The Labour Party

Pretty sure she's of Asian descent, so can say what she wants as she has a dog in the fight.

Never understand how another race can cite what's 'problematic' in that kind of situation as they don't live in their shoes.

She's done nowt wrong in my eyes.
2nd generation Indian I think?

She's coming down to our picket line next week.
You put your statement in no context whatsoever. You should read it again and others have pulled you up on it.

Without unions, we wouldn't have the safety we have now, we wouldn't have the pay we have now, nor the ability to have paid holidays, sickness pay and more besides. Do you think businesses would have freely done any of that?

You were extremely short sighted and have doubled down on your nonsense instead of retracting that statement or reframed it better.

I don't expect it any time soon, either.
The context was the debate prior to the post. You know, the one regarding Lauren Townsend whose main point was that because of her perceived links to the Unions, she had been marginalised for putting herself forward. This was then followed with a post about her being, rightly or wrongly, linked to the Corbyn side of the party. If that isn’t context then I don’t know what is.

You say that ‘others’ have pulled me up and I should’ve retracted the statement whereas the reality is that it was only the person I was debating with, and then you, who used it out of context, to once again attack a position, rather than debating it.

As always, you misjudge/represent people in order to set your ulterior narrative. The reality is that I‘ve voted Labour more than any other party and was in a union for the majority of my early life and would probably still be if I hadn’t have chosen the career that I am currently in. To that, I totally agree with what Labour and the Unions have achieved and want them to continue to fight for our people.

So, in context, I stated my belief that the Unions don’t hold the sway that they once did with the Labour Party, and if you want to argue that point, by all means. Yet, somehow, you have tried to paint me as you do many, as some RW, neolib, fucktard who hasn’t got a clue about the realities of life.

Well, my friend, as always, you are completely wrong. So, the question is, why would somebody do that? Is it for a sense of superiority, for some sort of gratification of trying to put somebody else down? Or, maybe because they have such a low sense of security that they have to belittle others to keep themselves relevant. Maybe just an angry person who believes that they should have been given more than they have? I’m not sure why somebody would do that so I’ll leave the conversation there and await your retort, which I will ‘Like’, to show that I have read it and allow you to decide if you are right, or if you are wrong.
Yes and yes. Not that it’ll do any good mind as I’m in a seat that would happily elect Truss if she stood here, even after the last few weeks.

That being said, I’d happily vote Liberal if the Labour Party were clever enough not to stand here.
Same here, pal.

The question was originally addressed to PP in relation to my last post but is open to all.
The context was the debate prior to the post. You know, the one regarding Lauren Townsend whose main point was that because of her perceived links to the Unions, she had been marginalised for putting herself forward. This was then followed with a post about her being, rightly or wrongly, linked to the Corbyn side of the party. If that isn’t context then I don’t know what is.

You say that ‘others’ have pulled me up and I should’ve retracted the statement whereas the reality is that it was only the person I was debating with, and then you, who used it out of context, to once again attack a position, rather than debating it.

As always, you misjudge/represent people in order to set your ulterior narrative. The reality is that I‘ve voted Labour more than any other party and was in a union for the majority of my early life and would probably still be if I hadn’t have chosen the career that I am currently in. To that, I totally agree with what Labour and the Unions have achieved and want them to continue to fight for our people.

So, in context, I stated my belief that the Unions don’t hold the sway that they once did with the Labour Party, and if you want to argue that point, by all means. Yet, somehow, you have tried to paint me as you do many, as some RW, neolib, fucktard who hasn’t got a clue about the realities of life.

Well, my friend, as always, you are completely wrong. So, the question is, why would somebody do that? Is it for a sense of superiority, for some sort of gratification of trying to put somebody else down? Or, maybe because they have such a low sense of security that they have to belittle others to keep themselves relevant. Maybe just an angry person who believes that they should have been given more than they have? I’m not sure why somebody would do that so I’ll leave the conversation there and await your retort, which I will ‘Like’, to show that I have read it and allow you to decide if you are right, or if you are wrong.


Such a long reply in which you've accused me of being "angry"...!

'The lady doth protest too much' springs to mind!

Let me cut to the actual meat without the pathetic padding of yours...

Ask yourself why you find unions 'irrelevant' in today's world and then ask yourself, since you were in one apparently, should unions be outlawed? If not, why not and if so, why so?

I saw there was no retraction of the statement itself but, cheers.
The tragedy is that while folk on the left argue about this, the Tories get away with the cynical sleight of hand of having admittedly (outwardly at least) the most diverse cabinet ever, whilst implementing some of the most racist/xenophobic policy this side of facism.
The context was the debate prior to the post. You know, the one regarding Lauren Townsend whose main point was that because of her perceived links to the Unions, she had been marginalised for putting herself forward. This was then followed with a post about her being, rightly or wrongly, linked to the Corbyn side of the party. If that isn’t context then I don’t know what is.

You say that ‘others’ have pulled me up and I should’ve retracted the statement whereas the reality is that it was only the person I was debating with, and then you, who used it out of context, to once again attack a position, rather than debating it.

As always, you misjudge/represent people in order to set your ulterior narrative. The reality is that I‘ve voted
Labour more than any other party and was in a union for the majority of my early life and would probably still be if I hadn’t have chosen the career that I am currently in. To that, I totally agree with what Labour and the Unions have achieved and want them to continue to fight for our people.

So, in context, I stated my belief that the Unions don’t hold the sway that they once did with the Labour Party, and if you want to argue that point, by all means.
I've edited out all the angry bits because after all context is what you are after. If all you were doing was pointing out the revelation that unions hold little sway in the Labour Party it would have passed without comment. So here's a reminder of what you actually did say.

