The Post General Election Thread

What was Harman waffling on about "We are going to be effective opposition" Tell me again How many MP's have they got? she is having a laugh. even a mauling in the poles hasn't brought any realism to their think the whole fvcking party is truly deluded.

No wonder Cameron said she should have the job full time, said:
What was Harman waffling on about "We are going to be effective opposition" Tell me again How many MP's have they got? she is having a laugh. even a mauling in the poles hasn't brought any realism to their think the whole fvcking party is truly deluded.

No wonder Cameron said she should have the job full time,

She is shockingly bad, seen her in PMQs and was absolutely awful. Loved it when she got absolutely rinsed by William Hague during.

It's amazing how those on the right wing bleat on about 'aspiration' and yet are fully behind policies that attack workers rights and existing contracts.
Wake up FFS.
Those same rights were once the 'aspiration' of many and they got them.
Blue Maverick said:
Lucky13 said:
malg said:
Doesn't make it right though. I know nurses who do 4 nightshifts, have one day off and are back on long days. The day off is laughable as they've already worked 8.5 hours of that day. But they go home, get some sleep, and are back in at 8.30 the next morning, on a 12 hour shift. I realise those in the private sector have it hard, but I'm sure they get paid enhancements for overnight work.

Whether we agree with it or not we now live and work 24/7 , generous night shift payments are a thing of the past.

The NHS needs to evolve and Dave has promised the funds to do this , compare this to the Socialist weaponising at the Election and it's plain to see why Dave is PM.
I hate this myth the world is 24/7, well when I'm in nights i can't walk into a bank and talk about my mortgage, how about popping to the Trafford centre at 4am, nope that's not open, you take away these payments from the nurses and see how poorly they really are paid. Like most have said most night shifts attract an enhancement because no one in their right mind would want to work nights they are fucking awful. I know I've done them since I was 18 years old and can't wait till I never have to do them or a weekend again.
As for urmstons comments well I've come to expect it from him just ignore him he will go away eventually.

BM Agree with you about nights , I've worked them and are not recommended.

I accept that 24/7 is a generalisation , but it is heading that way , more Banks are opening on Saturdays now, I work in retail , major Supermarkets do 24hr opening and Sundays, i'd be interested to see a post off someone who worked for one , to see their night shift premium , Sundays are paid at normal rate .

Look on any jobs website and you'll see that shift allowances are becoming less common .

I can't help but notice that despite all the Save the NHS tub thumping during the Election , the only thing people are complaining about is nurses shift allowance , the Socialists should be ashamed of their scare mongering .
mackenzie said:
It's amazing how those on the right wing bleat on about 'aspiration' and yet are fully behind policies that attack workers rights and existing contracts.
Wake up FFS.
Those same rights were once the 'aspiration' of many and they got them.

I think it must be "aspiration to exploit"

An end to child labour, sick leave, weekends off, holiday entitlement, health and safety, the minimum wage, equal pay act and so much more, all these things just dropped off the trees, granted by benevolent employers out of the goodness of their heart.

Let's see what happens where these hard fought rights don't exist....

The hundreds of migrant workers dying as a brand new Qatar is built

"It began with a steady flow of coffins through the arrivals hall at Kathmandu airport. In departures, hundreds of thousands of young men were leaving their lives in Nepal to provide for their families as the human capital fuelling a multibillion-dollar construction boom in the neighbouring Gulf states. In arrivals, on a daily basis, some of their predecessors were being unloaded from the cargo hold in coffins....

workers, having paid fees to often unscrupulous middlemen, were facing horrendous conditions upon arrival in the emirate to work. Wages were often lower than billed, living quarters were often inhuman, working conditions were demanding at best, and outrageous, dangerous – and even fatal – at worst."

More than 500 Indian workers have died in Qatar since 2012, figures show said:
malg said:
I have no idea what 'generous nightshift payments' are. I was overnights manager in Sainsbury's, and they paid very good night rates, so it's not just the public sector. I'm not arguing public v private here, and I've long argued that Labour labouring the point about the Tories privatising the NHS is a shite tactic, Burnham needs fucking hanging out to dry about PFI. However, where I will argue is when people say that workers shouldn't be paid an enhancement for working overnights, unsocial hours and weekends. The only c**ts who make out of that are those who are already coining it in.

One of the great things about living in this country is if you don't like your job or what you are paid you can always change it. If you feel, like a lot of the left wingers. that all the bosses are making a fortune off the back of the workers. Then when you give up your crap job you can become your own boss and set up your own business and gain all those rewards for yourself. You can then pay all your staff £15.00 hour and give them 10 weeks holiday a year and in no time at all you will be worth millions as you will have a hugely motivated work force.
Go out and do it it's dead easy honest.
Or we can remove the unsocial hours allowance & when the young nurses emigrate to Australia bring in east European nurses
mackenzie said:
The perfect fumble said:
urmston wrote:
An insulated, privileged and generously treated public sector workforce is also likely to become increasingly out of touch with the people they are paid to serve.

Give me strength!
Unbelievable isn't it.
Tell you what Urmston. Why don't I bring my paramedic daughter round to yours, while you explain that she shouldn't be getting a penny extra for the eight 12 hour shifts she'll have done in 10 days by Bank Holiday Monday at various times.

Dealing with calls like the 16 year old who has chucked himself off the top of a shopping centre and has smashed himself to pieces but is still alive when they get there. Or the 19 year old who has been discovered by her parents dead by her own hand in their kitchen. Or the body that's laid there undiscovered for a week, covered in maggots and with bits dropping off.

Then, when she's listened to your nonsense, she can treat your injuries.
If you sign up for a job where you knwo you will be working shifts why should you get a shift allowance?
law74 said: said:
malg said:
I have no idea what 'generous nightshift payments' are. I was overnights manager in Sainsbury's, and they paid very good night rates, so it's not just the public sector. I'm not arguing public v private here, and I've long argued that Labour labouring the point about the Tories privatising the NHS is a shite tactic, Burnham needs fucking hanging out to dry about PFI. However, where I will argue is when people say that workers shouldn't be paid an enhancement for working overnights, unsocial hours and weekends. The only c**ts who make out of that are those who are already coining it in.

One of the great things about living in this country is if you don't like your job or what you are paid you can always change it. If you feel, like a lot of the left wingers. that all the bosses are making a fortune off the back of the workers. Then when you give up your crap job you can become your own boss and set up your own business and gain all those rewards for yourself. You can then pay all your staff £15.00 hour and give them 10 weeks holiday a year and in no time at all you will be worth millions as you will have a hugely motivated work force.
Go out and do it it's dead easy honest.
Or we can remove the unsocial hours allowance & when the young nurses emigrate to Australia bring in east European nurses

That has some very poor Racist undertones. I am sure there are already plenty of East European Nurses already doing a very good job within the NHS. And I agree it is the right of any worker to move to improve their lot and it doesn't really matter where they go.
Cheesy said:
If you sign up for a job where you knwo you will be working shifts why should you get a shift allowance?


a) it makes it harder to live a "normal" life

b) it takes years off your life expectancy

so there needs to be an incentive to do it.

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