The Labour Government

Mr Kobayashi finds person who agrees with him. Well shock horror.

You are not seriously trying to defend this horseshit are you. I mean seriously, you are OK with people on £10k per year having £300 taken off them. Seriously???

It was in my feed, didn't go looking for it.

Were you okay with someone on less than that having their universal credit pushed back by £100 a month?

Mr dad became a state pensioner this year. He'll never get the WFA, I'm still happy with the policy. Pensioners in poverty can be targeted rather than giving out freebies to all old people above a certain age point. Even giving it to pensioners living in warm countries FFS!
Why is a rich labour prime minister having a wealthy donor take his wife shopping, buy her clothes, and buy him glasses?!?

No no no noooooo! I've just heard that Lammy has said that it's all been declared on the register. So that's alright then! Oh no it isn't! It begs the question of WHY does a highly paid couple need someone to come along and buy 'em clothes. Thought the taxpayer was doing that!
Exactly and it was right
I think the big thing with the Poll Tax is that it didn't take into account the value of the property (if memory serves me right). Initially, wasn't it proposed that one person living in a property that would be now in the highest band pay the same as one person in the lowest?
So a millionaire could end up paying the same as someone on a very low wage?
I think the big thing with the Poll Tax is that it didn't take into account the value of the property (if memory serves me right). Initially, wasn't it proposed that one person living in a property that would be now in the highest band pay the same as one person in the lowest?
So a millionaire could end up paying the same as someone on a very low wage?
Not sure pal, I just think a universal payment for every working adult should be paid for local services, when I was single I’d put my bin out every few weeks instead of every week like most families do, therefore I’m using it less should I pay less? I just believe if you’re over 18 and earning you pay a “council” tax, it’s only fair.
Not sure pal, I just think a universal payment for every working adult should be paid for local services, when I was single I’d put my bin out every few weeks instead of every week like most families do, therefore I’m using it less should I pay less? I just believe if you’re over 18 and earning you pay a “council” tax, it’s only fair.
I'd have to Google it, but I'm sure that's what the big "kick off" was about. I think that's why they introduced the bands and the discount.
I do understand the argument you are stating but I think the system we have at the moment is probably the most fair.
And for what it's worth..... live on my own in a studio flat, and use one bin liner a week. ;-)
I get a state pension fuck off with your bollocks and turbo posting shyte to wind older people up.


I wasn't talking about the state pension. I was talking about WFA.

Thanks for confirming I was correct.

What's shameful is the attitude of an increasing amount of older people who have an entitlement beyond the means of the support that can be offered by the working age population. The safety net is only able to exist based on a social contract not entitlement. If older people abuse the social contract, as many have.

when NIMBYs, Tory voters, people deliberately avoiding paying their own care costs, older people can't reasonably expect to get the same benefits or entitlements (which is paid for by the working age population).
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I wasn't talking about the state pension. I was talking about WFA.

Thanks for confirming I was correct.

What's shameful is the attitude of an increasing amount of older people who have an entitlement beyond the means of the support that can be offered by the working age population. The safety net is only able to exist based on a social contract not entitlement.
more of your turbo one.

You sound like a fucking tory

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