The Labour Government

No they don't .... there are many pensioners who are asset rich but cash poor. They live in homes that have massively increased in value simply because of the location ..

Blimey! In a world first, you have actually made a post I agree with. Staggering, but good to see.
To be fair, it's expectation management and the Tories were still blaming Labour for the financial crisis in 2008 as recently as Spring this year.

I will add though, that while it is fine for Labour to manage expectations and rightly blame the Tories, we need them to develop a radical plan and vision to get us out of this hole and share it with the public. It's easy being a critic.
Agree with that. Also telling bare-faced lies about not being aware of the situation is not a great look, is it.

And of course, as for "blaming the Tories" well yes they were in power when we had COVID and the war in Ukraine and worldwide inflation hikes and everything else. So it is on their watch. Whether the country would have been in an even worse state had Labour been in for the past 14 years, we will never know, will we. We can take a guess in 5 years time.
To be fair, it's expectation management and the Tories were still blaming Labour for the financial crisis in 2008 as recently as Spring this year.

I will add though, that while it is fine for Labour to manage expectations and rightly blame the Tories, we need them to develop a radical plan and vision to get us out of this hole and share it with the public. It's easy being a critic.

I know .... how about we join one of the largest trading blocs in the world.... its on our doorstop and once you're a member you can do away with any paperwork , trade restrictions and tariffs . Not only that ... they will actually contribute to the development of your country's infrastructure (I kid you not) , share energy with you , and provide workers to do the jobs your population are unable to do or dont want to.

I know it sounds crazy ... but its not a bad idea .... right?
Because that’s what Labour do. You work hard all your life, do OK and the lefties want to take what little nest egg you have off you so they can piss it away on welfare and benefits scroungers. To them any inherited wealth is evil. It’s envy, jealousy and spite. Nothing more.
Ah, the politics of envy. Envying the poor on benefits.
I know .... how about we join one of the largest trading blocs in the world.... its on our doorstop and once you're a member you can do away with any paperwork , trade restrictions and tariffs . Not only that ... they will actually contribute to the development of your country's infrastructure (I kid you not) , share energy with you , and provide workers to do the jobs your population are unable to do or dont want to.

I know it sounds crazy ... but its not a bad idea .... right?
If only the electorate had voted for it, eh.
I know .... how about we join one of the largest trading blocs in the world.... its on our doorstop and once you're a member you can do away with any paperwork , trade restrictions and tariffs . Not only that ... they will actually contribute to the development of your country's infrastructure (I kid you not) , share energy with you , and provide workers to do the jobs your population are unable to do or dont want to.

I know it sounds crazy ... but its not a bad idea .... right?
Trade restrictions such as quotas and tariffs apply to trade outside the EU and can be very harmful to Africa and Asia. See Indian rice, far east shoes, Sri Lankan textiles, Kenyan beans. About time fortress Europe was dropped.
Agree with that. Also telling bare-faced lies about not being aware of the situation is not a great look, is it.

And of course, as for "blaming the Tories" well yes they were in power when we had COVID and the war in Ukraine and worldwide inflation hikes and everything else. So it is on their watch. Whether the country would have been in an even worse state had Labour been in for the past 14 years, we will never know, will we. We can take a guess in 5 years time.
They also took us out of Europe which many believe hurt the economy (and social cohesion) more than all of those things. As someone not tied to any party, I will never forgive them for that, ever.

Oh yes, and they completely crashed the enonomy as it recovered. There was that too. I almost forgot.
Partially. It’s also meant to question peoples’ perspectives of who is deemed to be scrounging and who is deemed acceptable to claim.

Either way, I’d pay you WFA personally if you are in need of it. National treasures need their own protection. :—)
*lol* I'm not daft, I see what you did there Pinocchio!! :-) I will say thank you though because you are always kind to me. :-)

I wouldn't say I need the WFA but it does mean that I can leave the heating on most of the day when I am in the house. It's just the little extra security. :-)

It's my friends who aren't able to manage, who didn't have a works pension just their SP and won't apply for the benefits I feel for.
I notice now there is a row about the staffing of key posts in the No.10 unit. Plus ca change.
Of course - the Torries at least appointed special advisors rather than actual civil servants.
Both probably have gold plated severance packages and pensions.

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