If she’s against the main point of Labour getting the vote, then she’s against change.

Very simply, the Unions no longer have the huge sway that they had, they are no longer relevant in this current society.

Things need to change. When people see Sunak as the best alternative then you know things are really wrong. An absolute **** in many books where even his own constituents worry about him.

It will be your choice. Vote for or vote against, you may have that final vote. However, beware of what you vote for, Bluemoon will always have a say ;-)
The line that triggered my response was actually that the unions ......' are no longer relevant in today's society'. Posted at a time when their profile is at its highest level since the 80's.

Now having deciphered the rest of it, I've realised that it's not even the worst line ... that first one was pure drivel.

The last paragraph was your standard fare but with the added twist of 'beware you will be judged over which box you mark '. What's the punishment from this kangaroo court of yours .... endless shit takes?

But given that you insist on reducing your judgement down to voting intentions, regardless of how much weight they carry, I have a couple of questions for you. In your reply to Bigga you suggested that you are or have been a floating voter. Which other parties have you voted for and how did you vote in 2019?
I've edited out all the angry bits because after all context is what you are after. If all you were doing was pointing out the revelation that unions hold little sway in the Labour Party it would have passed without comment. So here's a reminder of what you actually did say.

The line that triggered my response was actually that the unions ......' are no longer relevant in today's society'. Posted at a time when their profile is at its highest level since the 80's.

Now having deciphered the rest of it, I've realised that it's not even the worst line ... that first one was pure drivel.

The last paragraph was your standard fare but with the added twist of 'beware you will be judged over which box you mark '. What's the punishment from this kangaroo court of yours .... endless shit takes?

But given that you insist on reducing your judgement down to voting intentions, regardless of how much weight they carry, I have a couple of questions for you. In your reply to Bigga you suggested that you are or have been a floating voter. Which other parties have you voted for and how did you vote in 2019?
In the past I’ve voted for the Lib Dem’s (twice) and the Tories on one occasion. I also voted to remain but didn’t vote in 2019 as I was abroad at the time, but it would’ve been Labour.

My post isn’t having a pop at anybody, it’s not personal, it’s just my opinion on a subject that is close to my heart. We are living in a country that is being ravaged by a government that is wholly inept and, by accident or design, has dragged everybody into the gutter, leaving millions in poverty with nowhere to turn. That’s not what I want to see for my children and grandchildren. That’s not what I want to see for those millions who are scraping by on the crumbs from the top table. It’s reprehensible how they have treated the working people of this once fine place.

In some ways, this may sound crude but, in my mind I forget about what has happened in the past as I cannot affect what has already happened, instead looking to what I can do for the future. I’m unsure of your personal situation but it seems that you’re probably angry about something and no longer consider the Labour Party as your own. There are many who have the same thoughts but the question for me is always ‘What do you think, not feel, is the best for this country going forward?’, even if it is a choice of a bad bunch.

So, in short, if I have offended you in some way then I apologise, it wasn’t meant and definitely not deserved. My post was in relation to the debate and are genuine thoughts on the current situation.

Have a great day, Blue.
In the past I’ve voted for the Lib Dem’s (twice) and the Tories on one occasion. I also voted to remain but didn’t vote in 2019 as I was abroad at the time, but it would’ve been Labour.

My post isn’t having a pop at anybody, it’s not personal, it’s just my opinion on a subject that is close to my heart. We are living in a country that is being ravaged by a government that is wholly inept and, by accident or design, has dragged everybody into the gutter, leaving millions in poverty with nowhere to turn. That’s not what I want to see for my children and grandchildren. That’s not what I want to see for those millions who are scraping by on the crumbs from the top table. It’s reprehensible how they have treated the working people of this once fine place.

In some ways, this may sound crude but, in my mind I forget about what has happened in the past as I cannot affect what has already happened, instead looking to what I can do for the future. I’m unsure of your personal situation but it seems that you’re probably angry about something and no longer consider the Labour Party as your own. There are many who have the same thoughts but the question for me is always ‘What do you think, not feel, is the best for this country going forward?’, even if it is a choice of a bad bunch.

So, in short, if I have offended you in some way then I apologise, it wasn’t meant and definitely not deserved. My post was in relation to the debate and are genuine thoughts on the current situation.

Have a great day, Blue.
To put your mind at rest, no you haven't offended me in anyway. Although the way you project emotions into my posts, for example 'it seems you are probably angry' , is testing my resolve on that front. I have no issue with the argument that you appear to think you are not getting across in these exchanges. I am fully aware of what the Tories are and the destruction they cause, although it appears you are a late convert to that concept;) I also accept the premise that we need rid of the cunts and there is only one other show in town.

The source of my irritation, because that's all it is, with you is the nature of your responses to anything that doesn't paint the only alternative to this awful government in a favourable light. If you wish to take the view that any discussion of the internal dynamics of Labour is meaningless in terms of the bigger picture that's fine.

But it is a thread titled The Labour Party. Either ignore it or engage with it, its up to you. My issue is you do neither and your replies too often, whether by accident or design, come across as thinly veiled digs that anyone not fully onboard doesn't really care and is overcome by bitterness and resentment. It's the old you lost get over it line that was done to death in another context in recent years.

My children are 24 and 19. I share your concerns going forward. Where we differ is how we view what this potential change represents,particularly with the prospects of their generation in mind. Is it meaningful change or merely a change of management? You appear to believe, or at least want to, that it is the former. I have serious doubts that that is the case.

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