The Labour Government

This is why our political system needs changing.They are not tory and labour anymore they are basically the same middle ground cnuts the lot of them.
Strange how we didn't get all these interviews when the Tories released 10,000 prisoners early in the months running up to the election.
I think the whole concept of early release is ridiculous , 10 years should always be a minimum of 10 years with time ADDED on for bad behaviour. We need more prison places and it's obvious (and has been for years) we need to build more prisons and the first aim of imprisonment should be punishment and a warning to others. Rehabilitation should be a secondary aim. Some of the sentences for the recent "rioters" have been beyond harsh and are purely political and seriously threaten our freedom of speech and have put an unneccessary burden on the prison system.
Remember the famous quote from Voltaire (or whoever it was) "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" .
Right I have cunning plan... If we cant spend money on reforming people we might as well do the following.

What you do is put all these prisoners on exercise bikes with a dynamo attached to generate electricity. The amount they cycle per day is proportional to the severity of the crime committed.

An average person generates 150W of power cycling for 1hr. Prison population is around 97000 and cycling for 7.5hrs a day (37.5hrs a week). 97000*150W*37.5*52= 28.378GW per year, thats enough to power more than 10000 houses for a full year and we have the chance to find the next Bradley Wiggins saving money from Team GBs budget.

Or we could go total dystopian future and use their thermal energy (Matrix style), 105W per hour so about 2.5kW per day * 97000 = 244MW per day or just short of 90TW per year or roughly 1/3 of the UK entire electricity consumption per day. Just need to feed them a low cost high energy sugar and away we go.

See big problems require innovative solutions.
Already been tried mate in the 1800s, the do gooders wouldn't allow it ha, I reckon open a couple of coal mines and get em digging for coal to hand out free to pensioners in winter
I totally agree but the issue here is Starmer is releasing scrotes early, at least the others didn't do that.

If you look at the criteria though, it makes far more sense to release those early than to run out of prison spaces completely.

It is a rock and a hard place though, should never have got to this stage in the first place.
I totally agree but the issue here is Starmer is releasing scrotes early, at least the others didn't do that.
The Tories released around 10,000 prisoners earlier than planned over the last year. They started off with just a couple of weeks early, and extended it in March, and again in May to 70 days. That's not the trajectory of a plan that was working.

They then allowed the numbers in prison to increase till the election. At that point any party would have had to do something more. It's just a continuation of the Tory shit show.
I think the whole concept of early release is ridiculous , 10 years should always be a minimum of 10 years with time ADDED on for bad behaviour. We need more prison places and it's obvious (and has been for years) we need to build more prisons and the first aim of imprisonment should be punishment and a warning to others. Rehabilitation should be a secondary aim. Some of the sentences for the recent "rioters" have been beyond harsh and are purely political and seriously threaten our freedom of speech and have put an unneccessary burden on the prison system.
Remember the famous quote from Voltaire (or whoever it was) "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" .

It's just carrot and stick. The people sentencing know the standard is 50%, so they know they're handing out a 5 year sentence.

It's 5 years from the start, so long as you behave. If it was changes to serve the full sentence, then the sentencing would just be halved, and you wouldn't have the automatic incentive. It's probably a lot more difficult to add to a sentence, than release early, so they have the system you want, but more easy to run.

As for rehabilitation, releasing someone who is more likely to reoffend, punishes the public, not the criminal.

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