The Harry and Meghan fuss

You are certainly intent on making a splash on here, and personal attacks seem to be your stock in trade. People will play along for a bit, but it quickly becomes old and tiresome, and one of the Mods WILL take care of you if it keeps up.

This is not my forum, so I speak for no one but myself when I say you come across as a less than desirable addition to this sand pit.

Your vitriol seems to be your stock in trade.

Much good may it do you.
Couldn't care less what you believe CB but again you have in racing parlance pulled the wrong reign again.

give over with the personal attacks jibe CB and ask your self why bluehammer one of your would be students would call me a sad bastard because I called Megan a gold digger nothing to do with you or him mind you.

he made it personal not me buddy but you have to be his white knight again because no one else is posting currently that you care to pass droll commentary on.

How often have you jumped in to pseudo defend the bloke with only one ludicrous objective.

the moral high ground isn't your bag unless its someone who you think its someone not from your political persuasion and then you ramble on to a few that see things the same or wish some sense of admiration from you.

you are much better on the city stuff than you are elsewhere.

I read some of your stuff on other threads but rarely pitch in like you have a habit of doing for no good reason other than to waste your time because its pretty dull and uninspiring and on occasion factually incorrect to be honest.

you should have been taken care of by the mods long ago but they are soft on yanks (LOL).

Everybody who bothers to read your posts knows what your S & T is.

Leave it at that and lets agree that we know what you think of some of my posts I get it to use one of your glib lines.

I will add you to my troll list if you keep with the same old same old.
I am saddened by the venom from people who have never met Meghan Markle and can only assume that prejudice lies at its heart. For several years, well before the interview, she was attacked by the British media, and the narrative was set: she breached protocol, she held her bump nauseatingly, she risked the younger royals with her flowers and yet, during that time, Kate Middleton's holding of her bump was tender, the same dress was stunning and the flowers were a beautiful, traditional adornment. The difference: a willowy, white, English rose or an American, mixed-race actress. In my heart, I know that this is a microcosm of British society and prejudice is the true cause.

Well put.
Classic! Even your attempted slams are not only spelling mistakes, but punny!

Don’t wait, as I will continue to point out your arseholery.
Love spending time getting the last word for the hell of it CB.

I respectfully asked you to leave it alone but you just can't help yourself.

point out what that your a troll no less and worse than the people you mock.

Your just a bore with an unhealthy fixation on me like some others who at least had the sense to put me on ignore.

no wonder they call Chicago the Windy city , why don't you move to New York you will fit in like a glove.

People like you amuse me , love swearing accuse others of the behaviour they carry out themselves and then speak on behalf of the mods stating I speak for no one but me (LOL) ( someone started a thread just for you recently go and visit it and give yourself a pat on the back ) , say nothing but droll with pointless jibes hypocrite personified.

Can't wait for the spelling lesson teacher and continue pointing out what ever your heart desires CB.

You are an easy catch mate I couldn't be on your poker team.

Looks like you are getting a tad riled , a tad shirty , seeking truth in the American way.

oh the spelling again but again you are incorrect it wasn't attempted it was a slam (LOL) and little miss muppet doesn't like it but oh do tell you love giving it don't you (LOL).

No body cares CB particularly me you are fighting a losing battle against yourself and becoming the bloke you say you detest (LOL) so how about you pm me instead and we start our own little love fest (LOL).

You can tell me all about your life and times on bluemoon.

They care nought for me and you get it , its not a competition good buddy.

Now what was that you were saying about being too invested CB a short while ago (LOL).

Pull up stumps mate I say again get on with what you do best and that is telling us all about your travels in the land of the brave and the stupid before you drown in your own quicksand or sandpit as you describe it.

What is this fascination with me and my diatribe anyway cause that's all we are mate dust in the wind yes you too.
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I am saddened by the venom from people who have never met Meghan Markle and can only assume that prejudice lies at its heart. For several years, well before the interview, she was attacked by the British media, and the narrative was set: she breached protocol, she held her bump nauseatingly, she risked the younger royals with her flowers and yet, during that time, Kate Middleton's holding of her bump was tender, the same dress was stunning and the flowers were a beautiful, traditional adornment. The difference: a willowy, white, English rose or an American, mixed-race actress. In my heart, I know that this is a statement about British society and prejudice is the true cause.
I recently watched Keith Allen's banned documentary on the Princess Di inquest.

The prejudice was there to see. Both the media and the chair of the enquiry got a kicking. Thankfully the public jury didn't do what they were told and issued a verdict of unlawful killing which the sychophants in the media blamed the foreign paps.
James O Brian doing a great show

simple question. what exactly has Harry and Meghan done wrong.

people anti them phoning up and are all over the shop and end up looking very silly in their hatred.
James O Brian doing a great show

simple question. what exactly has Harry and Meghan done wrong.

people anti them phoning up and are all over the shop and end up looking very silly in their hatred.
The main criticism seems to be wanting privacy but then not somehow disappearing, allowing the press to write anything they want about them without response. Gits
The main criticism seems to be wanting privacy but then not somehow disappearing, allowing the press to write anything they want about them without response. Gits
So, they want privacy, but you want them to respond to the media?! They did, through a friendly, global outlet called Oprah!

That “outlet” didn’t suit some people (even on Bluemoon, which I’m sure they follow!), and they didn’t say exactly what some people wanted to say.

Well, that means they’re “gits!”

It’s a circular firing squad on here!

Can’t do right for doing wrong, because EVERYTHING they do is wrong!

You guys will love it when the inevitable divorce happens! I can only imagine the vitriol they will have to endure then!!!

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