The home brew thread

just put on a coopers European larger after reading good reviews but 12 week in the bottle is recommended
i will find out in time if any good
I've done the European lager before and it was really good, definitely worth it.

I did a "Stella clone" on an all grain recently, it's lagering at the moment and should be ready to keg and bottle by the weekend; early signs are very good! Also have a Barolo on after sampling Taxi's a few months back, this is my staple and I always try and have one in the smaller fermenter. Makes a lovely wine. I did a blind taste test with my brother in law (loves his red wine), with 4 other bottles of varying price; my wine came 2nd which I was more than pleased with, as he placed it in the £11-15 a bottle range. Considering my wine comes out at roughly £1.80 a bottle, I can't argue!
TINY said:
I've done the European lager before and it was really good, definitely worth it.

I did a "Stella clone" on an all grain recently, it's lagering at the moment and should be ready to keg and bottle by the weekend; early signs are very good! Also have a Barolo on after sampling Taxi's a few months back, this is my staple and I always try and have one in the smaller fermenter. Makes a lovely wine. I did a blind taste test with my brother in law (loves his red wine), with 4 other bottles of varying price; my wine came 2nd which I was more than pleased with, as he placed it in the £11-15 a bottle range. Considering my wine comes out at roughly £1.80 a bottle, I can't argue!
Would love to get into all grain eventually
I've also done the Barolo
I'm still working away from home at the moment so unable to get a brew on, tho if I come back next Friday, might just start one off and hopefully get it going properly before I have to leave Monday morning at stupid o'clock.

Taxi, hope you are ok pal, take care.
Loving this hobby.

Currently supping down a Stella clone I attempted, and whilst it doesn't really rival a commercial Stella in terms of its taste (I think I know where I went wrong; my efficiency during the mash was too low due to me forgetting the sparge!!). It has come out at 4.8%, and taste delicious.

Using a corny keg now and it's so hassle free compared to bottling, that I won't go back until I need to transport the beer.
Here's a pic, the clarity has been superb since the secondary. Floral notes, clean finish, great mouth feel; could do with SLIGHT more carbonation, but in still getting used to the keg.

Happy homebrewing all!


Loving the beaverdale myself taxi. Had a glass last night, only 3 weeks old but a tasty little fucker...gutted I only did the 6 bottles!

I've really got into doing small 2 gallon batches of all grain; gives me flexibility, keeps me brewing often and I get to taste lots of different beers, when I find one I love I brew a full 5 gallon.

Did a California white the other week and I like my wines dry, dryer than...well you know the rest. Did one a few months ago with the yeast it comes with and it attenuated down well but still had that residual sweetness. Did this one with a champagne yeast...boom! Fantastic!

Happy homebrewing everyone
Been away for a while so just catching up on this. Good work on the grain brewing Tiny. I bought myself a full set up for all grain and have bags of grain and hops ready to go but just not had the time to get started on it yet.

I whacked a festival ales belgian pale ale kit on last night to keep things ticking over in the meantime. I also got a kenridge classic sauvignot blanc kit for my 30th the other day. My dad reckons the kenridge classic kits surpass the beaverdale kits (and at the price you would hope so). I've not started that one yet though so can't say myself.
How is everyone getting on with the homebrewing? My brother got married 3 weeks ago and we homebrewed the entire thing. Wine, beer, cider.... it was superb. Had all the bottles labelled too so it looked the business. The wine was made from decent kits (Kenridge Classic) and went down superbly. The cider also received rave reviews.

Am finally going to get round to all grain brewing now that is out of the way.
Currently supping down on the wheat beer...absolutely fantastic stuff.

Anyone still brewing, anything in for Xmas?


Did you manage to replicate the hoegarden taste? Kudos to you if you did, always fancied doing it but didn't have the know how.

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