The exposures Balotelli gives us.

I think we need both sides of Balotelli. I have read that the ' Why always me ' picture was seen worldwide, people loved it, which is surely huge publicity for City. His Euro's performance was also huge, it was him all over the back of the papers and online. He has made mistakes with his discipline on the pitch but e has also scored his fair share of goals, for me the good outweighs the bad and I believe he is an important member of the team and for the clubs exposure.
SWP's back said:
leewill31 said:
i have yet to see why we payed so much for mario, far from the player some on here praised him to be.
pmsl, we could sell him a profit in a heartbeat.

whats that got to do with his performances on the pitch?

the op is right he brings a hell of a lot of ex poser to any club he goes to shame its never about the football.

that was the reason we bought him was it not?
Tony101 said:
yeah lets praise Mario for his pass in the final game, and lets forget his behavior against Arsenal. there was no excuse whatsoever for him almost costing us the league. Sure if it was one bad tackle, but it was like he was trying to get sent off all game and ruin for the team on purpose
I don't think there's any City fan who doesn't think his behaviour couldn't improve. However, I do praise him for having the most goals per minutes played ratio in the league. You'd think all he did that season was one assist. No, he was our most efficient scorer. That's praiseworthy for a championship-winning side.

As for him nearly losing us the title in that game, don't be absurd. He was sent off in the 88th minute after they'd scored. Our entire team failed to score for 88 minutes and you'd blame ONE player for not scoring in two minutes plus stoppage. Such an moronic assertion that anyone who truly believes that should test the theory of gravity off the top of a tall building. I've no time for idiots who spout nonsense like that. The reason we lost at Arsenal is because we didn't have Yaya or Silva. This allowed their midfield to dominate.
greasedupdeafguy said:
CityCTID said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
Who cares? Its what he does on the pitch that counts, if anything what he does off the pitch is bad for us as it shows indiscipline imo.
Mmm, obviously you do...
If he plays well and scores goals I couldn't give a shit what he does off the pitch.

-- Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:14 pm --

zlaz3r said:
I seriously didn't know people where this thick.

"I don't care, all i want him too do is perform on the pitch!

"He brings bad publicity too the team"

"He brings disruption in the dressing room, by running around in training all smiling and stuff!"

The topic is about Balotelli giving City more exposure then anything else, i would bet my house that he is the player which gives city the most exposure then any other player in the team, more then Yaya, Aguero, Tevez, and Silva.

United didn't only buy Kagawa cause of his abilities, same with Park.
Why did Roma buy Michael Bradly ?

Is it a coincidence that we are buying so many players from Balkan ?
What the hell is this?
United bought Kagawa because he is one the most upcoming attacking midfielders in the world, Roma bought Bradley because he is an excellent cm. Who cares what cloths Balo is wearing and what random shit hes been up to ( mainly paper lies) the only thing that matters are his performances on the pitch.

I am trying to have a debate about exposure and puplicity, yet so many comes to the thread for different reasons.
Looking at the bigger picture, not just what happens on the field. There are more factors to buying a player then only what his abilities are.

What i meant about kagawa is that when Un***d were loking for a creative midfielder, they were probably loking for.

This should not be a discussion about if he should start and deliver on the pitch or not, there are other threads for that. (For a matter of fact, 1 yes i do believe he needs too start and deliver, cause i think the club got big ambitions with thier forward(Falcao) and if he doesnt show the club he is our main man for the future they will forget about him and cash in, 2 Dzeko as far as i know had the best min/goal ratio on the team and 3 yes we paid alot for him, but his value hasnt dropped it has increased so he has been a good bit of buisness so far (i think PSG offered us 45m euro and we turned it down this summer)
leewill31 said:
SWP's back said:
leewill31 said:
i have yet to see why we payed so much for mario, far from the player some on here praised him to be.
pmsl, we could sell him a profit in a heartbeat.

whats that got to do with his performances on the pitch?

the op is right he brings a hell of a lot of ex poser to any club he goes to shame its never about the football.

that was the reason we bought him was it not?
Eh simpleton, why mention money if it has nothing to do with your point? It matters a lot to what he does on the pitch. If he didn't perform on the pitch then we wouldn't be able to sell him at a profit would we? We may have paid a lot of money but we could easily recoup that, thus showing that he is obviously a good player.

If you had said the same about Jo (£18m no resale value), you'd have had a point.

Other than that, no player has ever won as much as Balotelli at the age of 21 and he had the best goals/min ration in the league last season (unless RVP clinched it at the very end).<br /><br />-- Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:07 pm --<br /><br />
zlaz3r said:
United bought Kagawa because he is one the most upcoming attacking midfielders in the world,
Utd in their own IPO listing state they buy players from the far east to improve their fan base there. Hence Park out, Kagawa in.
The cookie monster said:
Blue purg can you show me some post that are pure hate towards mario?


Cookie trying reading some of the post's on the recent Mario Eyes thread.
here is an example:-

"]Personally, I think he is a twat - get rid!!! [/b]
SWP's back said:
leewill31 said:
SWP's back said:
pmsl, we could sell him a profit in a heartbeat.

whats that got to do with his performances on the pitch?

the op is right he brings a hell of a lot of ex poser to any club he goes to shame its never about the football.

that was the reason we bought him was it not?
Eh simpleton, why mention money if it has nothing to do with your point? It matters a lot to what he does on the pitch. If he didn't perform on the pitch then we wouldn't be able to sell him at a profit would we? We may have paid a lot of money but we could easily recoup that, thus showing that he is obviously a good player.

If you had said the same about Jo (£18m no resale value), you'd have had a point.

Other than that, no player has ever won as much as Balotelli at the age of 21 and he had the best goals/min ration in the league last season (unless RVP clinched it at the very end).

-- Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:07 pm --

zlaz3r said:
United bought Kagawa because he is one the most upcoming attacking midfielders in the world,
Utd in their own IPO listing state they buy players from the far east to improve their fan base there. Hence Park out, Kagawa in.

i was talking on a pure football basis not resale value so my point stands i have yet to see his true worth in footballing terms.

maybe lay of the insults aswell im sure your old enough and wise enough not to go that way.
BillyShears said:
zlaz3r said:
The topic is about Balotelli giving City more exposure then anything else, i would bet my house that he is the player which gives city the most exposure then any other player in the team, more then Yaya, Aguero, Tevez, and Silva.

Just curious, but what nationality are you and how long have you been a City supporter?

I am from Denmark, English is my 4th language, i have been a city support for 6 years now, and just because my mom didnt give birth too me at the kippax doesnt mean im less of a blue then any other.

I could easily have raked up 5k post wit hall the shitty replies most people post, I've seen ALL the matches (most of them twice) since i first fell in love with the club 6 years ago, even friendlies.

Bought all of the shirts from the OS, and wore them with pride even thou we had a shitty past and i was the only one around in denmark showing them at the time.

Im probably not the biggest city supporter, since i only started 6 years ago, but im probably more of a football fan then most people in here.
BluePurgatory said:
The cookie monster said:
Blue purg can you show me some post that are pure hate towards mario?


Cookie trying reading some of the post's on the recent Mario Eyes thread.
here is an example:-

"]Personally, I think he is a twat - get rid!!! [/b]
Fair enough,I wouldn't say pure hate though pal
He Is a controversial character for sure

When on song he is unplayable
Aguero,tevez,balo & dzeko. . . Some talent that.

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