The home support is terrible

mrtwiceaseason said:
Go onto rawk ,red cafe and every other football forum you can think of and every single one has exactly the same debate going on .
Its not a city problem its a football problem,the sooner people realise what ever plan they come up with the old days are gone and arnt coming back

I have to agree with this. Times have changed and so have football supporters.
The biggest difference is the youth support. In my day you went to the match with ten mates, who all stood, shouted and sung together. The teenagers these days go with their dad, due to the cost and the difficulty of getting seats in the same area.
LoveCity said:
baildon blue said:
Saw a lot of fans who go in Mary Ds last night .
Got to say I prefer City playing away than at home these days .
The away support last night was 1st class last night .
Plus i didn't see any of those daft half an half scarves .

Thing is, nearly every one of those fans will be at the Etihad in a week and half and the atmosphere will be non-existent. Away dayers at every club are proof there could be home atmospheres at any stadium if the clubs did a bit more to create the conditions.

Block 115 is the chance because if that functions as a persistent singing block, think of the domino effect it could have in the South Stand.

So how many of the away dayers are moving to 115? Assuming they aren't already in one of the singing areas. It's a challenge to leave a comfort zone, where you're sat amongst people you know, but here is a good chance to create an away day atmosphere every week.

Of last update (February 6th), 1894 said 200 of the 700 who had registered interest had committed to the new block. A fair few more now I'm guessing.

The away day mentality is totally different though. It's a day out going to someone else's city with usually more alcohol involved. Home matches are your meat and 2 veg and the aways are like a sweet treat. The new singing section might improve things a bit but many of the people that used to create atmosphere can't afford to go anymore and the whole experience has changed, not for the better.
Ducado said:
mosssideblue said:
Of the 45-47000 atendances we have, how many are genuine City supporters who are there to support the team.

I have watched from most areas of the ground (not L3 coz I wouldn't see), but ,most games I get to, there are an awful lot of "tourist fans" more concerned with getting the best selfie and how they look to their mates, totally ignoring what's going on on the pitch.

I know and appreciate they generate the revenue and the club doesn't discriminate betwen fans, but I don't hear any tourist fans singing along.

Probably most teams have this

What's your name Hans Christian Andersen? Because like the aforementioned you are good at spinning yarns, 90% (if not more) will be genuine blues, sure we get a few tourists (I don't have a problem with them) but the operative word is a few

There is no easy answer with regards to the atmosphere, sometimes it's there (Derby games etc) sometimes it's not but coming up with the tourist myth is just far to easy for most people

What a rediculous response. No I wasn't rying to spin a yarn, but genuinely ask what core following we have. As I said, many tourists are there not for the match, but to have selfies, so won't be helping the atmoshpere.
KnaresboroughBlue said:
mrtwiceaseason said:
Go onto rawk ,red cafe and every other football forum you can think of and every single one has exactly the same debate going on .
Its not a city problem its a football problem,the sooner people realise what ever plan they come up with the old days are gone and arnt coming back

I have to agree with this. Times have changed and so have football supporters.

Blimey, that's the spirit guys!

It's the likes of you two why the atmosphere won't improve - Stokes ground was noisy yesterday (until they went 3-1 down which is understandable), Crystal Palace's ground is loud constantly. It can get better, there obviously are people who want to go and sing in the ground, but in classic British style we all seem to do nothing and just complain about things as though they are the fault of something/someone else!

It's nothing to do with looking back with rose tinted glasses. Trust me, in a couple of years football is going to go one of two ways - preferably, this influx of TV money will be enough justification to reduce ticket prices, the best players will come here so our teams will be challenging in Europe all the time and once the Taylor report is out the way Safe Standing will come to our shores.
mosssideblue said:
Ducado said:
mosssideblue said:
Of the 45-47000 atendances we have, how many are genuine City supporters who are there to support the team.

I have watched from most areas of the ground (not L3 coz I wouldn't see), but ,most games I get to, there are an awful lot of "tourist fans" more concerned with getting the best selfie and how they look to their mates, totally ignoring what's going on on the pitch.

I know and appreciate they generate the revenue and the club doesn't discriminate betwen fans, but I don't hear any tourist fans singing along.

Probably most teams have this

What's your name Hans Christian Andersen? Because like the aforementioned you are good at spinning yarns, 90% (if not more) will be genuine blues, sure we get a few tourists (I don't have a problem with them) but the operative word is a few

There is no easy answer with regards to the atmosphere, sometimes it's there (Derby games etc) sometimes it's not but coming up with the tourist myth is just far to easy for most people

What a rediculous response. No I wasn't rying to spin a yarn, but genuinely ask what core following we have. As I said, many tourists are there not for the match, but to have selfies, so won't be helping the atmoshpere.

You said there were an "awful lot of tourist fans" which is not true, there are a few but not a lot
Get the Poznan back. Get everyone laughing and supporting in unison. Don't care if its not 'cool' anymore, you can't knock it for how it got supporters 'going'.
Ducado said:
mosssideblue said:
Ducado said:
What's your name Hans Christian Andersen? Because like the aforementioned you are good at spinning yarns, 90% (if not more) will be genuine blues, sure we get a few tourists (I don't have a problem with them) but the operative word is a few

There is no easy answer with regards to the atmosphere, sometimes it's there (Derby games etc) sometimes it's not but coming up with the tourist myth is just far to easy for most people

What a rediculous response. No I wasn't rying to spin a yarn, but genuinely ask what core following we have. As I said, many tourists are there not for the match, but to have selfies, so won't be helping the atmoshpere.

You said there were an "awful lot of tourist fans" which is not true, there are a few but not a lot

True, the issue is that what atmosphere there is only seems to come from a couple of small areas. I would say 60-70% of our home support only make any real noise when a goal occurs or at the start with Bluemoon. Rest of the time it is just silence.

You can only join in and help the atmosphere yourself. If you are not prepared to make any noise (no matter where you are in the ground) no matter what the clubs or fan groups do it is never going to improve.
I get the impression that the best crowds are the most organised and choreographed. Whilst, I'd love that to happen, I don't sense an appetite for it at City. Either we're too cool or too contrary.
There's still a strong sense of pessimism amongst City fans, we sit there expecting the worst to happen. Tension fills the air until we're 2 or 3 up.

Perhaps best summed up by Martin Samuel's comment after the West Ham game last season "It wasnt until the 89th minute that City fans started to sing we're going to win the league".

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