat us in the final a couple of years ago'.

Could hear the other lads laughing at him as I walked away.

Truth be told I wanted to whack the twat, never spoke to me at work about the football until about 3 or 4 weeks ago.

By the way, anyone know what happened to the Blue at the top of slurgie way that got assaulted by a rag twat for no reason? Copper was asking him if he wanted to report it, hope you are ok fella.
oscarG said:
Bluecoll said:
Danielmanc said:
FFP didn't make us lose to Burnley, Palace or even United - it really didn't

Actually, indirectly it did.

The whole game is based around money. When the new regime came in there weren't the restrictions that are in place now and we were able to spend what we wanted when we wanted to. As a result we assembled the nucleus of the 2012 Championship winning team with the likes of Hart, Zabaletta, Kompany, Toure, Silve and Aguero, all of them arguably world class. Last close season, with the FFP restrictions in place, we weren't able to spend the same sort of money (whereas the likes of united could) and didn't appreciably improve the squad. Which leads us to where we are today with an aging team who look tired and complacent.

A good model is to bring in one or two top class players every year as well as blood one or two youngsters. That way they integrate into the team and you have continuity and players hungry for success. The players we bought in the close season and since are not top players, we bought quantity over quality. Magala must have looked good on paper but hasn't cut it. God knows what happened to make us buy Fernando. Is Bony world class? And when was the last time we saw a player from a very successful youth set up break into the first team for a run of games?

Looking to the future we have to come up with a workable strategy of getting the best players available and also stay within FFP rules. For instance we need to replace Yaya, not just because of his performances but because his massive wage bill is causing us FFP problems.

The root of our problems now are due to not being able to use money we have but can't spend, and a woeful set of choices when we have spent. This squad is the fifth oldest in Europe and we're going to have to invest heavily over the next couple of years to get us back on track. If we can under FFP regulations. Not getting Champions League status next season will not only make it harder to attract top quality players but will also impact on our ability to spend to get the right men for the job.

Like it or not, FFP has a massive bearing over how City and playing now and how we'll do over the next few seasons.
FFP is'nt to blame for us spending big amounts of money on average players though is it ? Thats the clubs fault for poor transfers and not spending wisely. Take jovetic as an example 22 million for what how has he improved us other than keeping the subs bench warm. i'm getting a bit tired of this FFP excuse it needs to stop i hate the idea of FFP but we've created are own problems.

The only thing Jovetic has done is kept the club doctor busy.

Complete waste of money along with most of the other dross we have bought since Aguero.

Some laughably try and defend these signings as being good.

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