The Labour Government

No, you've shifted your point, or worded the original one so badly that the meaning was lost.

Some things are illegal under the laws of England and Wales and if these laws are broken by certain factions, then that is still illegal and the perpertraitors should be liable to prosecution. Are we agreed on that?

If so, then whether a community happens to deem it OK or not OK is irrelevant. It is not up to a community to decide if they'd like to confirm to a particular law or not.
If they are liable to prosecution, why aren’t they being? As far as I can understand it, it is because they aren’t liable to prosecution.
Are you advocating making being Muslim illegal?
No. Any discriminatory practices that aren't compatible with UK law should be illegal. I don't see how this stops people from practicing their religion. Or are you saying that religious domination and potential discrimination through law is part of practicing Islam and should be tolerated?

Sharia courts are not churches or mosques, they're literal courts used to enforce religious law, laws that are not recognised in the UK. So why should they be tolerated?
Any discriminatory practices that aren't compatible with UK law should be illegal. I don't see how this stops people from practicing their religion. Or are you saying that religious domination and potential discrimination through law is part of practicing Islam and should be tolerated?

Sharia courts are not churches or mosques, they're literal courts used to enforce religious law, laws that are not recognised in the UK. So why are they tolerated?
Because the people who use them do recognise them.
No. Any discriminatory practices that aren't compatible with UK law should be illegal. I don't see how this stops people from practicing their religion. Or are you saying that religious domination and potential discrimination through law is part of practicing Islam and should be tolerated?

Sharia courts are not churches or mosques, they're literal courts used to enforce religious law, laws that are not recognised in the UK. So why should they be tolerated?

You're arguing with someone who accepts that cults should be allowed to be cults, once you realise why he is arguing it'll all become clear.

I'm just waiting for you to be called a name :)
Ultimately, Sharia Law isn’t going to become common practice in the U.K., which was the original point of this debate.

What religious people do isn’t our business as long as it doesn’t affect us, which this doesn't in my eyes.

I hope for a world without religion, but it isn’t happening in any of our lifetimes.
And therein lies the crux of the problem. You're arguing for a two tier tolerance based legal system. It's no wonder the police haven't got a clue.
If you believe you see discriminatory behaviour happening, you should report it to the police in the same way as if you suspect any domestic violence occurring.

Trying to abolish Islam legally would be quite the task, but I wish you godspeed.
And therein lies the crux of the problem. You're arguing for a two tier tolerance based legal system. It's no wonder the police haven't got a clue.
Got it in one.

It's also why we have riots in the streets and racism is being allowed to fester, because few politicians are prepared to talk about peoples' concerns and openly debate, educate and where necessary, reform.
I read that and thought it sounded entirely reasonable. Then thought that every politician who wants a completely deregulated jobs market, with massively reduced workers rights, are exactly the same ones who stand up and shout things like Stop The Boats.

Then, when you look at the number of ‘illegals’ in France massively outstripping those trying to get to Blighty, it does suggest that there might be a myriad of factors at play, which are a bit more tricky than a handy sound bite.
Certainly more complicated than one issue or cause.

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