The Labour Government

If you lap up every ''contemplating'' headline then you'll be the forever faux outraged person that you pretend to be.
Listening to LBC on the morning commutes, both the 25% CT discount and bus pass issues were being discussed on consecutive days.

So, Monday, Nick Ferari exclaims that Labour are getting rid of the 25% single discount, causing lots to ring in and angrily nail into the government. Then, an elderly lady comes on but, instead of anger, she is very upset. Ferari soon clicks on and as she is just about to sob, realises that he’d gone too far and then goes onto explain that it’s not actually happening, they’re just talking about it in the slim chance that it could, appeasing the elderly lady with the truth.

Next day, up comes the bus pass where Ferari once again brings it up as if it is going to happen, ramping up the volume to get people angry and phoning in. Then, the political editor comes on to say that Labour will not deny it even though Labour had put a statement out to say that it wasn’t going to happen. She quoted that statement and then they continued to push the misinformation that had been spouted before.

What we are seeing is the R-W press, and their acolytes, fabricating stories for the appeasement of the Tory/Reform voters in order to keep their paymasters prominent, and trying to discredit anything that Labour try to do.

Personally, I think all the Tory/Reform/Brexiteering lovers should shut the fuck up and hang their heads in shame at what they’ve done to this country. Continuing to support a party that has not only brought shame to this country, but manifestly turned it into a country of poverty and strife, surely cannot be lost on them.

This is not your football team, this is the lives of the many that they’ve completely ruined.

Hopefully they’ll be in the shadows for many years, but it won’t stop the R-W fuckers from lying to you for all that time.

Drive past the posts and only stop when you really feel the need, that way the bullshit won’t get you down and you’ll keep a smile on your face knowing that their bullshit isn’t being heard ;-)
It was ''these charlatans'' that introduced the Winter Fuel Allowance in 1997.....something the Tories fought against and would never ever have introduced.

Yeah, and they took it away what's your point? My point is that they have turned into Tories and you've just proved my point.
I'm not outraged I am just pointing out just how shit Labour are, mind you I wasn't taken in by the leaflets trying to gaslight me into believing the red Tories would be any different.

Their next catchy slogan will probably be "FUCK THE PENSIONERS" they may as well just come straight out and say it.
That slogan best fit the Tories than any other party
The Tories aren't blameless but at least they didn't stoop as low as hitting pensioners.

No just the disabled and children. They left the pensioners alone as they are tory bread and butter. Almost forgot about them sending Covid patients back into care homes to infect and kill off as many elderly as possible.
I’m a fan of giving this government a fair crack of the whip to turn it round rather than being constantly looking for opportunities to criticise.

The Tories were much harder on pensioners

That's not my point, my point is that instead of changing a few cruel policies Labour will keep them and they will use them to get in the next time ballot boxes are dusted off.

First major policy change? Rob pensioners.

As I said old Labour would have thrown the **** out of his office.
No just the disabled and children. They left the pensioners alone as they are tory bread and butter. Almost forgot about them sending Covid patients back into care homes to infect and kill off as many elderly as possible.

Yes they were cunts. What nobody expected was after suffering fourteen years of austerity and cunts in.power, that a labour government that is supposedly opposed to such policies turns out just as bad as the cunts booted out. Two wrongs don't make a right. What labour has done is a cunts trick no.matter how big the cunts they replaced were. It's like a bully saying to his victim, "I got rid of your last bully who took 50p off you a week. I'm a nice bully I'm only going to take you."

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