The Labour Government

Tax the living fuck out of the likes of Shell and BP and cut the energy costs for everyone. Isn’t that what a Labour government should be for. Fuck this timorous Tory lite shit.
Fair points. (Although in my defence, I did say the Tories made lots of mistakes and some howlers.)

However, Labour have got off to a shockingly awful start IMO.
  • Calling anyone standing around protesting about mass immigration, "far right". I am sure that went down well with the low-pay, high unemployment, red wall constituents!
  • Letting violent criminals out of prison early so they can lock up people who have tweeted
  • No.10 pass for the bloke buying Starmer his suits etc and give hundreds of thousands to the party
  • Labour MPs receiving bungs from unions prior to pay awards
  • No strings attached to IMO in some cases overly generous pay awards
  • Removal of the winter fuel allowance - a really, really stupid move, which, if they actually were genuine about encouraging people to claim pension credit, would actually cost more money than it saves!
I could go on.

Let's see how they get on in coming months and years.
My days:

Firstly, making racist remarks, setting fire to asylum centres is the very definition of right wing.
The Tories had (having broken the prison service like everything else) already begun releasing priosners early. And Labour announced their plans before the riots-as Starmer then said, you cant just build a prison.

A pass that was given for work to be completed and then removed-unlike Johnson's wallpaper, Sunak's tax funded helicopter jaunts.

'Bungs' -as in from a racist like Hestor?
They aren't overly generous-wages are flatter than anytime since the Napoleonic war. We have seen nurses and police officers using foodbanks.

Re fuel allowance-it will actually go up for the most vulnerable-and for the rest who have seen 11% and 7% increases in state pension-they will be means tested. Yes, the cliff edge is something of a concern in cases-but that may be adjusted.
My partners grandma wealth is roughly 650 k , but grandparents worked hard and progress as teachers , she is 95 now he was 98 when he passed last year , there was so careful with money both ended up in care , while people next to them got it free

My dad worked 2 jobs 7 days a week , parents paid mortage off quicker then invested so have done ok , but even now in there 70’s buy cheap food , house is like something from the 80’s

Both of them want to pass money onto children and grand children , why should labour come and try and change that
Because that’s what Labour do. You work hard all your life, do OK and the lefties want to take what little nest egg you have off you so they can piss it away on welfare and benefits scroungers. To them any inherited wealth is evil. It’s envy, jealousy and spite. Nothing more.
Tax the living fuck out of the likes of Shell and BP and cut the energy costs for everyone. Isn’t that what a Labour government should be for. Fuck this timorous Tory lite shit.

can you not see if you do that today then tomorrow you are paying £3 per litre? There are ways of doing it but its complicated and not as simple as you seem to think
You are blinkered though:

The last Tory govt added on average £300 million to national debt every single day for the last 14 years-with v little to show for it.

It is highly likely though that the Tories would have honoured the recommendation of the Independent pay review body (Jenrick for one stated this).

The £11bn aid budget was also agreed by the last Tory govt.

This is largely the right wing press and their paymasters whipping up fear in the public-because they themselves may have to pay more.

A bit like IHT-if your estate is say 1.2million and you are the sole survivor in the marriage for example-and you leave it to your children: you have a tax free allowance of 1 million. You pay 40% on the remainder-so, in this case a tax bill of 80,000-that's hardly preventing your children from getting a 'leg up'. I'd say its a very good deal-the real cost is on the super wealthy-and thats why they want you to be angry about proposed rises in IHT-because it affects them for a change.
IT is basic £325k up to £500k dependent on who receives the estate, it's definitely not £1m.
Because that’s what Labour do. You work hard all your life, do OK and the lefties want to take what little nest egg you have off you so they can piss it away on welfare and benefits scroungers. To them any inherited wealth is evil. It’s envy, jealousy and spite. Nothing more.
Aren’t old people that don’t work not benefit scrounges too?
Fair points. (Although in my defence, I did say the Tories made lots of mistakes and some howlers.)

However, Labour have got off to a shockingly awful start IMO.
  • Calling anyone standing around protesting about mass immigration, "far right". I am sure that went down well with the low-pay, high unemployment, red wall constituents!
  • Letting violent criminals out of prison early so they can lock up people who have tweeted
  • No.10 pass for the bloke buying Starmer his suits etc and give hundreds of thousands to the party
  • Labour MPs receiving bungs from unions prior to pay awards
  • No strings attached to IMO in some cases overly generous pay awards
  • Removal of the winter fuel allowance - a really, really stupid move, which, if they actually were genuine about encouraging people to claim pension credit, would actually cost more money than it saves!
I could go on.

Let's see how they get on in coming months and years.
Don't forget employing Labour party officials as Civil Servants.
I wish all governments would produce an easy to read guide for the voters which shows all the revenues that the Treasury brings in and a breakdown, a breakdown of how it's spent and how much is borrowed etc.

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