The Labour Government

The source is my own personal experience. My daughter went to private school as did her friends. Their friends and siblings are now going to private schools. Every single one of the schools are passing the increase on. They have to. It’s virtually impossible to absorb a +20% increase in costs. A very large amount of the parents are not rich. They are working class / middle class families. Obviously there are some mega rich ones, but they really are in the minority.

How do you know for sure that this is happening? It's not the law yet, won't be coming in till 2025 at the earliest, and is predicted to not come in till the 2025/26 academic year.

Schools can also claim back VAT, so you're looking at maybe 15% added to their costs.

If any school has is already charging you a 20% uplift for next term, and blaming Labour, then you're being taken for a ride.
The last government were the unluckiest in history with the pandemic and the energy crisis. We were in a decent position at the start to the decade after the post financial crash recovery. Sadly the crazy last 4/5 years put paid to that. I fundamentally just don’t believe left of centre politics works and as I keep saying the state of that front bench!
who was in a better posiiton?

Austerity had crippled many financially and the government had actively tried to kill off the sick and disabled with draconian health and social reforms, social house building had all but ground to a halt and the rise in division through the bottle job of cameron and fuckwittery of handling the first post referendum year had left us a joke to the outside world and many small businesses on their arse
How do you know for sure that this is happening? It's not the law yet, won't be coming in till 2025 at the earliest, and is predicted to not come in till the 2025/26 academic year.

Schools can also claim back VAT, so you're looking at maybe 15% added to their costs.

If any school has is already charging you a 20% uplift for next term, and blaming Labour, then you're being taken for a ride.
a lot of parents pay in advance and receive a discount on the fees. So it needs to be factored in for future planning.
Of course they will be able to claim VAT back but it will nowhere cover the shortfall. Interestingly schools will be able to claim VAT three years in arrears when it comes in, so the government will be looking at an overall net loss on income for the first year or so.
The last government were the unluckiest in history with the pandemic and the energy crisis. We were in a decent position at the start to the decade after the post financial crash recovery. Sadly the crazy last 4/5 years put paid to that. I fundamentally just don’t believe left of centre politics works and as I keep saying the state of that front bench!
You make it sound like the Brexit vote never happened. Remind us all who was responsible for the EU Referendum again.........

The Covid inquiry putting the previous government on trial the country has had its say and Labour will have to pick up the pieces and energise the NHS after the Tories messed it up imo
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According to Worsleyweb the country is in a great state. Record NHS waiting lists, cost of living crisis, record food bank usage, people pulling their own teeth out, not being able to see a GP, crumbling schools & hospitals, people not being able to get on the housing ladder are obviously a figment of my imagination. And the way people like Worsleyweb & others like him keep blaming the pandemic & Ukraine, the situation was already dire & getting worse before these events.
You mean when the conservatives renamed their own shitty minimum wage increase after the National Living wage campaign in order to deceive people into thinking they’d actually adopted a popular policy that did some good?
Presumably you resent the fact that the living wage has increased well ahead of average earnings as a whole, that the policy has proved successful in raising the living wage to a level equivalent to around 66% of the median wage in the UK, and that the UK’s minimum wage sits in the top third of a ranking of comparable OECD countries?
a lot of parents pay in advance and receive a discount on the fees. So it needs to be factored in for future planning.
Of course they will be able to claim VAT back but it will nowhere cover the shortfall. Interestingly schools will be able to claim VAT three years in arrears when it comes in, so the government will be looking at an overall net loss on income for the first year or so.

But you were saying people had confirmed they were now going to be paying 20% extra.

Is that true?
According to Worsleyweb the country is in a great state. Record NHS waiting lists, cost of living crisis, record food bank usage, people pulling their own teeth out, not being able to see a GP, crumbling schools & hospitals, people not being able to get on the housing ladder are obviously a figment of my imagination. And the way people like Worsleyweb & others like him keep blaming the pandemic & Ukraine, the situation was already dire & getting worse before these events.
we had a pandemic and ukraine, yet so many members of the government and their friends managed to make a pretty penny out of it, and scam the treasury and by default the public

We are skint because our own government robbed us anyone defending them either was also making a tidy sum from it all, has no sense or no empathy for their fellow citizens
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