The Labour Government

Not a good look at all......

Reeves claimed £4,400 in energy support before axing winter fuel payments.
Whilst obviously the cold weather payment is a bit of an own goal it does seem people are overacting a tad.
Firstly isn't it going to be means tested?
Secondly the government inherited an economy on its knees due to the utter incompetence of the Tories 14 years in office.
They have got to make tough decisions. Given that a lot of pensioners have been fortunate to ride the property gravy train the last 40 years whilst youngsters have a pretty uncertain future, maybe said means testing is not out of order if some of the saved money can go to the more needy.
And finally Elon Musk earnt 68 billion dollars in 2023. The inequality inherent in the current iteration of capitalism is failing us all.
The issue is that politics has been dumbed down so much in recent years many of the electorate base their views on memes and gifs that appear on SM.
Decisions like the one Labour have made are a fucking goldmine for the clowns who don’t care about detail and nuances, they care about the headline.
This thread recently, perfectly encapsulates that with the majority of Tories posting sound bites that I’m sure in their heads sound compelling but are mainly nonsense.
Labour should never have given them the opportunity this early on and that’s on them unfortunately.
Spot on.

They cannot possibly be pleased with how this WFA debacle has been received. They will surely know it was a crap decision. I would imagine teflon Starmer will have been kicking Reeves all over the office about it.

So they were stuck. Cave in and potentially look weak. Or admit they got it wrong and backtrack. Again they chose the wrong option. The country would have warmed to the novelty of a politician saying, sorry we are trying to make the right changes but on reflection we got this one wrong. Instead they went for the "no, we really are cunts" image. Sorry, "no, we really are lying cunts".

I have to say I am enjoying these past few weeks. I could not have hoped it would have gone worse for them than this. Carry on, it's marvellous. 5 more years? 5 more months at this rate.
Why? The riots, the broken prison system that has been exposed, dose of reality as far as the economy is concerned....

If' it's going badly for a party that is in power, whichever party, things are almost certainly going badly for the country as well. Is that really what you want?

I voted to remain in the EU, lost, but at no stage did I want Brexit to be a failure because if it was then we all lost-well apart from those with a vested interest in us coming out. As it is, it is not going well, the economy is 4% lower per annum because of it and the country generally is poorer. not only economically but also the way attitudes have become so entrenched ( as we have seen on here over the WFA).

The attitude of people to actually see the country descend even lower than it was on July 4th is frankl baffling.
Fuck off. I'm sick of hearing about these rises as if they're propelling pensioners into some sort of wealthy nirvana. That an extra £105 a month over two years. At this present time that's £881.80 every four weeks before next year's rise. That's if you're getting the new full state pension. Hardly a cigar and champagne lifestyle is it? Every single bill rises every year which as good as negates every increase almost immediately. If they have a separate private pension they pay tax on it anyway, therefore still contributing to any rises they get in the state pension.
I'm getting sick of cunts blaming pensioners for every single thing wrong with the country today.

Except queues at supermarkets, they can be blamed for them. Never find owt when they get to the till. Not that they’ll be able to afford to go to the supermarket anymore, might go for a bit of warmth
blame is on Tories for all the above, once Labour can reduce the 22 billion black hole then the country and pensioners will be better off - 14 years of Tories have put us in this mess not 2 months of Labour.

Half of the £22bn is down to the public sector pay rises they, rightly or wrongly, doled out.

Stop drinking on the Starmer cool aid.
Time we had a AI government programmed to answer questions honestly , they would need no expenses , no heating allowances, no second homes, no eating and drinking allowances, no daily payments for turning up to go to sleep, no private jets, no ministerial cars, winner winner black hole fixed.

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