The Perfect Pushup...

we use them at our boxing gym and they do make the push up harder to do but like someone else as said you will only do as many as you can do if its 50 normal one off the floor or 25 with them
GStar said:
Probably already mentioned but diet and nutrition makes up over 70% of your end results.

You could do 1,000,000 "perfect pressups" everyday but without the right nutrition and rest your not going to see any kind of results.

this is the one part of the whole "keep fit" thing that i am absoloutely shite at.

i wish i had more knowledge but despite reading about it, i find it so hard to take in and understand.

i don't over eat, or eat badly or anything, in fact i eat quite healthily, but i dont gear my meals or intake of food to my work out plan, am i going wrong? i just have no idea what foods i should be eating before and after work out really.

i cant be doing with this whole six small meals thing.

the way i see it, i don't work out to look good (god blessed me in that department) but rather because i like keeping fit and stuff. but i guess diet would still affect that.

any pointers GStar?
and wow, there's a bit more dick waving and posturing than the last time i came to this thread, lets not get into that, this could be a useful post to some of us.

as for the "push up"/"press up" thing, seriously does it matter? the thread starter was referring to the product, and i probably added fuel to the fire by keeping on calling them "push ups", i used to live in the states so my apologies, but again, does it matter?
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
last time I heard they were called press ups-you bunch of crows.

interesting choice of word. but you aren't there now so leave it out huh?
roaminblue said:
this is the one part of the whole "keep fit" thing that i am absoloutely shite at.

i wish i had more knowledge but despite reading about it, i find it so hard to take in and understand.

i don't over eat, or eat badly or anything, in fact i eat quite healthily, but i dont gear my meals or intake of food to my work out plan, am i going wrong? i just have no idea what foods i should be eating before and after work out really.

i cant be doing with this whole six small meals thing.

the way i see it, i don't work out to look good (god blessed me in that department) but rather because i like keeping fit and stuff. but i guess diet would still affect that.

any pointers GStar?

I'll start by saying i've no PhD in Nutritional Science :)

The six small meals thing seems pretty common standard within health and fitness circles, but from experience, its not 6 actual meals more meals and supplementation... still having Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner but with perhaps Protien and fruit.nuts inbetween each one.

If you want to get more into it; 1gram of protien per lb of bodyweight is the general consensus if you're trying to gain/maintain lean mass. Carbs are you're friend too, mainly complex; brown rice, brown bread, baked potatos, oatmeal etc Polyunsaturated fats are the good kind; from food like fish oils, peanut butter etc and little bit a day is supposed to be good for you too.

If you want to get even more into it, you want to try and eat your bodyweight (in lb's) x 15 per day calorie wise. So a 10st male (140 lbs) would need to eat around 2100 calories a day.

Generally speaking, there are 4cal per gram of Protien, 25% of your daily calorie intake should come from protien, that's 525cal which works out at around 132g. Similarly there is also 4cal per gram of Carb, around 60% of your daily intake should come from carbs, thats 1260cal 315g of carbs. Finally, you get 9cal per gram of fat, 15% of your daily intake here gives you 315cal which is around 35g of fat (the good kind).

Put all that together and you can make your own meal plans by dividing that information up into how many meals your having a day, looking round for the right types of food to eat etc.

It seems like it's quite technical but its really not, if you can get into the mindset of food being fuel for your body as opposed to food=taste then you'll stroll it. But thats the whole thing, will power, i'm not sure how well i'd personally be able to stick to something like that in the long run, allthough i remember someone tell ing me once; "If i eat 42 balanced meals a week, if i cheat on two of them, i'll have very little repercussion."

If you need anymore explaining i'll try my best, but like i said im no Sports Nutritionist, so everything i've written is open to scrutiny.

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