The "I'm not going to the final" thread

dan.j.mcfc said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
nice neil said:
The way I see it, if anyone's stupid or selfish enough to book weddings or other events on Cup Final Day, then they deserve no one to turn up. Eejits ! If your Mrs loved you, she wouldn't expect you to miss an FA Cup Final for a hen do. The woman !

read my post-it isnt fora hen do..its because I HAVE YOUNG KIDS

Am I missing something here? The reason your not going isn't because you have young kids, its because she's going on a hen do! Like Neil said any partner who knows how much their other half love football wouldn't stop them going to a fucking cup final, at the very least she would MAKE her mum have the kids so you could still go, you need to put your foot down mate.
Her mate is the one who decides on a hen night, not his mrs. What if its her best mate, the only time she will get married etc etc ? That, to her, is more important than her hubby going to a football match, (in her eyes). If they have kids together and she's not here to look after them, it's then up to him to do it, and vise versa as and when that should crop up.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
nice neil said:
The way I see it, if anyone's stupid or selfish enough to book weddings or other events on Cup Final Day, then they deserve no one to turn up. Eejits ! If your Mrs loved you, she wouldn't expect you to miss an FA Cup Final for a hen do. The woman !

read my post-it isnt fora hen do..its because I HAVE YOUNG KIDS

mate... get a few dad's over with their kids and make a day of it.......
Pigeonho said:
dan.j.mcfc said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
read my post-it isnt fora hen do..its because I HAVE YOUNG KIDS

Am I missing something here? The reason your not going isn't because you have young kids, its because she's going on a hen do! Like Neil said any partner who knows how much their other half love football wouldn't stop them going to a fucking cup final, at the very least she would MAKE her mum have the kids so you could still go, you need to put your foot down mate.
Her mate is the one who decides on a hen night, not his mrs. What if its her best mate, the only time she will get married etc etc ? That, to her, is more important than her hubby going to a football match, (in her eyes). If they have kids together and she's not here to look after them, it's then up to him to do it, and vise versa as and when that should crop up.

Cup final trumps a hen do, call me sexist, call me whatever you want, not a chance on earth I would ever let a situation like that happen. I don't think I'd get with someone who under any other circumstances except a birth or death would stop me going to a final. Yes I have a child too and even my ex wouldn't do that to me.
dan.j.mcfc said:
Pigeonho said:
dan.j.mcfc said:
Am I missing something here? The reason your not going isn't because you have young kids, its because she's going on a hen do! Like Neil said any partner who knows how much their other half love football wouldn't stop them going to a fucking cup final, at the very least she would MAKE her mum have the kids so you could still go, you need to put your foot down mate.
Her mate is the one who decides on a hen night, not his mrs. What if its her best mate, the only time she will get married etc etc ? That, to her, is more important than her hubby going to a football match, (in her eyes). If they have kids together and she's not here to look after them, it's then up to him to do it, and vise versa as and when that should crop up.

Cup final trumps a hen do, call me sexist, call me whatever you want, not a chance on earth I would ever let a situation like that happen. I don't think I'd get with someone who under any other circumstances except a birth or death would stop me going to a final. Yes I have a child too and even my ex wouldn't do that to me.
If it was a meal down the local that she'd planned a month ago, then fair enough. I have no idea of the hen do, but lets for example say its a 3 night affair in Majorca, something alot of money and planning has gone into, then, 2 days ago City get to a final on the same date. Common sense suggests she isn't going to fuck the do off, waste all that money and risk the wrath of her mate just so the OP can go to the match?!
dan.j.mcfc said:
Pigeonho said:
dan.j.mcfc said:
Am I missing something here? The reason your not going isn't because you have young kids, its because she's going on a hen do! Like Neil said any partner who knows how much their other half love football wouldn't stop them going to a fucking cup final, at the very least she would MAKE her mum have the kids so you could still go, you need to put your foot down mate.
Her mate is the one who decides on a hen night, not his mrs. What if its her best mate, the only time she will get married etc etc ? That, to her, is more important than her hubby going to a football match, (in her eyes). If they have kids together and she's not here to look after them, it's then up to him to do it, and vise versa as and when that should crop up.

