The home support is terrible

I'd just like to point out to everyone who's complaining about the atmosphere at our home games on this thread, that there is a singing block next season which should hopefully improve the atmosphere.

HOWEVER, there are a lot of people on here who complain about the atmosphere after every game, but haven't signed up to be in the block next season. If you want it to change YOU have to do something about it. YOU have to either start the songs off or join in with them! We have too many people on here that moan about things without doing anything about it and that's why our atmosphere is shit. It's not because off these evil middleclass fans, or the people who can only make one game a season, or the people who bring their family now.... it's the people that used to sing who have stopped because they are so precious about some fat bloke behind them's opinion on their singing voice, so just get some balls and sing/shout/boo/whistle until your heart's content OR join the block! That is the only way it will get better!

If that's too much to ask for you, then don't complain about the atmosphere ever again - you've got your chance to try and improve things.
shemnel said:
GeekinGav said:
the home team is terrible at the moment ..... there's your problem.

there are plenty of shit teams across the UK outside of the top 10 of the Prem who generate a good atmos
If you are referring to the small group of Palace fans that sing non stop and never watch the game, then you have never looked at the rest of their fans.

The remaining Palace fans are like every other set of fans, make a noise when the game is exciting and remain quiet the rest of the time.

Just because Sky like to mention and keep showing them everybody has the false impression that all Palace fans sing non-stop, sorry just not true.
Name a ground where the atmosphere is rocking from kick off to final whistle. There isn't one or at least not one I've ever been to. As others have said, Maine Road could be quiet as a graveyard if the game was dull, even with 20,000 standing on the Kippax. It's virtually all about what happens on the pitch. Always has been and always will be.
We seem quick to blame our players but it takes two teams to have a game of football and most team that play us dont try to play football. Most teams know if they go toe to toe with us we will rip them apart so they turn up and set up not to lose. Ok with have great players but if we as fans find it boring playing against these teams perhaps the players do to ! I am not saying is right ..........
Prestwich_Blue said:
Name a ground where the atmosphere is rocking from kick off to final whistle. There isn't one or at least not one I've ever been to. As others have said, Maine Road could be quiet as a graveyard if the game was dull, even with 20,000 standing on the Kippax. It's virtually all about what happens on the pitch. Always has been and always will be.

ha ha another"Maine road could be quiet post" while you are right Maine road could be quiet there was still more noise than we get now, You have to put it into context a similar situation as what Maine Road would have been like on sat v hull.
it would have been rocking after a good result away at chelsea, with us being 2nd in league, too many are going off when they went to a league cup match on a wet wednesday and yes the atmosphere wasnt great, but still better than now imo.

i dont understand those who are saying we are playing shit at the mo thats why the crowd is queit, well we played some exhilirating stuff last season and it was still very queit, its not been brilliant since 2012 when we won the league. i do think some fans are in denial about the atmosphere saying it doesnt matter, i think it does matter and it helps the players and creates a 12th man, we have got away with it recently cos we have such good players and thats been enough to win games, but recently with players out and players off form away teams have become less scared of coming here, and when that happens a good noisy crowd can put of the opposition.

that said i think the Etihad is a great stadium and with the extensions will be one of the finest in the country, just the atmosphere needs sorting, im confident with the work of the 1894 group it will get better.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Name a ground where the atmosphere is rocking from kick off to final whistle. There isn't one or at least not one I've ever been to. As others have said, Maine Road could be quiet as a graveyard if the game was dull, even with 20,000 standing on the Kippax. It's virtually all about what happens on the pitch. Always has been and always will be.

It helps if there are players out on the pitch that get you out of your seat

There is nothing better than seeing someone pick the ball up and beat 2 or 3 men at pace to get the crowd going, we don't have players that can do that

When we counter, you hear the crowd get behind the players, but then said player will turn back and play a side ways pass and revert to type. Quite simply we need a couple of players that have you on the edge of your seat
chris85mcfc said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Name a ground where the atmosphere is rocking from kick off to final whistle. There isn't one or at least not one I've ever been to. As others have said, Maine Road could be quiet as a graveyard if the game was dull, even with 20,000 standing on the Kippax. It's virtually all about what happens on the pitch. Always has been and always will be.

It helps if there are players out on the pitch that get you out of your seat

There is nothing better than seeing someone pick the ball up and beat 2 or 3 men at pace to get the crowd going, we don't have players that can do that

When we counter, you hear the crowd get behind the players, but then said player will turn back and play a side ways pass and revert to type. Quite simply we need a couple of players that have you on the edge of your seat

Mangala and Fernando get me on the edge of my seat... but not in a good way!
chris85mcfc said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Name a ground where the atmosphere is rocking from kick off to final whistle. There isn't one or at least not one I've ever been to. As others have said, Maine Road could be quiet as a graveyard if the game was dull, even with 20,000 standing on the Kippax. It's virtually all about what happens on the pitch. Always has been and always will be.

It helps if there are players out on the pitch that get you out of your seat

There is nothing better than seeing someone pick the ball up and beat 2 or 3 men at pace to get the crowd going, we don't have players that can do that

When we counter, you hear the crowd get behind the players, but then said player will turn back and play a side ways pass and revert to type. Quite simply we need a couple of players that have you on the edge of your seat

If you change one word and rearrange the sentence, it sort of answers itself ...

When we counter, you hear the crowd get behind the players, quite simply we HAVE a couple of players that have you on the edge of your seat, but then said player will turn back and play a side ways pass and revert to type.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Name a ground where the atmosphere is rocking from kick off to final whistle. There isn't one or at least not one I've ever been to. As others have said, Maine Road could be quiet as a graveyard if the game was dull, even with 20,000 standing on the Kippax. It's virtually all about what happens on the pitch. Always has been and always will be.
Calling it 100% correct won't go down with our atmosphere obsessionists !!
Just how excited can people get watching City have the lion's share of the possession which they waste by passing to and fro across the top of the opposition penalty area?

As for corners, What's the point getting excited about them?

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