The Labour Party

Don't disagree, they are equally as bad. But trst me. Labour will have this country in a shittier state than it is now.

Oh I can hear the excuses already "look at the poor state of the economy we inherited". The Tories (Cameron and Osborne) dined out on that one for at least five years. I am absolutely certain the Labour failures will usurp the Tory failures (but I still cannot vote Tory).
What's your evidence to suggest Labour will be worse?
You are voting for a party that preaches fantasy economics - just as the same characters did with Brexit. And it’s always about immigration. Brexit was about reducing immigration but Brexit increases immigration. And our public services - or what’s left of them - run on immigrant labour. We’ve been importing immigrant labour since forever and with an aging demographic and a labour shortage, the chancers aim of ‘net zero’ immigration is yet more fantasy. You want more doctors, dentists and teachers? Housing and hospitals built? Any idea where they, and the building labour are coming from? Think they’ll just magically appear overnight all white faced and shiny?

So don’t give me any shit about Labour not being able to run the country when you are voting for a fairy tale.
To be clear. My vote is about getting rid of the Labour MP's in Wales and I will vote for the candidate most likely to do that.

Labour has proven in Wales it cannot run an economy. Yes you can argue about central funding.

If there's no central funding then how the fuck can they justify increasing the Senedd by a further 36 Assembly members? Its all about getting their noses in the trough. An increase of 36 over and above the 60 that are already there.

It's beyond a fucking joke.

No money, cuts in all services all over the place yet an increase of over 55%... please explain.
What's your evidence to suggest Labour will be worse?
I repeat... just look at Wales. In power for over 25 years and the education standards are down, the hospital waiting lists are the longest, GP appointments are nigh on impossible to get. My council tax up by 11% this year with a Labour council.

To be honest I cannot tell you the Tories would be better than Labour by my living experience of Labour is shit and that is why I cannot bring myself to support either of them.

The only credit the Tories can claim is that they unashamedly rob the poor and don't deny it. Labour they just lie... just wait until Sir Keir takes office... you will soon realise he lied and he will blame it upon the state of the country he inherited.

Why can he just not answer a simple questions like..."what do you intend to do with the people on board the Bibi Stockholm and the other thousands waiting to be processed" or at least give his strategic view?
To be clear. My vote is about getting rid of the Labour MP's in Wales and I will vote for the candidate most likely to do that.

Labour has proven in Wales it cannot run an economy. Yes you can argue about central funding.

If there's no central funding then how the fuck can they justify increasing the Senedd by a further 36 Assembly members? Its all about getting their noses in the trough. An increase of 36 over and above the 60 that are already there.

It's beyond a fucking joke.

No money, cuts in all services all over the place yet an increase of over 55%... please explain.

I don’t. The issue of the Welsh Parliament and its proposed voting system change is for the people of Wales. If they don’t like it they can vote Labour out. If the new system is more representative as is claimed then there is a better chance of a new Parliament reflecting any disquiet.

Wales relies heavily on central funding. The ability of the Welsh Gov will depend on the performance of the UK Govt and the finance it provides. Again, if people are unhappy then the new PR voting system should reflect any displeasure.

No where in this does voting for illiterate economic garbage help matters.

Why can he just not answer a simple questions like..."what do you intend to do with the people on board the Bibi Stockholm and the other thousands waiting to be processed" or at least give his strategic view?

Put them into the work force. The health and care sectors need the personnel. Maybe you will get a GP appointment a bit quicker.
They all have Bibi Stockholm syndrome. They know Tories are bastards and make your life worse. It's unfortunate our friend in Wales still hasn't learnt this.
So what will Starmer do with them
That's all I'm asking? Not too difficult surely?
Be careful what you wish for.... Be very careful, 25 years of uninterrupted Labour rule and Wales is broken mess, education poor, longest NHS waiting lists, industry falling apart, corrupt first minister who has accepted corrupt donations, sacked a minister without an inquiry/investigation and deleted evidence around the COVID inquiry... Like I say, be careful what you wish for as according to KS Wales is the blueprint for the UKs future.
I’m not sure you can blame Labour 14 years of the Tories allocating funds from central government it can’t be helping very much, same as you my sister in Newport Wales is planning on voting Conservative because of the Labour Party. Recons they are all corrupt.

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