The Labour Government

Social media has leapt on in 14 years, no incumbent govt is going to get a minutes peace from either the opposition or disgruntled people in their own party.

Social media and gutter politics what a feast ehh?
Tis all but a game of winners and losers with sections of society the collateral damage needed to play.
Of course, but putting capable people in positions is usually a sign of competence.

We’ve had 5 years of recycling the same 12 ministers rotating around.

There seems to be a lot less vitriol around today for some reason, although we have a couple of posters on here needing some copium.

Putting unelected people in a job is autocracy. Obviously it’s only a couple of people so it’s not the end of democracy as we know it but he does need to tread carefully in this regard IMHO.

It’s also the optics, when you run on change then run the risk of being accused of “jobs for your mates”.
Vallance and Timpson aren't cabinet posts, they're junior ministers, and the Lords almost always has some of the junior ministers as the govt need spokespeople there as well.

Hermer is 'attends Cabinet' - I don't know the reasoning behind his appointment, it seems a bit of a surprise. However, he's not in charge of the justice system.

They're all lower down the pecking order than Foreign Secretary, and all report to a Cabinet member MP.

Yes fair enough mate. Not cabinet jobs, stand corrected on that
All as ministers, not in a Great office of state position, which was my point at the time, and I’m not averse at all to experts in their field being considered for ministerial positions. It’s not a comparable, I wasn’t criticising him being made a peer, I was criticising their lack of available candidates for that position and I’d say exactly the same thing if Labour did the same.

412 MPs and none of them suitable for these non-great offices of state?
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I am so happy to see a normal bunch of people from mixed back grounds in the right jobs , no toffs from eton in sight , couldnt be more opposite to the tories if they tried , very confident in them
I see Scruffy Jim has shifted his support to Labour! I wonder why? With Nandy as Sports Minister, Granny Ange as Levelling Up Minister, Andy Burnham as Gtr Manchester mayor and the unctuous Seb Coe on board are you confident, Kaz, that this bunch aren't gonna see if a Labour government are gonna shell out some Northern Powerhouse money (the budget for levelling up is knocking on £30b) to have another iteration of Wembley, strangely enough on pretty much the same footprint as The Swamp?
Just holding Starmer’s feet to the fire. I genuinely want him to succeed, it’s in all our interests.
I agree, but experience tells me that the longer politicians are in power the more they cover themselves with an infallible cloak, which morphs into a 'Fuck you, we're in charge' approach. Time will tell, as it always does.

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