Cup final trumps a hen do, call me sexist, call me whatever you want, not a chance on earth I would ever let a situation like that happen. I don't think I'd get with someone who under any other circumstances except a birth or death would stop me going to a final. Yes I have a child too and even my ex wouldn't do that to me.
your priorities in life are all wrong city isnt the be all and end all for everyone family and friends mean more to others than a game of football
dan.j.mcfc said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
nice neil said:
The way I see it, if anyone's stupid or selfish enough to book weddings or other events on Cup Final Day, then they deserve no one to turn up. Eejits ! If your Mrs loved you, she wouldn't expect you to miss an FA Cup Final for a hen do. The woman !

read my post-it isnt fora hen do..its because I HAVE YOUNG KIDS

Am I missing something here? The reason your not going isn't because you have young kids, its because she's going on a hen do! Like Neil said any partner who knows how much their other half love football wouldn't stop them going to a fucking cup final, at the very least she would MAKE her mum have the kids so you could still go, you need to put your foot down mate.

Are you for real..Her mate booked the hen do 6 months ago so I said that I would look after the kids. I didn't realise it was cup final weekend so I am just going to have to lump it unless the mother in law comes up trumps. It has gone from deffo not going to 50-50 and even if I cant go,I will be a points whore and let my mate who has 3000pts only and not on the scheme have my ticket-I don my tin hat and can't wait for the "you are denying someone more deserving with more points from going".

My wife actually asked me 6 months ago ave I any games on that day so it is my own fault.If my mrs wasn't going on the hen then I would be there but the fact I have a young family is the reason I cant (well 50/50 can't)
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dan.j.mcfc said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
read my post-it isnt fora hen do..its because I HAVE YOUNG KIDS

Am I missing something here? The reason your not going isn't because you have young kids, its because she's going on a hen do! Like Neil said any partner who knows how much their other half love football wouldn't stop them going to a fucking cup final, at the very least she would MAKE her mum have the kids so you could still go, you need to put your foot down mate.

Are you for real..Her mate booked the hen do 6 months ago so I said that I would look after the kids. I didn't realise it was cup final weekend so I am just going to have to lump it unless the mother in law comes up trumps. It has gone from deffo not going to 50-50 and even if I cant go,I will be a points whore and let my mate who has 3000pts only and not on the scheme have my ticket-I don my tin hat and can't wait for the "you are denying someone more deserving with more points from going".

My wife actually asked me 6 months ago ave I any games on that day so it is my own fault.If my mrs wasn't going on the hen then I would be there but the fact I have a young family is the reason I cant (well 50/50 can't)
You're doing the right thing mate. I'd do the same for Mrs P and my young family.
niall'sdiscoshorts said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
nice neil said:
The way I see it, if anyone's stupid or selfish enough to book weddings or other events on Cup Final Day, then they deserve no one to turn up. Eejits ! If your Mrs loved you, she wouldn't expect you to miss an FA Cup Final for a hen do. The woman !

read my post-it isnt fora hen do..its because I HAVE YOUNG KIDS

mate... get a few dad's over with their kids and make a day of it.......

Living where I do they are all dippers or blue dippers - I am currently 50-50 now as I think the mother in law may come up trumps however this morning it was a 95% no chance.
For the people taking the piss,it was a genuine thread and I hope one day you realise there are more important things than 90 mins of football.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
niall'sdiscoshorts said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
read my post-it isnt fora hen do..its because I HAVE YOUNG KIDS

mate... get a few dad's over with their kids and make a day of it.......

Living where I do they are all dippers or blue dippers - I am currently 50-50 now as I think the mother in law may come up trumps however this morning it was a 95% no chance.
For the people taking the piss,it was a genuine thread and I hope one day you realise there are more important things than 90 mins of football.
I called that growing up when it hit me on the head.

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