The Harry and Meghan fuss

The master of outrage feeling the need to confront all comments they disagree with. ;)
This is so spot on. i could add that some really are quite fickle. There UTurn support for Cummings just because he criticised their greatest enemy Johnson really showed them up.

Just because i happen to think Harry is a hyporcrite, the rhetoric is turned up and sudenly its abuse. Its actually quite funny.
Yes i think him being there certainly wasnt essential, I think it was a costly excercise that put the lives of others asigned to protecting him at risk.

So yes imo you could easily call it playing.

Just my opinion fella.
It’s my opinion that you’re dismissing a ten year career in the army as him playing games and that is pretty disrespectful whoever it is, especially when it’s just an opinion and you don’t know what he’s done.
It’s my opinion that you’re dismissing a ten year career in the army as him playing games and that is pretty disrespectful whoever it is, especially when it’s just an opinion and you don’t know what he’s done.
Fine by me, ive been pretty clear why i dont particularly like him. I can excuse him his stupid acts like dressing up as a Nazi and telling a black person he didnt sound like a black person as just ignorance and hopefully one offs for his sake. But I cant really stand hypocrites especially very previlidged ones.
There’s a world of difference between getting out of the public eye in terms of media hounding and untrue stories and headlines thrown at them constantly to being in the public eye to do good and help with charitable causes and speak about mental health.

I would rather they use their platforms to do some good in the world then just hide away and do nothing because of the media and trolls that hound them.

Also, why does them getting publicity bother you and others so much ?
the kardashiens, little mix, hundreds of others celebs are on tv and doing shows etc - as I’m not a fan, I can easily ignore them and go about in life. Doesn’t bother me at all how much press attention anyone gets.
Sorry just seen this response, easy answer really, firstly I dont like hypocrites. and secondly I think he has caused a lot of hurt to the Queen with his silly public sniping. And i have a great deal of time and respect for the Queen.
Fine by me, ive been pretty clear why i dont particularly like him. I can excuse him his stupid acts like dressing up as a Nazi and telling a black person he didnt sound like a black person as just ignorance and hopefully one offs for his sake. But I cant really stand hypocrites especially very previlidged ones.
So you’re ok with him dressing as a nazi and making a racist comment but you’re not ok with his 10 year career in the army where he did tours in active war zones.
Got it.
So you’re ok with him dressing as a nazi and making a racist comment but you’re not ok with his 10 year career in the army where he did tours in active war zones.
Got it.
thats not what i said did i. Why try and twist someones words. There is no argument to win here mate. This is just my opinon vs yours. I happen to comment on a forum about him how I think hes coming across as poor. And you seem to have a really big issue with others taking a different opinon to you. I except you have form for this but it does get a little tedious at times. You need to relax a little.
thats not what i said did i. Why try and twist someones words. There is no argument to win here mate. This is just my opinon vs yours. I happen to comment on a forum about him how I think hes coming across as poor. And you seem to have a really big issue with others taking a different opinon to you. I except you have form for this but it does get a little tedious at times. You need to relax a little.
No problem with anyone’s negative opinion of him. I just think it’s out of order to pass judgment on his military career when you don’t know. It’s you that’s twisting things.

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