The Labour Government

I agree, but we are a long, long, long way from that model. And unless the national consciousness changes to a point where people are willing to elect a government substantially to the left of the present one, it will never happen.

I was pointing out that if this is such a big deal, people with money could sort it.

For my money, any kid with half a brain will succeed perfectly well in the state system, and 'school fee' money would be better spent on buying educational capital. For example, books. Encouraging a child's interests, especially in intellectual matters. Going on educational holidays, taking in great museums like the Louvre. But this does not buy social cachet, does it?

Who are these 'a lot of people?' No working class people I know. And if you've got 2 kids, it's suddenly £24k a year or a very difficult decision about who's your favourite.

There's also a big difference between being able to splash out on the occasional holiday, finances permitting, and basically having to commit to 5 years of private education. If you can't afford a holiday this year, that's no big deal. If you can't afford to continue your kids' education, that's a massive disruption where your child has to go to a new school and make friends all over again.
I agree entirely. It is a huge commitment to put your kids in private school. And a very scary one.
I always said that it's the working class that are well off who punch down on the working poor, a lot of people who pretend to be working class must have fucking imposter syndrome when they utter the "I'm working class" :)
I'm a mere working class plumber with a detached house in suburbia a beemer and an audi for the wife and the foreign holiday this year along with the private school fees almost made us cut back on the Isa's or Chantelle's uni fund/mini Cooper.

Won't someone please think of the working class.
The last government were the unluckiest in history with the pandemic and the energy crisis. We were in a decent position at the start to the decade after the post financial crash recovery. Sadly the crazy last 4/5 years put paid to that. I fundamentally just don’t believe left of centre politics works and as I keep saying the state of that front bench!
Peter Sutcliffe was equally unlucky leaving that ball-pein hammer in the cistern. He was in a decent position at the start of the ‘80s.
The unluckiest in history was the last Labour government who presided over steady growth and improved public services for 10 years then lost an election in 2010 due to a global financial crisis that started in the US in 2008 and went worldwide. The Tory government fucked up the recovery, fucked up by making the EU an issue leading to a disastrous Brexit, fucked up the pandemic response and just made themselves richer whilst making most of the population poorer. The only thing they did right was their response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Isn't this a cautionary tale of the downsides of private education?
i would honestly opine that i am the most generous person on this board. I take homeless people out for tea on a weekly basis. i have paid for peoples tickets on here for years I am not wumming - i just genuinely think that the left politics do not work. It will shrink the pot. The Vat thing has made my blood boil. Heard today some state schools in London have received so many applications now for September already.
So like I said you are decent to people in front of you. You're welcome btw for me having your back:-)

I think you're okay, wrong but okay. .

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